Chapter 23

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      The next day Joy came and she brought the family and I think her mom."Mackenzie this is my mom Hayden, mom this is Mackenzie my half sister." Joy said.
"Half sister?"
"Ya, it's a long story!"
"I bet, we're talking about David here!"
"True. So can I hold the little guy?" I nodded and handed him to her. We talked awhile, than Krista and my dad came."Hey dad." I said. I looked over to Joy, she seemed worried."(What's wrong?)" She pointed to her mom, and she was giving my dad the death stare.
"I-it's nice to see you Hayden, it's been to long."
"Wish I could say the same."
"We could talk later, I'm here for my daughters and grandchildren!"
"I'm here to be with Joy and meet her sister."
"I'm not stopping you!"
"Good." Krista ran over to Joy and hugged her legs."How's my favorite niece?"
"Auntie Joy, why you here?"
"I wanted to come see you."
"I missed you, did Kai come?"
"He's out with your uncle today."
"Ok, I think Henry will like Kai."
"Ya! Auntie you look very pretty."
"Krista, I love you!"
"You too!" Spencer walked in the room and saw Krista, his face lite up and she ran to him."And I thought that my husband loves me, I guess his daughter is better than me!" I rolled my eyes and he smiled.
"I don't think that's entirely true!" My dad and Joy started laughing but Hayden was dead set on keeping an eye on my dad that she had to sit down.
"I know, I just like messing with you sometimes."
"I've noticed!" I laughed and the baby started crying, Joy handed him to Spencer. Right when Spencer had him in his arms he stopped."I think it's to early to pick favorites!" My dad said.
"I bet it'll change once he's older!" I said sticking my tongue out at Spencer. Everyone started laughing and Krista wanted to have her daddy hold her."Struggling Genius? I could hold them both, it's just that easy!"
"(Not at all.)"
"What was that?"
"Ooh nothing!"
"Oh, tell me! I bet I could easily take you down!"
"I'm not sure about that."
"I guess you haven't seen me and Morgan talking!"
"Krista let's go over to mommy!"
"That's what I thought!" My dad patted his back as he walked over to me, and everyone including Hayden was laughing.
After a few weeks I was cleared to go home. Krista was going back to school so now it's going to be easy taking care of Lucas. Spencer had to stay home with me when they weren't on a case. I think he did more than me!"Spence can you get me Lucas' blanket for me?" He nodded.
"I've only read 15 books since we got back, I need to increase that to at least 28!"
"You do you, I can put him down for his nap, then I might join you!"
"Really?" He said in an excited tone.
"Ya, I need a break too!"
"You know before I met you, there was a case and we worked it day and night. The one thing that kept us together was knowing that there will be another person soon, and coffee. That case took us approximately 4 days and 17 hours. In the end we never found him!"
"Are you saying that there were no breaks?"
"None at all!"
"You're strange right now!"
"It's not strange if you're the one asking!"
"I didn't ask anything. If you're asking to be the one that puts Lucas down, go right ahead!" I trade off with Spencer, he had a book in his hands, I took that and gave him Lucas.
"I didn't say anything."
"Thank you for the break, love you!" He sighed as he walked out the room and I started laughing. I looked at the title and was shocked."Spence you were going to read Twilight? This is completely unlike you!" He walked back into the room.
"Did you look at the title?"
"Oh that was the book I switched the book covers! You did see the cover, just not the right one."
"What is it? JJ vividly explained it before but nothing she said make sense."
"You go by that bookshelf, you're on the couch-upstairs! You are reading the book you grabbed, you can read a better one after this!"
"I did just got a few new books I wanted to read! Anything will be better than that stuff."
"If you end up liking it, I for some reason have the rest of them."
"Mackenzie, if I like them, call Morgan and have him take me to the tracks." I looked at him, and was trying so hard not to laugh. In all the time I've known Spencer, he never went to the tracks to run;I've been told that he's done it before but never again.
"Well Morgan will make you do more than run!" He looked at me than Lucas started giggling and kicking, every time he would kick Spencer in the stomach. I started laughing real hard and than my stomach was hurting as well. "Before the kid takes it to far, you should put him down! We've got a few hours till we need to pick up Krista."
"2 hours and 32.6 minutes, to be exact." I rolled my eyes and he left.
     I slowly got up, still in some pain, and got another book. Spencer came in to see me sitting on the ground rather quickly."That was quick!" I said looking up at him.
"Do you need help?"
"Nope, I'm just now realizing how uncomfortable the ground is."
"Wait you just told me to different things, do you need help?"
"It's funny that the floors in the house are comfortable but just not in here." He helped me up and I completely forgot why I was in the ground."How did he go down so easily?"
"I told a story."
"Which one?"
"History of World War ll weapons!"
"Tell me tonight, I haven't heard this one yet."
"But you fell asleep each time!"
"Really? That might explain the nightmares!" He sat next to me and we talks for awhile till we had to get both kids.
This chapter probably didn't seem to productive but I liked it, it was funny(in my opinion)!

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