Chapter 32(THE END)

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A few days later we got the location of Andrew, something was different about this 'take-down', I just don't know how to explain any of it. Krista got out of the hospital a few days ago as well, and Lucas found out that he can use his cuteness to get anyone's attention.....he didn't try hard all that much.
I still can't go back in the field yet so I'm here with Penelope waiting."Penelope, how can you just sit here?" I asked her as she started typing something on her computer.
"Oh, it's so hard! I just keep my mind on the happier things plus I just wait for my call to see how it went."
"They'll be stupid if they don't and just walk in."
"That would be the worst."
"I'd hope Spencer likes the couch!" She started laughing and I got a call."Hello?" I asked.
"Mackenzie?" A familiar voice asked shocked.
"Who is this? How did you get my number?"
"Mackenzie, it's your dad!"
"Dad, why did you call me on an unknown number?"
"It was Gregs' phone, you were the last person he called."
"I can tell you right now he never called me, I can look anyone in the eye and tell them I never talked to him!"
"Ok, ok I believe you. It just might not look good in court."
"Listen to the recording, with that you don't need court right?"
"I can't say for sure."
"Great. Changing the subject, how'd it go?"
"He started firing at us, Emily was about to get shot when Spence took the shot at him."
"He's gone?" I asked in a shaky tone.
"Ya, you don't sound too happy."
"It's just that I needed to talk with him."
"What do you mean?"
"In his letter, he said he knows things about me."
"You wanted to know what they are."
"Do we know about it?"
"Um, I've got to go feed Lucas. Ok talk you later, love you bye!" I quickly hung up and told Penelope that I needed to go check on the dog and Krista. I left with Lucas, and I did exactly what I told her, but after I checked on the dog I stayed with Savannah and Morgan awhile. We talked for a bit till I got a call from Spencer."Hey, are you back?" I asked.
"Emily told us about the note." He said, I didn't say anything, I didn't know what to say.
"What'd she say?"
"Mackenzie got a note the other day, mailed to me here. He met John and he began keeping tabs on you. There is something else but she wouldn't say, do you know?"
"I do, I'm the one that explained some of it to her."
"Is there something going on?"
"I can't say for sure, not for the reason it's not to be said right now, it's just I don't know how to say it."
"It's something from your past."
"Ya." I said while sighing, which dragged it out a bit before silence."Do you want me to try to explain it to you when we get home?"
"If you're able and comfortable."
"I'll try to think, I don't want to keep secrets anymore. I'll see you at home soon, love you."
"Love you too, bye." I hung up and got the kids and went home.
I was on my way home, the kids were asleep were asleep in their seats, all of a sudden a car came out of nowhere......coming straight towards us. I tried to get out of the way but it wasn't working, there's nothing I can do.
Next thing I know we're on the side of the road, my head on the driving wheel and the kids crying. I get out of my seat, I put my hand on my hurting head and feel a warm liquid-blood on my head. I ignore it and check on Krista first, "Honey are you ok?" I say in a panic.
"Yes, I am. Mommy are you ok?" She said as well panicked.
"I just hurt my head, but I'll be fine. I'm going to get you out and you're going to call the police then call daddy."
"Ok." I get her out and hand her my phone, I got Lucas and took out his car seat so he can stay warm and he can stay safe. Krista was talking to Spencer, I can tell. I started to see my mom, and it went dark from there.
       I got home and realized that Mackenzie and the kids weren't home. I figured they just got stuck in traffic, so I got dinner ready for when they get home.
       I was cooking when I get a call from Mackenzie."Hey, where are you?" I said.
"Daddy!" Krista said scared. I stopped cooking and focused.
"Krista what's wrong?"
"This car, it came towards us. Mommy's head was bleeding-daddy she just fell to the ground."
"Is she ok? Did you call the police?"
"I did, mommy said I should call them then you, and no I don't know.
"Is Lucas ok?"
"He's crying."
"Alright, listen to me. Go over to mommy."
"Ok." She said in assurance.
"Put your two fingers together-your index and middle."
"Got it."
"Put them to mommy's neck, and tell me if you feel anything." She was quite for minute.
"The pulse?"
"I feel it!" She said, clearly proud of herself.
"Thank you, when the police and ambulance come tell them she has a pulse."
"I see them, daddy can you stay on the phone?"
"Of course, but real quickly I'm going to add grandpa to the call."
"When the police come, tell them that mommy's in the FBI, and I am as well. Ask if they can take the two of you to the hospital."
"Ok, he heard you. I put it on speaker, would you like to talk to him?"
"Sure." She handed him the phone and said goodbye. "Hello officer, I'm Dr. Spencer Reid from the Bau."
"Hello, I'm officer Jordan. Is there anything I can do for you and your family right now sir?" He said.
"Can you take my two kids to the hospital? I'll be there as quick as I can, I just need them to be safe."
"I can do that Dr. Reid, anything else?"
"What exactly happened?"
"Well, from the looks of wasn't an accident." I stood there in shock, someone purposefully tried killing her.
"Was there any evidence left to indicate what kind of car hit my wife's car?"
"Traffic camera got a picture of the driver."
"Can you send it to the technical analysis and the FBI? Her name is Penelope Garcia!"
"I can do that."
"No problem, I'll see you soon Dr. Reid."
I did that, I was in freak out mode. She better not die on me! When he picked up, I explained what happened and he said he'll call the rest of the team, and they'll all meet us at the hospital. I grabbed my keys and rushed to the hospital. I tried thinking of the possibilities of only Mackenzie getting hurt, not the kids. All it kept coming to was, she was the main target not the kids.
As soon as I got there Krista, Lucas, and Rossi were sitting together....crying. "Rossi, how are they?" He looked at me, sorrow filling his eyes. I knew that look, nothing good happened.
"She's in surgery, they won't say what it is." Rossi said pulling me aside.
"What do we know?" I asked frustrated.
"Major head injury."
"Hitting what?" I raised my voice slightly.
"I understand this is scary, but Spence those are your kids be there for them. Seems like Krista knows more then anyone here."
"Thanks, you're right." I quickly calmed down and walked over to Krista and Lucas. Lucas was asleep, and Krista ran up to me and hugged me."Krista, how did mommy hurt her head?"
"It hit the stirring wheel-HARD!" She said, this is one of the things she doesn't understand. Right after she said that the rest of the team walked into private the waiting room.
"Hey guys, why is this a private waiting room? Not that I'm complaining, but I just want to know." Morgan said.
"The officer that took the kids here paid for the room since he felt bad for us." Rossi said.
"That's different." I walked over to Morgan and hugged him, I took a deep breath and he whispered,"it's going to be fine Kid. Be there for your kids, all we can do is wait!"
"Thanks Morgan." Rossi's phone started ringing and all eyes turned to him, but he went off to the other side of the room."Whats going on?"
"Penelope just ran the picture through facial recognition." Rossi said worried."We need to stay with her, he found her and he's the one that tried killing her. I'm going to get security to stay with her during surgery. Penelope also is going to do background checks on the doctors taking care of her." I couldn't keep my composure, I had a tear roll down my face and I wiped it off before Krista sees. I doubt she understood what he just said, let's keep it that way. "Daddy, what does that mean?" Krista asked looking at the ground.
"Hey, do you want a snack?" Emily asked, and she nodded. They walked over to the vending machine and got a snack for the both of them. 
     Hours went by, and nothing. It's about 2:39am, the kids are asleep. Morgan walks over and hands me a cup of coffee, I thank him and he sits next to me."Hey, she'll be fine, you need sleep." He said.
"You just gave me coffee." I said.
"Well after the caffeine wears off, you need to sleep."
"Thanks Morgan."
"No problem kid." He got up, as soon as he did so the doctor walked in the room. I stood up, he gave me the 'I'm so sorry look'. I started crying and so did everyone else, I was different she was my wife, the mother to my children, an amazing person.
"She died on the operating table, in so sorry for your loss." The doctor said.
"Sorry man, but you're not helping!" Morgan said. JJ walked over to me and hugged me, I hugged her back tightly.
"Can I see her?"I asked, knowing this will kill me inside more than it does already.
"Someone is with her right now, you can go in after."
"Who is it? I'm going in, that person wasn't her husband!" I say going through the door.
"Sir, I understand you want to say goodbye but you need to wait till he's done." The doctor stopped me.
"Who is it?"
"He said his name was Andrew."
"He's the one that killed her!"
"I-I didn't know." He looked at everyone else, JJ gave him the 'it's fine you didn't know' look while I went to find where he was, I didn't know where I was going but he's dead.
       After a few minutes of wondering I found the room, sure enough there was Andrew standing over her dead body."FBI hands up!" I yelled, tears rolling down my face.
"You people don't understand!" He said, not looking away from Mackenzie.
"What that you killed my wife? Because I totally understand that!"
"I know this hurts, but what would you do if you find out that your ex-girlfriend said she'll never leave me, but did for her stupid job, and you!" My eyes widened, she never mentioned that.
"By this awkward silence, I can tell you didn't know about that."
"Well, it doesn't matter, turn around and put your hands up or I'll shoot!" He proceeds to turn around, and slowly  puts his hands down;he grabs a gun out. I shoot and killed him, a doctor walked in saw him and gets a team in there to clean it up and take him out. I ignore it and stare at Mackenzie, I wanted to stay here with her but I had to leave, the hospital told us we need to go, I caused to much trouble.
        Two days later it was the funeral, and it was the worst feeling in the world. If I could do anything over again I would have told her to stay at Morgan's, and let me be the one that gets killed. The pain is real, I zoned out all the time, I didn't talk to anyone, I wanted to stay home with the kids and loved on them.
     After a year, life still went on, we missed her like crazy but learned how to deal with out her as harsh as that might sound it's true.

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