Snow Day (Benedict Cumberbatch)

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You were asleep in your bed wrapped up in a million warm blankets. You were awakened by the whistle of a teapot.

You sat up and rubbed your eyes. You got out of bed and walked into the kitchen to find your husband cooking breakfast. He looked up at you and smiled.

"Good morning, love." He walked over to you and gave you a kiss. "Morning." You said groggily as you were still only half awake. "Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." He said as he took the teapot off the stove.

"No, it's no trouble. It was about time I got up. I need to start getting ready for work." You sat down at the kitchen table and yawned.

"You really have just woken up." Ben chuckled. "What's so funny?" You asked him. "Go look outside." He pointed towards the window. You made your way to the window and pulled back the curtain.

You were greeted with a very white London. There had to be at least 8 inches of snow on the ground. It's truly going to be a white Christmas.

"Well I can't let a little snow stop me from getting to work." You shrugged and poured yourself a cup of tea. "Y/N, there are no cabbies out today in this kind of weather." Ben made a point.

"Then I'll take the train." You bit your lip. You wanted to win this battle. "Absolutely not. I will not have you out in this weather." Ben said protectively. You looked at him for a minute then sighed.

"Okay fine, I will stay but I have to call my boss and tell him I am not coming in." You picked up the phone. "No need, I have already called." Benedict said with a mischievous smile. You put down the phone and looked at Ben.

"Ben you can't do that!" You yelled jokingly. "So bloody what! I just called your job and told them you were taking a sick day." He said as he wrapped his arms around your waist from behind.

"Well then I guess we are having a snow day." You said and turned around to wrap your arms around Ben's neck.

"It does look that way doesn't it." Ben smiled. "So what did you want to do?" You asked, not being able to help the small smile forming onto your lips. "Nothing really. We can start up the fireplace, drink tea, watch Christmas specials."
He suggested to you.

You put your finger on your chin while you thought about it. You looked up at him and smiled. "I like that idea."

Ben bent down and kissed you on the forehead. "Good because I wasn't taking no for an answer." Ben chuckled.

-Edited by @joeygraceffabiches-

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