Chapter 31

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I walked into Garcia's office and she started getting her stuff ready for the team. I sat down and looked at the file she just finished, I looked at her,"Penelope, how do you do it?" I said.
"What do you mean? This job?" She said.
"Well, you're the one that has to go through all the pictures and find information that would be helpful to the investigation."
"Did you know JJ once did this job, she left then I tried to do exactly her job, I failed-but now I do part of that job. I just stay here, and not out there with the team."
"I didn't know that."
"Plus, if I never took this job I would be in jail, without internet!"
"No, were you?" I said shocked.....not really.
"Now, you stay here OR you can come with little genius and come to see everyone."
"I'll be there in a second, don't tell them till you see me walking up."
"Don't worry I won't say anything!" I laughed."What I won't."
"Ok, suuure ok play along with that lie!" She gasped then picked up everything and was about to leave."No goodbye?"
"Geez someone's cranky!"
"I'm not, Lucas is!"
"Go ahead blame it on the baby!"
"I will." I shook my head and Lucas smiled.
"You're not cranky right?" He looked at he with the are you kidding me look."You're your fathers child." I had chills go down my spine."Oh well, we should go 'surprise' them. Your aunt might've told them already-who knows?" I picked him up and went to go to the rest of the people of my generation.
     I was half way up the ramp when I saw Penelope smile, I stood in the door and no one noticed, so quiet no one noticed, but Lucas was a bit happy when he saw Spence."Boo!" I said sitting down in the chair closest to the door.
"What are you doing here?" Emily asked.
"I lost my mind when I first had Krista, I was home and nothing to do. Penelope and I worked something out, plus I'm not in the field, I'm here."
"I'm fine with that. I'll catch you up later."
"Oh, I read the case file."
"I wasn't talking about that but ok." I was confused, then realized what she meant, our other case, the one that made OUR HOTCH LEAVE!
(Sorry I got really triggered there!)
     After Emily said that they're leaving in 45 minutes, everyone came over to Lucas and I. Spence was in my left and I handed Lucas over to him." I understand what your going through, the 'bored out of your mind' thing." JJ said, she was on the other side of me.
"I know right, it doesn't help that when I'm home Spencer's out working. I just want to do something, it's like I want to be a stay-at-home mom, but I can't. I love my job, but I love my family. I've learned life is hard!"
"What did you do?"
"Bench watch shows."
"I've done that, I ran out of the good shows after a couple of weeks."
"Me too, that's why I learned to take naps when baby is. Even though it's basically baby 101!"
"I still do that, ever since I was in middle school. I'd got home from school, take a nap, then do my homework-I was a rebel child."
"Great." Lucas threw up on Spencer's shirt, I laughed then grabbed his diaper bag and handed Spencer a button up shirt.
"Go change, I got him." I said.
"You carry extra clothes for me?" Spencer said giving the baby to JJ.
"Yes, I have some for me too!"
"Thanks." He walked out then looked over to JJ.
"JJ, I can't even! That's too cute!"I said. Lucas was sitting on her lap, and her head on his. She smiled and Lucas did as well. I looked over to my dad, I wanted to talk him but Emily wanted to talk to me anyways.
By the time I was leaving Spencer came back in, I paused and said,"That's your new record!" He looked at JJ and Lucas, then had his 'actually, not really' face towards me.
"Changing my shirt?" He asked.
"Actually, it's not! It once was 57 seconds."
"Ok then, I'll be back." I walked out following Emily back to her office.
As soon as I closed the door Emily handed me a note." What's this?" I asked.
"It's from Grayson." She said.
"How did you get it?"
"It was left in my mailbox."
"Addressed to me?"
"Unfortunately." She said with a sigh.
"Did you read it?"
"Not yet."
"Emily, do you see this?" I pointed to the back of the envelope. There was a dry blood on the bottom right corner.
"Here." She handed me latex gloves. I put them on and opened the envelope. There was a piece so paper and a bunch of numbers. I opened the note, "Mackenzie, John and I talked right before you killed him. He told me where I could find you and who's important in your life. I know everything about you, more about your past then anyone on your team Miss. Prentiss, Mrs. Jearau, Mr. Rossi, Miss. Lewis, that strange new guy, your old boss Mr. Hotchner and even your husband Dr. Reid. I'd come clean soon, or I'll give it to the press; I'll know if you tell them! Have a nice day.
-Andrew Grayson" After I finished I dropped the paper on Emily's desk. She picked it up and read it, and did the same.
"He knows everything about you?" She asked as we both sat down.
"Apparently." I said in a shaky tone.
"Is there something I need to know?"
"Not right now, I need time to figure out how to put the words together."
"Take your time. You here that Andrew, she needs time to put it together." The last part she raised her voice a bit.
"(He can hear us?)"
"Well we need to go now, call if you need anything from us."
"Thanks-don't say anything about the last part of the letter yet. I don't want to figure out how to tell Spencer about it on the spot."
"I'll try."
"I'll show the letter to Garcia, and see if she can get anything off it."
"Aren't you worried she'll tell?"
"I'll be with her, if she says anything-she won't get away with it."
"Alright then, talk later?"
"Of course." We hugged and we walked out, and went our separate ways.

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