Red Shirt (Pavel Chekov)

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You were working in the Medbay as usual. You were helping Dr.Mccoy with inventory of medicine when your boyfriend walked in.

"Hey Y/N." You heard your boyfriend say from behind you. You smiled and turned to face him. "Hey pa...What are you wearing?" You asked as you looked at your boyfriends red shirt.

"I know isn't it great?" He said with a smile. He wrapped his arms around your waist and went in for a kiss but you put your hand in front of his lips.

"Why are you wearing a red shirt?" you asked. "Kaptin assigned me to be assistant officer to Scotty. Isn't zat great?" He asked with a smile again.

You looked around the Medbay and pulled Chekov to the side. "Pavel you went to school to become a ensign not a engineer." You said worried that your boyfriend has made a mistake.

"Ya zhat is true but I also minored in engineering." he said. "You just went from ensign to assistant." you said raising a eyebrow. "You are a assistant." he pointed out.

"Yeah, in Medicine. That is way higher up than engineering." You whined. "Y/N, what is really going on here?" Chekov asked you. You looked around before looking up at your boyfriend.

"You don't remember what people would say at the academy?!" you whispered. Chekov shrugged his shoulders and shook his head no.

"Red shirts die first." You said as you tugged at your boyfriends shirt. Chekov smiled and kissed you on the forehead. "Thank you for your worry but I will be fine. You know why?" he asked.

You shook your head. He lifted up your chin and smiled. "Because I have the best doctor ever." he said, about to give you a kiss.

"Damn right!" you heard Bones yell. You both jumped and looked over at Bones.

"Both of you assistants get back to your jobs." Bones smiled. "Yep. Right away." Chekov said giving you a kiss before he left the Medbay.

You picked up your pad and continued your work. "It is partly true." Bones said while working. "Red shirts are hurt more than anyone else on the ship because they take certain risks to keep this ship running. Don't worry about Chekov he'll be fine." Bones said before he left you to go deal with a patient.

"I hope you're right Bones." you said to yourself.

-Edited by:JoeyGraceffaBiches-

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