Chapter 11

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We got home and I was still tired but I wanted my doggy! I went to bed but put my earbuds in so that when my alarm goes off in the morning, so that Spencer doesn't hear so that I can go get him.
     The next morning I got up left a note on the counter and left. I didn't care that I didn't get ready to go, I was just going to Garcia's apartment! I finally got there and I knocked not the door."Oh my gosh, Mackenzie!"
"Hi Garcia!"
"I didn't want to get to close to him, I knew you would like it if he likes you or Spencer better!"
"Heh that's fine!"
"I also got him organic dog food, a bed, a teal collar with a matching leash!"
"You didn't have to do that!"
"I wanted to do down thing for one of my favorite couples!"
"Thank you Garcia! Dot oh want to come with me, we can see his reaction together!"
"I don't think so, I don't want to intrude."
"Please! You won't intrude if I invited you."
"I guess, alright that's fine I guess."
"I'm hearing a lot of 'I guess'!"
"Fine that's go-wait first we need the dog!"
"That would be highly recommended!"
"Mhm!" She went and got him and my heart melted when I saw him. We got in the car for some reason she sat in the back and put the dog up front, I looked back at her in confusion."I want you two to have some bonding time!"
"Oh ya, I can just learn a whole lot about a dog that I just meant!"
"Ya lets change that!" I shook my head and we started heading back to the apartment.
     Sure enough when I got home Spencer was awake and making coffee."Where were you?"
"I left a note. Did you see it?"
"No where was it?"
"In front of the coffee pot!"
"Oh I'm sorry, I'm just tired."
"That will change soon, Garcia's here with me!"
"Um where is she than?"
"With the surprise I have in my car!" He sighed and I grabbed his and so he would follow. We got down to my car, and Garcia popped out."Hi!"She said in a hyper tone.
"Hi?"Spencer said in confusion.
"Let's just say the sky looks very GRAY, and my shoes are GERMAN!"
"Mackenzie he can't take hints!"I shrugged and walked over to the car and opened the door, Gray jumped out of the car and sat down next to me."Mackenzie that's a dog!"
"What I thought it was a cat?!?"
"Isn't he a K-9?"
"Oh-wait we weren't ready for this!"
"We weren't?"
"We never got anything."
"Garcia got it, I tried telling her she didn't need to but did it anyways."
"Sounds right. Study's show when you pet an animal it can help relieve headaches and migraines."
"So you're ok with the dog?"
"Or course!"
"Yay, I mean look at that face it's so cute!"He stood there smiling awkwardly."I was talking to you Spence!"
"Oh, sorry."
"Lets go up, I would like some lunch. And yes I know it's only 11:00 but it looks like I'm making lunch!"
*2 Years Later*
    We headed over to Morgans house, we all were so excited to see them again. When we got there Gray hopped out of the car and ran straight into the backyard. We went in, Morgan and  Savannah were standing there waiting for us to walk in."Hey guys!"
"You guys look so cute!"Savannah said giving me a hug. Spencer and Savannah went looking for Hank, Morgan and I sat down on the couch."We finally have another little one to play with Hank!"
"I know this is really exciting!"
"He has been asking to see his favorite aunt and uncle!"
"Ug that sounds weird aunt Mackenzie! Hank can just call me Mac!"
"Is that what all the kids are going to call you?"
"I guess so."
*3 MORE Years Later*
"Krista, can you come here please?" She came running up and hugged me.
"Yes mommy?"
"Mommy and daddy have to go, you're going to go stay with uncle Morgan and aunt Savannah."
"Yay! We can play FBI! Uncle Morgan can be the unsub, and I could be the agent!"
"Aw, who's Hank going to be?"
"My partner!"
"Really that awesome!"
"After that round, uncle Morgan can be the agent."
"You can be like your uncle Hotch!"
"Ya why not?"
"Yas, I can be big a scary!"
"You know he's not all that scary right? He's only scary around the unsub's!"
"I know, but he can still be scary sometimes!"
"Ok, well let's get all of our stuff and I'll take you to his house."
"Mommy can you pack my badge and web shooter?"
"Yes of course-oh do you want me to see if Henry and Michael come over there as well?"
"I love Henry!"
"Wait wait WHAT?!? You love him?"
"Of course, we're tight bro!"
"Who tough  you that?"
"Uncle Morgan!"
"Of course! Do you want to yell for daddy or should I?"
"Ooo I will! DADDY IT'S TIME TO GO! GET UP ALREADY, I WANT TO SEE MY UNCLE! Please!" I laughed and saw Spencer walk down the stairs laughing.(Btw they moved into a real house by now.)"Who told you to say that?"
"Heh, Albert!"
"He's brilliant, but I was getting your stuff by the way."
"I know, you read me your story's every night. The books grown ups read!"
"Well you have a 95.34% chance you'll have a higher reading level, and when it comes time a higher IQ!"
"Will I be as smart as you daddy?"
"You are your mothers daughter!"
"Heheh I know!" We dropped her off at Morgan's and we headed off to the bullpen.
*Morgans POV*
I got all the kiddos today, but I have Henry and Michael leaving tonight, that's good."Uncle Morgan can we all play FBI?"
"I don't know, can you beat me?"
"Of course! Mommy packed my badge and web shooter WITH web refills!"
"I don't stand a chance!"
"Why what do you have?"
"That's not important right now, what am I?"
"The unsub, and I'm uncle Hotch!"
"Really? Why is that?"
"He's big a tough!"
"Well agent Krista R. Reid, you have to catch me!"
"Hank, Henry, and Michael let's get him!"
"Four of you?"
"Ya, we're a team!"
"Ok, well I think we should take a snack break at the nearest jail kitchen!"
"What are we having?"
"Don't tell your parents! Ice cream, chocolate, and whipped cream!"
"Where's Mackenzie? I swear I just heard her!"
"That was Mencken Morgan!"
"Naw, man it was most definitely your mother!"
"Nope, all me!"
"Ok, well I guess mother like daughter!"
"Daddy says that all the time!"
"Oh ya, than he'll tell me one of his facts! It's one of the things I like most about him!"
"Really? I had to always tell him to stop those!"
"Why? They are awesome!"
"They are but one after another!"
"Ok I see your point."
"Good kid!" The kids and I spent the rest of the time playing and playing FBI. That really wanted me to come back so bad, but I knew I couldn't go back, I had a family and I am the official BAU babysitter too.
     The next day they came to pick Krista up and Spencer looked worried."Hey Spence, let's talk."
"Ok." I we went in the backyard and he was most definitely off."What's up kid?"
"Do you think Krista will be bullied in school because she most definitely is her mother but gets her brains from me?"
"Hank and Henry go to the same school, they are three peas in a pod! Plus Henry's older so the kids wouldn't mess with them, she's friends with the older ones so if anything happens they got each other's backs!"
"You're right, that was just the one thing I was actually scared about. I don't want my kids go through what I went through in my school experience, I mean I loved learning, but no one never liked me."
"Don't beat yourself up kid, it's the past for a reason!"
"I guess you're right. Thanks Morgan, we better be going!"
"See ya kid!" He left and I couldn't help but feel bad for the guy, he never really had a social life outside of of our team, but I hope that changes with Krista. I love that girl, she's like family, if anything happened to her I will find out who did it!

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