Chapter 21

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I couldn't stop thinking about when Emily said that she was former. I don't know why I didn't tell Garcia; she could've helped! I never really noticed how long the profile actually took, I guess that's an up for staying back!
      After they finished they all came back and I told them I found something that could be helpful."So you know how Philip was found in the underground house type of thing?"
"Yes." Emily said.
"Well I looked a bit deeper into the characters in the theme here and the victim. The victim is Filipino, and the guy that basically tortured Eric-he was called 'The Filipino'!"   
"Well she clearly knew that that's why she chose someone like that."  
"There's more. Raoul had a brother, and his name was Philip. Let's rephrase, Filipino and his name is the name of a characters brother!"  
"She clearly did as much research as us about this Broadway or even movie." 
"What if she was in it at one point?" 
"That would explain why she knows all this stuff so easily!" 
"What if the victims went to her show and they met her backstage?"  
"Than she'll know who they are!"
"She than could gain their trust, and lure them down to her house than kill them."
"I'll call Garcia!" Emily left the room while dialing her number. Everyone started looking through all the crime scene pictures.
*??? POV*
     I get out off set in 35 minutes, two more scenes, than I can go pay a visit to my good, good friend Megan! She hasn't seen me in over a week, I think she'll be overjoyed to see me once more.
Finally it ended and I went straight to her house, this is different for me, it normally is that they come to my house."Hey Megan!"
"Omg you play Christine in the Broadway I went to last week!"
"That's right! I wanted to know if you would like to like hang out?"
"Of course, come on in."
"Thank you." I went in and started looking around, I wanted to see if there was something that I can use other than what I had.....vase, place, maybe after she dead?"Can I get you anything?"
"Water would be nice."
"I can do that? Anything else?"
"Actually can I have lemons in it?"
"I'll be right back." She got in the kitchen and I started making my way there. I snuck up behind her and reached into my pocket."I think you'll need that more than me." I said smirking....
*Mackenzie's POV*
       We got to the crime scene and it didn't seem right."This is the victims house?" I said staring at it.
"Ya, the location is right outside the comfort zone, plus this place doesn't have any symbolism in it at all!"Tara said putting latex gloves on.
"Can you hand me a pair of those?"
"Sure-I've got to warn you, it's pretty ugly in there!"
"That's not the thing that bothers me, it's seeing that the victim suffered. The worst way to go is to be able to feel that you're dying!" She looked at me and I ignored it and started walking to the house. She was right the house was a mess, it's almost like a robbery but nothing was missing or signs or forced entry."Hotch, what's going on? Nothing adds up right now." I said.
"I'm not sure, but I think you and Emily were on to something!"
"She went to see a Broadway of the movie?"
"A week ago."
"Did she get an autograph?"
"Of the woman that played Christine."
"Well we have Meg dead and the Christine is the killer. This does not match up for Love Never Dies!"
"There's another one?"
"Ya, most people don't know about it-that's it! She doesn't know about it!"
"Meg is dead(Spoilers), in the Broadway Meg liked Christine meaning to kill Eric. If the woman doesn't know it, than she won't know her end game or anything in that nature."
"So she'll eventually run out if the characters."
"No, she might kill one of her coworkers."
"Let's hope that it doesn't get to that!"
"I think I need to step out, I'm getting nauseated from-something."
"Ok, take your time."
"Thank you."I walked out and saw a woman trying to fight her way through Tara, Spence, and my dad."Ma'am, you can't go through there."I said as she calmed down seeing me.
"Yes I can, that's my baby's house!" She said.
"This is a crime scene."
"Why don't you come down to the station and we can talk?" She shook her head and I took her to her car, and watched her drive away. Than this guy walked up to me."Who was that?" He said pointing in the direction she drove off in.
"Who are you?" I said.
"Oh, I'm SSA Luke Alvez-well in training."
"Mackenzie Reid. That was the victims mother, she clearly wasn't aware of her daughters death!"
"Ya, I guess-were you there when we got the 7 serial killers?"
"Nope, I was out for that case."
"That makes sense-wait your last name is Reid? What about Dr. Reid?"
"Um we're married, you didn't know?"
"Um-I'm sorry, I didn't actually know."
"Than I'm guessing you don't know about our daughter?"
"Well no, no I didn't."
"Wait you didn't talk to Garcia right?"
"No, I don't think she likes me very much."
"Oh she hates you! She never hated anyone consider your self VERY unlucky!"
"Well that made me feel better about myself."
"Sorry, it's just because you're not Morgan."
"Who is she?"
"Ooo you don't know?"
"No, who is she?"
"Why don't you come with me to the police station, than you'll know why she hates you so much!"
"Warning you now, if you ever say (Baby Girl) someone might become very quiet!"
"I'm so confused!"
"Good luck bud!" I saw JJ and spencer trying so hard not to laugh. JJ gave him the thumbs up and turned around laughing. In the car I started to explain who Morgan was, and why she might hate him.

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