College Bound(Anton Yelchin)

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You got out of the cab with all of your things and you looked at your new school. You looked down at the paper with your dorm number on it and looked around for the direction your dorm was in. Once you found the direction, you picked up your bag and started wheeling it towards your dorm.

You were on your way toward your dorm when your phone suddenly chimed. You took your phone out of your pocket and looked to see who had texted you. You smiled when you realized it was your Mom.

Hey dear hope you have a great time in college. Be good!

-Mom <3

As you started to reply to your mom you bumped into someone. You fumbled and fell on to the floor. You looked up to see who you had bumped into.

It was a guy and he was holding a vintage camera, Also he had really curly hair.

"I am so sorry." You said as you gathered your things.

"No please, no apologies I should have been paying attention instead of snapping pics." He said as he helped you gather your things. He picked up the paper with your dorm number on it.

"Hey! You are in room 233?" He asked.

"Yeah, why?" You asked as he helped you up. "My room is 234. We're neighbors!" he said with a chuckle.

"Cool nice to meet you neighbor, my name is Y/N." You said as you shook his hand.

"Anton Yelchin, nice to meet you too. May I show you the way, Neighbor?" he asked offering his arm.

"Sure, Neighbor." you laughed as you took his arm.

"So what is your major?" He asked you.

"___________" You smiled proudly. "Very interesting." He said sarcastically. You nudged him on his arm.

"Well what is your major smart guy?" You giggled.

"Theatre arts and Photography." He answered, A grin plastered on his face.

"That explains the camera." You said and pointed at his camera. "Yep this is my baby." He said as the two of you approached your dorm rooms.

"Well here's your room." He smiled and pointed at you door. "Thanks for walking me." You smiled back at him. "No problem." He said as he walked over to his room.

"I look forward to living next to you, Neighbor." He said before he went into his room.


You smiled to yourself.

-Edited by @JoeyGraceffaBiches.-

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