Expecting (Tom Hiddleston)

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Tom's POV

I was just cleaning up the house while Y/N was out with Ben and his fiancé for lunch. I went into the restroom to change out the trash bin.

I picked up the trash can and saw something interesting. It looked like a white stick. I picked it up and I was surprised to see that it was a pregnancy test.

I looked at the test and it was positive. Oh my gosh! Y/N is pregnant! I am going to be a dad! I have to call Y/N! I rushed out of the bathroom and grabbed the phone.

No I should wait till she gets back. I just can't believe it!

-Your POV-

You were coming back from lunch with Ben and Sophie. You invited them up for tea in your flat. You just hope that your husband was done cleaning.

You opened the door and invited Sophie and Ben in. Tom came out from the bedroom and smiled.

"Hey babe." You smiled. "Hello mum." Tom said with a smile. "What?" you asked with a chuckle. He held up a pregnancy test and your face got red. You looked back at Sophie who was wearing a harder blush.

"I can't believe we are going to be parents!" Tom said giving you a hug lifting you in the air. Tom gave you a long kiss. When you separated Ben walked over to you both and smiled.

"Congrats mate." Ben said slapping Tom on the shoulder. You grabbed Tom's face and smiled.

"Tom, love, I'm not pregnant." You said sadly. Tom's smile turned into a frown. "What do you mean? I found this in the trash." Tom said holding the pregnancy test. You grabbed the pregnancy test and handed it to Ben.

"This belongs to Sophie." You grinned. Ben looked at Sophie. "Is this true?" Ben asked. Sophie nodded with tears in her eyes. "Oh my gosh." Ben said hugging Sophie. "You're gonna be a father." Sophie said with a smile.

A tear rolled down Ben's face. You hugged Tom and looked up at him. "You okay?" you asked Tom. "Yeah. I'm okay." He hugged you back as you both watched Ben and Sophie celebrate their great news.

-Edited by @joeygraceffabiches-
Congrats to Benedict and Sophie on the baby! Benedict I am so happy for you! I wish the best for you and Sophie as you start this new adventure of marriage!

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