Home For the Holidays (Tom Hiddleston)

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You were sitting in the living room with your two daughters. Your youngest daughter, Sophie, was sitting in your lap. Your oldest daughter, Cathy, was snuggled into your side.

You all were watching a Christmas Special while you waited for Tom to come home. He said that he would be home before Christmas but, with every hour passing, your hopes start dwindling.

You all jumped when you heard your phone ring. Your girls looked up at you and smiled. You pulled out you phone and it was Tom. You put it on speaker and answered the phone.

"Hello Tom!" You smiled widely.

"Hello love, can you hear me?" Tom asked over the noise in the back ground. "Yes dear we can hear you. Are you almost home?" you asked.

"About that.. I know I told you I would be home before Christmas but, um, my flight has been delayed." Tom said sadly.

Your smile turned into a frown. You looked at the girls who looked like they were about to cry. "But dad you promised that we would be together for the holidays!" Cathy yelled angrily with tears in her eyes.

"I know sweetheart and I am so sorry." Tom sounded like he was getting choked up. Cathy got up and ran to her room in tears.

"Cathy!" you yelled. You heard her bedroom door slam. Sophie grabbed the phone from you and put it up to her little ear.

"Daddy when are you gonna be home?" she asked. "Tomorrow evening darling." He said sadly. "Ok daddy love you." Sophie said. I heard a sniffle over the phone. "Love you too sweetheart." Tom said.

Sophie handed the phone back to me and wrapped her small arms around me.

"Tom..." You said sadly. "Yes love?" he asked. "Stop making promises you can't keep, okay?" You said with a tear running down your face.

"I love you Y/N." Tom said. "I love you too Tom." you said before you hung up.

You looked down at your daughter and smiled. "Okay it is time for bed." Sophie nodded. You picked her up and walked to her room.

You laid her down in her bed and pulled the covers over her.

"Good night Sophia." You planted a kiss on her forehead. "Night mommy." she said as she closed her eyes.

You left her room and closed her door not knowing that the 3 year old was still wide awake, Worried about her father.

You went to your room and fell asleep.

*Sophie's POV*

I opened my eyes and looked at the clock. It said 10:50pm. I got up out of bed and opened my door slowly. I looked around and no one was there.

I walked down the hall and into the living room. I sat in front of our Christmas tree and started to pray.

*3rd person POV*

Little did Sophie know that someone was in the house listening to her every word.

*Tom's POV*

I feel so bad about lying to my family. My flight was not delayed I was actually leaving the airport heading to our home. I just wanted to surprise them when I walked threw the door. I did not mean to make anyone cry.

I thought to myself as I wiped my own tears. I pulled up to our flat and I parked my car.

I took the elevator up to our floor. The elevator opened and I walked to our front door. I made sure to open the door without making a sound.

I closed the door and looked around. Everyone was asleep. I was about to go wake up Y/N, but I saw someone in front of the Christmas tree.

It was Sophia. She had her hands together and her eyes closed. She was praying. I stood a distance away and watched my daughter as she spoke to God.

"Dear God, Its me Sophia. Tomorrow is your son's birthday. We were suppose to celebrate it together but, my daddy is not here. He was working on a movie and he was gonna come home but his plane was broken."

Tom smiled at his daughter. She did not understand what delayed meant.

"So can you bring my daddy home on a good plane that won't brake? I really miss my daddy. I have not seen him in forever. Mommy misses him to and so does my sister." Sophie said wiping her eyes.

I think she is crying. "I don't want anything for Christmas. I just want my daddy." she sobbed. I walked up behind and tapped her on her shoulder.

"It's okay sweetheart daddy is here." I said crying myself. She looked up and smiled. "Daddy!" She yelled as I picked her up in a hug. "It's okay, I'm here." I said patting her on her back.

I turned around and saw Cathy rubbing her eyes tiredly.

"Daddy?" she asked surprised. "Hi Catharine." I said with a smile. "Daddy!" she said running over to hug me. I held both of my girls and smiled.

I missed them so much. "Tom?" I looked up and saw Y/N.

"Y/N." I said with a smile. She ran over to me and gave me a loving kiss which I returned. "Merry Christmas Love." I said happily surrounded by my family.

I love being home for the holidays.

-Edited by @joeygraceffabiches-

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