Chapter 24

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     When Krista came home from school Spencer had to leave for a case. The kids said their goodbyes and it came to me."Spence this happened a few times before, and it's still strange!"
"Me too. Normal cases typically take two and a half days, I'll be back in 60 hours plus traveling-"
"I get it." I said cutting him off.
"Ok, I should go. Love you, bye!"
"Love you too, see you!" Krista came up to me, and looked like she was going to cry and Lucas started crying as well. I picked her up and we went to get Lucas. When we got in there Krista started sobbing."Krista, Honey what's wrong?" Knowing why it might be that Spencer is gone.
"D-daddy's gone, and I-I want to go to uncle Morgan's!"
"I'm here, what's wrong?" She started calming down and stopped stuttering.
"There was a man at school, he was watching me and tried to show me his puppy in his car to me, he left when he saw daddy."
"You're not going anywhere, I can call uncle Morgan to come here to stay with us, but-I'm sorry but you can't leave this house!"
"What about school?"
"That'll wait! I'm more concerned about other things." She started sobbing again, I know that she loves school. She was most definitely like her father!
I called Morgan and he didn't answer. I called again, he finally answered."Mackenzie its late!"
"I need you to come here NOW!"
"Woah woah, what's wrong?"
"I'll tell you when you get here. When you come, you need to sneak through the back-make sure no one notices you!"
"I'm coming, stay clam, keep your family calm!"
"It's just me and the kids."
"I'll be there as quick as I can-stay safe!"
"I will, thank you!" I was panicking inside and tried my best not to show my fear. I went back to Lucas' room and held my two children till Morgan came. I can't believe something like this is happening again, someone wants to take people out of my life.
      After a awhile I saw Morgan come in, Krista ran up to him and I shut the curtains behind him."Hey Krista why don't you go get ready for bed?" She nodded and ran up to her room. I started crying and Morgan seemed even more confused."Hey, what's wrong-well what's going on?" He said smiling.
"Krista was stalked than he tried to kidnap her!" Morgan pulled me in a hug and I started crying harder.
"Did you tell Spencer?"
"N-not y-yet-" I took a deep breath before continuing."I don't want to worry him while he's on a case, that's the worst feeling."
"You're going to need to!"
"I know, but this is Emily's first day-"
"Emily's back?"
"She's taking Hotches place, we don't know why yet but it's happening!"
"I haven't seen her for years!"
"Well not much changed! We should go check up on Krista and Lucas."
"I'll take Lucas for you."
"Thank you. Do you mind staying?"
"I didn't go through all that to stay here for 10 minutes!"
"You should really tell Savannah, I don't want to cause something."
"I have. After Krista, you call your husband!"
"I know." I frowned, I really didn't want to worry him or the others. I went up to Krista and she was standing in front of her bed........not moving a muscle.
"Krista what's wrong?" She didn't answer."Handy?" She nodded. We came up with a word to use when their in danger. My heart sank. Morgan came in and I told him using hand motions to tell him someone's behind Krista, and we reached for our guns.(Morgan is carrying his gun legally!) Krista knows what to if she was ever shot at, I hated that day, it pained me so much SHES A LITTLE GIRL!"If you're going to hide for the next few days I'm fin with that, you'll just die before or after that! I can have the Swat come meet you-better yet an angry family!" The guy stud up and I've never seen him before.
"It's great to meet you Mackenzie!"
"Wow that hurt! Don't you know who I am?"
"I'm supposed to?"
"Senior year of college."
"Mr. Hosea? Why do people from my past want to kill me?"
"Well, you did make fun of half your class, and treated me worse."
"I think you confused me with Maggie Joel!"
"She was the popular girl and bad girl."
"That was you!"
"I'm getting back all of you's for destroying my career! I was fired after that year and had to start working as the custodian of a preschool."
"If you give me MY daughter, I will make sure I don't make your life a living Hell! I'll even try and not to kill you."
"Oh right you don't want your sweet daughter to know what murder looks like!"
"I guess you haven't met my husband!"
"Ya he looks like he could ruin me in a second! Where did you get him, did you win him at a carnival?"
"He's not my husband! Just a coworker! My husband and I work for the FBI, in the BAU! I guess you could say that we're on the best team they've got!"
"You were my teacher!"
"Right right."
"Let. My. Daughter. Go! I can have cops here 5 minutes  tops!"
"If you let me go!"
"I will when you're in prison time is up!"
"We both know that's not true."
"So you didn't forget anything." Morgan started laughing and Hosea mocked him. I was confused by this."There's one thing they don't teach there, the respect you should have for your victims family. But that you have more respect for people in general. Have you ever picked up on that, because that's what I tell newbies to the field."
"That means nothing to me."
"They say they don't learn it there. Talking with Mrs. Reid when she was just starting off she hardly knew anything she needing for the job. The basics were easy to her, but everything else was like a child without their parents, they don't know what to do."
"If I let her go-"
"NOW!" Right when he said that the whole team was there and he let Krista ran to me. She was crying and I was too. JJ and I took her to Lucas' room and we were in shock that this happened, that I never noticed anything before. What if he was watching us and the others for awhile now, what if this isn't over? Questions and self doubt overwhelmed me, I didn't know what to do.....I felt....broken."Stop blaming yourself, it's not going to help your daughter." JJ said to me rocking the baby.
"You're right, I can't help to think. Why does this always happen to me? Why is it that-"
"Don't even finish, you are lucky, we got worse."
"Yes I know, it's just that it seems I never get a break. It's like I'm the target for once, not the whole team."
"That's true, but-" I covered Krista's ears while we heard gun shots go off. I pulled her to my chest and let her cry, this is to much for her at this age, it'll stay with her forever. JJ left, assuming to check who was shot.
    A minute later she came back."He's-Krista do you want to come to my house tonight?"She shook her head no.
"I want to go with grandpa."
"I'll go tell him, Mackenzie is that fine?" I nodded and stood up.
"Should I go get my stuff?"
"I'll get it for you, stay here and help your mom pack for your brother please." She shook her head. We started packing, then Spencer came in. I hugged him and he kissed the top of my head."I'm sorry I didn't call!" I said.
"You were busy. I should've been there."
"Spence you were on a case, which I couldn't be on, things happened, and they are solved now."
"I guess but who'd you know him?"
"My teacher at the academy. My turn, how'd you get here, or know what's going on?"
"Morgan called, and we didn't even leave the bullpen yet so we came here!"
"Well thank you. What about the case?"
"Hotch called the sherif in the car and told them that we were going to make it. But we'll be there later."
"Ok, we're staying at my dads tonight, it's to much for her right now."
"You're right!" We finished packing and we left.
This chapter really pained me, SO HARD TO WRITE!

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