Surroundings (Benedict Cumberbatch)

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"Mommy." You heard sniffles and felt a tug on your pajamas pant's leg. You looked down from your computer at your three year old Daughter staring up at you, Tears in her eyes.

"What's wrong?" You picked her up quickly and sat her in your lap. She immediately wrapped her short arms around your neck and sobbed. "Baby girl, Tell me what's wrong." You pulled her away from you slightly, So you could see her face. Her cheeks were wet from tears.

"I miss daddy." Her bottom lip poked out and her eyes were starting to fill with tears again. "Baby, He's going to be back tomorrow." You smiled reassuringly, But this didn't make her any happier. "I want him here now!" She cried even harder and laid her head onto your shoulder.

After a few moments of her crying, She finally calmed down. "Do you want to call him?" You pulled your phone out your pocket as you felt her nod her head.

You dialed your husbands number and put it on speaker as it rang.

"Hello?" A familiar voice rang through the speakers of your phone. The thing was, It wasn't your husbands. "Martin, Hey." You smiled, Even though he couldn't see you. Martin and Benedict have been with each other a lot lately, Mainly because they're recording season four of Sherlock. "Martin!" Your daughter's mood went from sad to excited in a second. She always loved talking to Martin. "Kyleigh! How's my girl?" You couldn't help but giggle at the excitement in Martin's voice. "Bad." Kyleigh replied, Her voice not as excited as before. "And why is that?" Martin asked.

"Because Daddy loves you more than me!" Your daughter threw her arms up in the air as she groaned.

You and Martin busted out laughing at this. She was highly wrong. Benedict loved her more than anything. Probably even more than you. "That's not true." Martin's voice came through the speakers.

"Then why is he there with you and not me?" Kyleigh asked, She was definitely confused.

There was a shuffling noise on the other side of the line, Then it went silent. Your daughter looked up at you and your shrugged your shoulders. "Hello?" You said. "Hellllloooooo?" You drug the word out this time, Then with three beeps on the phone, The call ended.

"You two really should pay more attention to your surroundings." You and your daughter jumped as you heard a voice behind you. You spun around in your chair to face your husband and Martin.

"Daddy!" Kyleigh immediately jumped out of your lap and ran to Benedict.

While Ben and Kyleigh were hugging and talking, You looked at Martin with a confused look on your face. "And where did you two come from?" You giggled and stood up from your chair. "I thought you were supposed to be back tomorrow?" You walked over to Martin and gave him a quick hug. You haven't seen him in a few months, So it was nice seeing him. "Filming ended early." He shrugged.

"Wait!" Kyleigh shouted, Catching everyone's attention. She squirmed out of Benedict's arms. "I'm mad at you." She put her hands on her hips as she looked up at your husband. "You love Marty more than me." She poked her bottoms lip out. "Back to that name, Are we?" Martin chuckled and Kyleigh shot him a glare. If looks could kill, Martin would be dead. Super dead.

"Do you really think that?" Benedict picked Kyleigh up, No matter her struggles of trying to get away from him. "Me? Love Martin? Come on! Look how short he is!" Benedict pointed at Martin and everyone laughed, Including Kyleigh. "Back with the short jokes. Great." Martin mumbled and you giggled.

"I love you more than anything." Benedict looked back at Kyleigh and kissed her cheek. "Okay." She smiled and kissed his cheek. "I love you too, Daddy."

-Written and Edited by @JoeyGraceffaBiches-

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