Chapter 5

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      We talked to all of the people in that group and got them all food and water. All eight of the people were safe and back home with their family's. Some looked as if they were held there longer than the others, but they were hiding something from us so they stayed a little longer. It actually got to the point where we had to take them into the interrogation room. I got the liberty to talk to one of my good friends from the past Gary Franks, he seemed a bit on edge so I tried to push whatever it was out of him. "Gary I know you, and I know that when I did you didn't hide much from anyone!"
"Well things changed since high school!"
"I wish I could say the same!"
"Why, did John came back for you?"
"Not anymore-oh did you hear, John and Ryan have been dead!"
"What?!? Did you kill him?"
"She wanted to kill her in prison, she was done being her little puppet. After she kills her she's having someone else kill her."
"Ok thank you, I'll be right back. T-hank you for your corporation."
"Take it easy, I could tell that you've got more to worry about than your mom!"
"How do you know?"
"Sometimes they would show us pictures of you places, and it looked like wedding planing?"
"Oh-ya I guess." I walked out and I was on the verge of crying but  knew that crying won't help with anything. I was going to tell my dad what Gary said but thankfully he was watching it, he told me that he'll tell everyone but when he walked over to everyone a police officer ran up."What is it? Did more show up?"My dad said.
"No, but you guys need to get down to the prison! One of those girls killed  the other!"
"Well Mr. Franks wasn't lying about that, but something is telling me he is hiding something else from us!"
"I wasn't completely done, we were told to go check on all the hostages and they were all dead in their homes."
"Are you telling me there's s third person?"
"Not sure-it could be that someone was mad that they escaped, so they actually wanted them gone."
"So those two were working for someone? Officer Powell I like your thinking!"
"Thank you sir." He left us and started thinking harder about who it could be and if I know that person, than someone came to mind."When you got the camera footage, did the owner hold back?"
"Do you mean he wasn't sure if he should give it to us or not?"Hotch said walking towards me. 
"Well at first-do you think he's part of this?"
"Possibly, but he could be the boss?"
"Ok, we'll look into him. If he fits the profile we'll bring him in." We started talking about other stuff than Penelope found out that he was arrested once for leading a violent protest, so we brought  him in. It seems they always want me to go in to interrogate, but this time JJ came in with me......the sass level will go through the roof."So Mr. Miller you were arrested 3 years ago for leading a violet protest against people who would be walking down the street playing Pokemon Go."
"There's more to that story!"
"Ok, I didn't get there yet-'those people are going to get themselves killed if they don't pay attenuation, so they can get their wish granted'!  And you now currently own a coffee shop."
"That's correct."
"Nothing to say about what you said to the police officers?"
"Nop, not at all-but lets talk about your mom!"
"We will if I say so!" I snapped and banged on the table and my blood started boiling."Well there's one nerve hit!"
"You'll know if you hit a nerve-wait you wouldn't be able to remember after!"
"Threat much?"
"Ya I could tell you do 'threat much'!"
"Funny, but your mom was a great person-I mean she was great to have around."
"So you knew her?"
"No, I knew more about her than you!"
"I'll be glad to know but the one problem is you'll be to busy to tell me!"
"What, are you arresting me?"
"You told me everything I needed to know!"
"What? No I didn't, I wasn't even done!"
"Than tell me!"
"Fine! I told her what she should do, she do it. I found out about you through the coffee house and she begged me not to hurt you, I finally listened but I still kept tabs on you, she found out and she was my little spy!"
"So you admit to being their boss to kill those people and stalk me?"
"I thought you already knew!"
"No you're the one that told me everything!" I got up and all the anger was locked up and never came out. It's good that it never did come out since I could've lost my job after that! JJ and I went to meet up with everyone else and she could tell that I was still pretty angry."Kenz, I could tell that you're angry! He was trying to get on your nerves, he wanted to see you break and give up."
"I know that's mainly the part that angers me, the rest is just adding on to it. If he was a good boss than he should have been smart about his answers, he clearly wasn't!"
"Ya but you made him tell you without him even knowing it, that takes skill. You do know he wouldn't tell us if you didn't do that right?"
"Morgan could do it, am I the new Morgan?"
"Oh no! You're to mature to be the new Morgan!"
"You got the guy-s!"
"Ya-but my mom is still dead, and I swear Miranda might be dead soon!"
"Don't kill her! "
"I won't but-I won't."
"Changing the subject, Morgan called me and asked if he could stay with me since all the hotels are booked, and I don't have an extra room!"
"You told him he could stay at my apartment didn't you?"
"Yes, but I thought it would be a good idea since you and Savannah could leave to come meet us at Garcia's apartment."
"Ok, I guess that works. I get to see little Hank!"
"I would love to but I think you should spend some time to prank Morgan!"
"I got something in mind!"

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