The Partee. (Benedict Cumberbatch)

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"You need to get out the house." Belle, your best friend, stood in front of you with her hands on her hips. "But this bed is so comfortable and the fridge is here and my lapto-" You were cut off, "You're getting out the house tonight whether you like it or not. You and Jack broke up months ago, So build a bridge, And skip on over it." She walked over to your, very messy, closet and picked out some Items of clothing.

"Fine." You groaned and stood up out of bed. Belle glanced up at you and her blue eyes widened, "Oh god, Y/N, Go take a shower." Her nose crinkled up and you rolled your eyes. "Yes mother." You groaned sarcastically and you heard Belle laugh.

You went to the bathroom and took a shower, Washing all of your body and your dark brown hair. Once you got out you brushed your teeth and wrapped a towel around you before walking back into your bedroom.

"Here." Belle held a plain short-sleeve navy blue shirt out to you, along with a pair of light-blue jean shorts. "Where are we even going?" You asked as you grabbed the clothes from her.

"The Partee." She smiled.

"Really? A bar? Of course." You groaned as you walked over to your drawer and got under-clothing.

You walked into the bathroom and got ready to go.


About thirty minutes later, You and Belle were pulling into the packed parking lot of The Partee.

You two got out and walked along the cement until you made it to the door of the building, Receiving a few 'Damn's along the way. You walked in and the aroma of alcohol filled your nose, Almost making you gag.

You have to admit, Seeing the way guys stared at you, Gave you an extra sway in your hips. But at the same time, It made you feel super awkward. You aren't the most social person out there.

"Belle, Hey babe!" Drake, Belle's boyfriend, walked up to Belle and automatically started making out with her.

After about five minutes of them sucking each other's faces off, you figured they weren't going to stop anytime soon so you began walking around. Nothing really caught your attention. The only thing exciting going on was the super drunk chick singing to karaoke. But to be honest, It gave you a headache.

You then seen a big bright red light that spelled out 'EXIT' right above the back door of the building. You pushed past people to try and make it to the door, But you tripped on someone else's foot and began falling to the ground. You slammed your eyes shut and got prepared for the collision between your body and the floor. After waiting for a few seconds and you weren't crashing against the floor, You cracked your eyes opened and realized someone had caught you. "Shit," You mumbled and pulled yourself up on the person. "I'm sorry." You mumbled without looking up and started immediately walking away, Trying to get away from that awkward encounter. "Wait," You felt a hand grip lightly on your arm and you immediately got swung around. You somehow managed to lose balance and fall right into the chest of this person. "I'm so sorry." You put your hands on the chest you were currently lying on and pushed up a bit, Regaining balance on your feet.

You looked up and immediately all the breath in your body had been sucked out of you. "Hi," The man in front of you spoke and you were almost one thousand percent sure he was the most gorgeous guy you had ever seen in your life. "Uh, Hi." You giggled nervously. Your eyes darted over to the bright red light again. "I think I'm going to go outside." You started walking towards the door. "I was just thinking the same thing, Love." You felt the man walking beside you as you pushed through the crowd. For some reason you didn't mind it though.

You went to reach for the handle of the door but the guy pushed it open before you could. You smiled before walking through and letting the cold air hit you.

You sighed as you realized no one was around, Just you and chilly winter air. Well it was just the two of you until, "Benedict." Rang through your ears. You looked up beside you to see the man smirking down at you. I guess he realized your confused face as he began to explain. "The name is Benedict." He chuckled and you nodded. "Oh, Y/N." You smiled.

"Cool, I know someone with that name." He shrugged and you nodded your head, Not knowing what to say. The silence took over the two of you, And you must say, It was quite awkward. "You see that?" Benedict asked as he pointed to a Coffee shop across the road. "Yeah?" You looked up at the smiling man. The way the moon light was shining it casted the perfect shadow onto his face and made him look well, Perfect.

"Did you hear me?" He snapped you out of your trance. "Wait, What? No." You shyly turned away, Avoiding his gaze. "That coffee shop, Let's go to it." You seen him smiling down at you and you looked back up. "My buddys are inside, But I can ditch them." He shrugged and you laughed, "What a badass, Ditching your friends to go to a coffee shop!" You couldn't stop the laughs escaping your lips and soon he started laughing too. "Okay miss smartass, Do you want to go back in there? Cause we can." He pointed to the back door you two had came out of moments ago. "No, No. The coffee shop sounds great." You giggled. "Alright then." He nodded his head and started walking towards the shop. You followed close behind, Smiling. You didn't know exactly why you were smiling, but you were.

That smile quickly turn Into a look of horror as you went falling towards the ground again. You groaned in pain as your body collided with the cement. "Are you okay?" Benedict immediately helped you onto your feet again. "Yeah." You brushed your clothes off.

You narrowed your eyes at him as you heard a chuckle escape his lips. "And what is just so funny to you?" You asked and he smirked, "I just get this feeling," You were taken back when you were lifted into his arms bridal style. "That you're really clumsy."

"Possibly," You put your arms around his neck to get comfortable. "Or these heels are just way to tall for any human being."

-Written and Edited by @JoeyGraceffaBiches-

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