On Your Left (Chris Evans)

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"You want me to do what?" You asked your boyfriend.

"I want you to teach me how to run." He said as he sat next to you on the comfy bed.

"I have been trying to get you to run with me for years! Why all of a sudden you want to run with me?" You giggled as you tied your shoes.

"I need to run really fast in the next movie I am going to be in, So please babe you're the fastest runner I know." He was trying to convince you.

"Okay, fine. I will let you run with me but you have to keep up." You smiled.


You two were in the park that you always go to in the mornings to run. You were on the track team in high school, So this was fun for you. You loved it.

You started to stretch out your arms and legs. Chris looked at you and mirrored your movements, A look of concentration on his face.

You were about to put your earphones in, But you got interrupted when Chris asked you a question.

"Wait, How long are we running for?" he asked you. You looked at him and grinned.

"Just try to keep up with me." You giggled before you began to run. He blinked then started to run after you.

Chris was pushing to hard in the first lap so he started to get slower. You were on your 3rd lap while he was still on his 2nd. As you passed by him you giggled and yelled, "On your left." With a smile.

You did 7 laps in all, On your 8th lap you noticed that you did not pass Chris. You looked around until you noticed him sitting under a tree.

You walked over to him and handed him a water bottle.

He looked up at you and smiled gratefully before taking the bottle of water.

"Thanks." He immediately opened the bottle and began to drink.

"That was a good run....... I mean, if you want to call that running." You giggled as you took a sip of your water.

"Thanks for the help, Babe." He wiped the sweat off his face.

"Don't worry, By the time you have to shoot that scene you will look like a track star." You grinned.

So every morning from then on you two ran, Helping him learn how to pace himself. Sadly you could not be there on set when they filmed the scene, but Chris says that he did great.

He told you that you will see when he takes you to the premiere.

-7 months later-

You were sitting in the theater next to Chris and Scarlett.

The running scene came on in the beginning of the movie. Chris nudged you and smiled as you watched him run. You were impressed. He actually looked like a super soldier.

When you got home from the premiere Chris turned to you and smiled. "So, What did you think?" he asked you eagerly.

You kissed him and smirked.

"The student has now become the master."

-Edited by @JoeyGraceffaBiches-

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