Chapter 1

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Last time- "So Mackenzie whats the special occasion?"
"Do we need a special occasion to go out to dinner?"
"I guess not but you seem a lot more happy than normal."
"Well I'm a lot more nervous!"
"I have my test results to see if I'm back into the field!"
"Great, what does it say?"I opened it and I started reading it-
"SPENCER I-I'm-I'm back in the field!"
"You scared me there for a bit, it was like you were waiting for another chapter!"
" I'm very confused!"
"Never mind-I'm happy that we'll be working cases together again!"
"I still see you!"
"It's not the same!"
"Oh whatever-but I'm back in the field!" I said jumping up and down in my seat. We ate dinner and we laughed than we went home, but this time he went to his apartment, and I went to mine.
Now- The next day was the day that I was going to tell the team that I'm back in the field, and I went to Spencer's so we could go to work, he seemed off. When we got in the car he didn't say anything, he was up to something! We finally made it to a red light so I saw an opportunity to say something!"Spencer whats going on?"
"Spencer something is up, you didn't give me a long answer!"
"One moment I have to ask Hotch something!"
"Ook?" He sent a text to Hotch and he pulled over to a coffee shop. We went in and got coffee, but I still was very confused, so we sat down at the table closest to the register."Spencer I know for a fact right now something is up!"
"What do you mean?"
"We never sit here!"
"Fine, I was told I could tell you now!"
"Tell me what?"
"Well when you were in the hospital they thought you wouldn't recover so they started looking for a replacement-when we would go on a case she would normally be with us."
"SO YOU REPLACED ME?"The other people in the coffee shop started staring at me, and I didn't really care all that much.
"She would only be here if you're not!"
"BUT-Spencer, why?"
"We needed someone there!"
"What about Morgan? Is he getting one?"(Yes this is the point where he left! SO SAD!)
"You're right but-he's harder to find someone to replace him, I don't know if we can!"
"I was going to go to work, I'm not sure though."
"You can't just skip a day, we need you."
"Well you were doing just fine with my replacement!"
"She wasn't your replacement, she was just there since you couldn't be out in the field!"
"Who is it?"
"Miranda, we all knew that we could trust her out in the field with us."
"(Mackenzie calm down you're making a scene, plus it's not a big deal.)"
"Mackenzie you're talking to yourself again!"
"Excuse mah, I'm talking!"
"Ok, just for that we should go now."
"Or what?"
"We'll be late!"
"Mackenzie Daisy Rossi is now mad!"
"Oh it's serious now, when Rossi's are mad there no stopping them!"
"Shut up!"He was quiet and he started walking to the car. I was right behind him but a woman grabbed my arm as I followed."Excuse me but I have to go, I'm going to be late for work!"
"I couldn't help but listen in on your argument-but here is $30, I wish you luck!"
"Luck for what?"
"I'm sorry did I say 'I wish YOU luck'? I meant I wish him luck, how long have you been engaged!"
"He's going to need it, and the rest of my team-OH not long!"
"You're on a team?"
"Yes, I work for the BAU."
"The FBI?"
"Yes-ma'am I need to go now!"
"(Interesting!)" I ran out and got into the car, Spencer or I never said anything we just drove, I put my earbuds in and tried to calm down. We pulled up and I started speed walking to the building, but Spencer grabbed my arm and stopped me."Mackenzie please don't be mad!"
"I will when I tell them I'm back in the field-wait Hotch knew my results the whole time!"
"He has his reasons, we just ask him! But for now Mackenzie you need to calm down!"
"I'll try harder!" He grabbed my hand and I let him since he won't even dare to do anything else since I was still mad, and we went in together.
We got into the bullpen and everyone stared at me as I went straight to my desk and started working, I never done that before so it caught their attention quickly. JJ walked to me and sat down on my desk I looked up and she looked down at me."JJ I'm trying to work, it seems I do the best here!"
"Ya-I'm going to stop right there!"
"Honey did you get your results?"
"What did it say?"
"That I'm allowed back in the field!"
"Well that's great, but why are you mad?"
"Well you can ask my fiancee!"
"Spencer what did you do?" She got up and walked over to him as he looked at me."Guys come over here, I need to tell you!" Spencer said not looking away from me."Wait Spencer one of the woman at the coffee house stopped me she wanted me to give you $30! She thought you might need it, and you needed some luck!"
"Well I thought that I could have killed someone at that coffee shop!"
"Ok, I'll be back."
"See you!" I started organizing my desk, and was going to go get coffee but they were in there so being a snoop I stud by the door listening to their conversions."So why is she so angry?"My dad said sipping his coffee.
"Well she found out that Miranda was with us in the field with us, she didn't like that so she thought that we were replacing her. She started yelling and everyone in the shop started staring, I tried to tell her that we weren't Miranda was just there since we needed another person."
"Did they kick you out?"
"No, when I ordered I told them that there might be yelling."
"Thanks, I knew she wouldn't be pleased, I never guessed she'll be like this."
"Maybe you should talk to her, there might be a past reason for why she's taking it so hard."
"Most likely-also I think we should ask for the security camera video, of what I heard that woman doesn't sound right!"
"Ya, she gave you $30 since she felt bad for you!"
"I need to talk to her!"
"Spence whats wrong?"
"I'll be right back!" That was when I ran back to my desk, or at least I made it to Spencer's."Mackenzie!"
"What did that woman say to you?"
"How long have you been engaged?"
"How did she know?"
"Maybe she saw the park across from the library!"
"That's possible, but it could also mean that she's stalking you!"
"Well she didn't know that I'm in the FBI, so she would be a horrible stalker (well I do know a lot about that)!"
"Did you tell her?"
"Ya I said that I would be late for work, she asked where I worked, I said that I work at the BAU."
"Did she know that it was in the FBI?"
"Yes-Spencer what's going on! We're talking very fast!"
"I need to talk to Hotch!"
"Ok, I'm going to got water-I feel like I'm going to pass out!"
"Please don't!"
"Wow I don't think like I will, its just that-never mind just go!"He went back into the break room where everyone was, I followed so I could get water as well.

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