Chapter 20

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    The next day I went to get coffee and it wasn't my morning. First I got sick, than I fell over my bag, and spilled my coffee all over me! So when I went back to get more I saw a familiar face, THE Emily Prentiss!"Excuse me ma'am, I'm afraid that's my seat right there!" I said pointing at her chair.
"Well if it isn't my favorite Reid!"
"Of course!"
"Where's the other?"
"I was supposed to get him coffee, but I think he'll live-for now!"
"He won't last!"
"Meh, I guess before we leave I will."
"So tell me about the fam!"
"Gladly-I can do it in a few words as well."
"Let's hear it."
"Puppies, adorable, children, and brains!"
"What do you mean by brains-well I know about Spence but you added an 's'!"
"Krista has been learning from him, it's really cute but he teaches her things she doesn't need to know yet!"
"Should I even ask?"
"Baby's, physics, algebra, and murder!"
"Geez, that sounds rough!"
"He gets the 'SPENCER', Krista loves it when I do it. So cute!"
"I bet, anything else?"
"Nope, what about you?"
"Umm, we'll talk more later. We should get Spencer his coffee before he gets cranky." I nodded and we got up to get his coffee. Emily said she walked from the hotel, so she offered to drive back, I couldn't say no to her."May I ask, why are you allowed in the field right now?" Emily asked.
"It hasn't been to hard.....yet-plus I will till Hotch says to stop."
"(That'll change.)"
"What was that?"
"Nothing, just reminded myself something."
"I have a question about the case. Why would the unsub cover all of their tracts except where?"
"Well we see this often, but the one difference is that everything is right in front of you;you just can't see the meaning of it clearly, we need to do more digging in the victims life's."
"We've already done bank transactions, credit card movement, gps routes, phone records, and social media. What else is there to do?"
"How does the movie end?"
"Raoul visited Christine's grave, and there was the symbolism rose with the ring on it."
"The next murder might be at the funeral for the victim!"
"How did we survive without you?"
"I don't know how I survived without you guys!" We got to our hotel after our conversation, and there was Spencer and the rest of the team standing outside talking. I sighed and slowly got out of the car."Mackenzie, you seem like a mess!" Tara said.
"It was a strange morning! At least I found someone!" Right than Emily came around the car and smiled.
"I don't think we've met."Tara said shaking her hand.
"Emily Prentiss!"
"Tara Lewis, nice to meet you!"
"You too. Mackenzie and I found where the next murder is going to be."
"The victims funeral!" They looked at each other, possibly trying to process the information. Hotch was the first to say something after the awkward silence.
"We should look deeper into the two." We all nodded and were on their way to the police station. Something wasn't right about Hotch, he seemed off.
    We got back there and one of the officers were in our room pulling everything out that we had put away the night prior."Excuse me officer Roberts, what are you doing?" Emily said looking at his name tag.
"Oh, I thought you guys would like for your stuff to be out before you come in."
"Well you looked like you were looking for something!"
"I have to ask, what? What ARE you looking for?"
"We're on the same side here-wait who are you?"
"Emily Prentiss, former Cheif of London Interpol Office-are YOU sure we're on the same side?" He was silent."Well it's a yes or no, take your pick!"
"Than let's get back to work!" I was still stuck on the part she said 'former'. We got back to work, I couldn't think about the case anymore, the word 'former' kept repeating in my head."Mackenzie!"
"How do you know that she will attack at the funeral?" Spencer said putting his hand on my knee.
"Oh sorry-um, the fight in the movie between Eric and Raoul, it was in front of Christine's fathers grave. She would want it to have special meaning to it, something that changed the way the Phantom looked at Raoul. Eric had the chance to kill Raoul, but didn't. Raoul had a chance to kill Eric but didn't. This unsub is ether on team Eric or team Raoul."
"So they'll get into a fight and one of them might be the victim?"
"No, she'll be in a fight, but might kill them later-like after the funeral."
"Ok, that makes sense now-are you ok?"
"Ya, I'm fine." She said clearly lying to him."She won't come across harmful, but will act strange."
"Strange how?" JJ asked.
"Ether won't stop smiling, panicked, or even she could be talking to herself."
"Sounds like we're ready for the profile!"
"I guess-but hey I can't take the credit, it's all Emily!" I stood up and sat back down.
"You don't seem ok."
"I'm fine, l-let's go-"
"Nope you stay here, I'm not letting you get up right now!"
"Mom!" I said in a childish tone.
"Hey, you aren't doing good right now, and I said stay here!"
"Hotch, can I please?" He was walking out than stopped, turned around and shook his head no."I have to agree with JJ right now!"
"Can you call Garcia and see if she has anything else?"
"Yup!" I called her and asked about he case, than about Emily, and talked about what's going on in our lives right now. I love talking with her she's always happy, seeing the good in people when I don't, and she can be really funny about Morgan.

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