Chapter 14

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    I saw Hotch take the guy into the interrogation room, and I walked into the room by it to watch."Why am I in here?" He said leaning back in his seat.
"We have reason to believe that you shot my agent years ago!" Hotch said looking at JJ.
"What? I would never!" He said used a sarcastic tone. 
"Where were you 5 years ago tomorrow?"
"You expect me to know?" The guy crossed his arms and looked right at me, even though he can't even see me. Next thing I know Hotch was standing up and walked to the corner. JJ went over and looked angry."So how are you?"
"Good but I still don't get why I'm here!"
"Yes, after you shot her she got married! You got a problem with it?"
"(It was supposed to be me!)"
"Sucks for you! Why don't you tell me what exactly what you did to shoot her?"
"Well I got into the station and left! I wasn't there at all!"
"She has YOUR face burned into her memory, she's gone through enough, but seeing her shooter in a different station after all these years you would be triggered!"
"What's going on with her?" I texted JJ that she should say what's going on, he might open up after."The unsub sent her a letter, YOU, and she still has past events catching up to her."
"Well she sounds like she's going through a tough time!"
"Yup! So are you!"
"Well by what I could see you could care less about her, and when you heard me talk about her you enjoyed listening about her suffering!"
"I don't need to!" Hotch walked over and handcuffed  him. I walked out and looked at him, they walked over to me and I didn't think Hotch would allow this."It's been a wonderful 5 years without dealing with you, I'm sorry that you won't see me again!"
"Who said that?"
"I did! You have the gall to come in here and be completely licentious? Not to mention the fact that you came in to be a cop, when you shot me years ago as a so called 'normal person'! In reality you're a criminal that only a criminal gets his own mind!(See what I did there?!? Hahaha-funny right? No, ok well than awkward!)Since when were you so demented?"He looked at me and looked completely clueless."And now it's the point where we watch you be swept off your feet by the cop car!"
"That doesn't even make sense!"
"You're not one of the people who gets Mackenzie logic! I'm going to go now, there's a lot of things I want to say that I can't say because I do like this times."He looked at me like everyone looked at Krista and Henry when the other officers saw the kids. I smiled and once he left I tried to hide the fact I was about to break down."Mackenzie I know you're trying not to break down! You're doing the thing Prentiss does, and you're doing pretty good!"
"No I'm not."
"Mackenzie don't lie to me!"
"Fine, I guess. I'm just overwhelmed!"
"I know. But hey I loved the word choices you used there!"
"Thanks, I learned them in 9th grade! I just found that book a few weeks ago!"
"Oh I thought you were reading!"
"Not as much as you but yes I have!"
"Good, when we get back home I think we should have Krista go to Morgan's so we can make sure it's safe."
"Ya, the power shut off and it was just our house. Something wasn't right about that!"
"You know I'm more worried about you than Kirsta right now!"
"I'm fine."
"Mackenzie, how do you expect me not to be worried?"
"I don't, I just don't know exactly what to do!"
"Everyone is worried about you! I don't want you to alienate your feelings!"
"I'm not, I'm just pushing them away....for now!"
"That's the definition of alienate-well almost."
"I'm well aware, but I would like to solve this case than I'll pay attention to myself!"
"This isn't normal for your age range!"
"Well normally they wouldn't care about anyone else, but you're the complete opposite!"
"I've never been like other women my age!"
"That's for sure!"
"Ha ha, sorry!"
"Spencer, Jack is going into the middle school soon!"
"I hatted middle school!"
"Don't tell that to Jack, we're supposed to be supportive, and make sure he has fun!"
"Hotch might talk to his class again, but this time a little more realistic!"
"If you're thinking murder victims, NO!"
"No, I was not! We can start with a clean interrogation."
"Spencer Reid!"
"Ha ha nothing!"
"I don't get it?"
"You dorm need to, just lets get back to work ok?"
"We are talking later!"
"Fine! Is almost 7, I'll meet my dad somewhere and we can bring dinner back. I'll take orders when I get there!"
"No problem. I love you, and please be careful!"
"I'll be fine, I'm going somewhere close! I love you too, tell them I'll be back!"
"Hmhm!" With that I was on my way to the diner down the street. I already texted my dad and told him where to go, he said he was going to show me something. Who knows where this is going!
     I got there and I saw my dad sitting at a round table in the middle of the room."Hey where's Krista?"
"She went to the bathroom."
"What did you want to show me?"
"You have to wait and see!"
"What?" I said bluntly.
"You didn't seem excited!"
"I'm scared!"
"What's wrong? You're completely on edge!"
"I completely am! I went to tell the officer what we found and I saw him and he was my shooter!"
"Did he get away?"
"No, JJ and Hotch interrogated him. JJ saw that it was him through how he looked at her. Hotch took him over to me and I got angry at the guy. After that Spencer started getting worried about me and that's basically it."
"I'm sorry, I bet this will all be over with soon!"
"I hope! Um-you know how the power went out in our house?"
"Can Krista say with you for the night we get back? I'm not sure if it'll be safe for her there!"
"I've actually got plans that night."
"Thank you anyways, we should really get a nanny or something!"
"You got daddy Morgan!"
"Heh I guess-where is she?" I turned around and there was Krista with lipstick on."Dad?"
"She wanted to look more like mom!"
"Impossible, but I will take that!"
"Don't worry I only got her three different shades, plus a purse to keep them in!"
"I'll take the makeup! You can stick to the toys for now." She looked at me and I saw another note."Krista, where did you get that one?"
"The same man gave it to me!"
"I was on my way to the bathrum!"
"Ok, dad can you go talk to the manager, and see if you can get the type?" He nodded and I hugged him, I got the food. I grabbed Krista and we ran to the car, and I went to the station. We got there and I couldn't take it, I ate and went to the hotel. I would've taken Krista, but I needed some time to think and read that note! "Dear Agent M. Reid,
I know you can EXECUTE your time wisely, have the GUTS to speak to HIM, even PARRY against yourself about the simplest things, and TORTURE others by being so rude and obnoxious! Don't be like that, than what will you be?"
I didn't know what to do at that point, two notes in one day that's not normal for this type of unsub!

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