Chapter 8

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When we got there JJ and I went to the M.E., Spencer, and my dad went to the crime scene, finally Hotch went to the police station. All JJ wanted to talk about was my future, I would zone out and she'd go over board on the life stuff. We finally got there and as we went in someone stopped us, she looked as if she had been crying."Are y-you from the FBI?"
"Yes ma'am we are."
"You better find that man-that man that murdered my husband!"
"Ma'am, I'm agent Mackenzie Reid, you can go to the police station and talk to someone from our team. They can help!"
"Thank you-please get this guy! He took an insistent man!"
"We will, I'm so sorry for your lose."
"T-thanks, bye!"
"See you!" She left and we looked at each other and continued to the M.E. We got in there and he was just about to put the body back."Hello Dr. Theo, what's going on with this one?"
"Oh Mr. Grace here?"
"Well his last name is Gray."JJ said in a confused tone.
"Well it looks like he fell down stairs, had several fractures, and looked as if he fell in a fire."
"Oh well that sounds graceful!"
"There was something very unusual on the left shoulder blade." He pointed to it and it looked like a letter in a diamond shape.
"What is that the Superman sign?"
"I'm glad you can figure it out! I really couldn't figure that out-well I'm not really into superhero stuff."
"Well my son is, you kinda just figure these things out."
"That makes sense. I also found high levels of alcohol in his system, so much he must have passed out!"
"I guess he made himself a vulnerable target."
"Well it didn't end well for him!"
"Anything else?"
"Just that this man didn't deserve this."
"No one does!" We left and the Superman branding wouldn't leave me, it would have been very painful. None of the torture added up, it just didn't make sense. We got back to the station and I saw the woman from earlier, I waved as I walked by, she looked up and gave me a weak smile."Do you guys know why there is a woman sitting there? She's been there for awhile now, and she keeps asking for Mackenzie."
"When we were seeing the M.E. she was just leaving and stopped us, I told her to come here to talk."
"What's her relation to the victim?"
"She said he was her husband."
"It doesn't say in his files that he was married."
"Let me talk to her!"
"Alright, Spencer go with her!" He nodded and he followed me to the woman. She looked up and looked at Spencer."You were going to ask why it doesn't say that we're married....right?"
"I was  going to get there but yes."
"Well he proposed a week ago and we didn't file for a marriage license...yet. I guess there won't be a yet!"
"I'm so sorry. But than why did you say that he was your husband?"
"I can't say girlfriend because that's not what it was!"
"Ma'am I was just asking, it ok!"
"Was Tyler acting strange before when went missing?"
"Not that-actually yes! He-he was excited since he was finally going to figure out this Clark guy!"
"Clark? Did you know him?"
"No but Tyler was always talking about him, I never understood but I do know that he was completely obsessed with this Clark guy."
"What about the day before the disappearance?"
"He seemed on edge, on alert."
"Dos he tell you why?"
"No, he just said he got to far and now he is coming after him 'to get rid of all the evidence!' I don't get it-was that his kidnapper and killer? Oh my word!" She started breaking down and falling out of her chair, Spencer caught her. I didn't like how she was looking at him."We'll stay in touch, you may go. Thank you for your time!"
"Thank you!" We walked back and I was about to stop and talk to Spencer but I knew that I shouldn't worry about it. We filled the team on the information we just got, and I sat down."Is it possible that this unsub pretends that he is Superman? It's like a twisted fantasy that he is saving the world from the good people?" I said.
"He might be getting rid of the bad people." My dad said standing up out of his chair.
"What does that mean?"
"While you were talking to the fiancé Garcia called, she said that he was a complete drunk, and the dangerous kind. He would get in bar fights, and would cause a whole bunch of trouble on the streets."
"Ok that explains the alcohol in his system. But that doesn't explain why his fiancé thought he was completely insistent."
"Two different life's? One in the bar and an at home one?"
"Completely possible, but it  also be that he had two different lives. One with one woman and another with a different woman."
"That would make sense, and that's why our Superman wants to get rid of him." We started digging deeper and finding more evidence on a guy named Clark Kennedy. We had just enough to arrest. When we got to his house I noticed there wasn't a car and looked like there was never a car. We broke down the door and there he was about to brand another one."Clark Kennedy hands up!"
"It's funny that you think that's my name!"
"What is it Superman?"
"There you go!"
"Just come with us!"
"No, he needs to learn a lesson!"
"No he doesn't, he has imperfections but we all do, even Superman. He doesn't need to be tortured for those imperfections that you carry as well."
"I don't have any!"
"We all do, it's part of life!" He finally gave up and we arrested him. They took him in the interrogation room and I came in later after that."Why hello Mr. Kennedy!"
"Person I don't know!"
"Agent Mackenzie Reid. Let's talk about the men you killed! Why do it?"
"They wee living two different lives with different people. That's not how you live!"
"Clark Kent live two lives and you idolize him!"
"I am him!"
"The problem I have here is that I highly dislike Superman, I prefer Batman or Captain  America! I think Superman is a flying piece of steel, the think about that it's not very pretty to look at. With Captain America he is just beautiful, nothing can ever change that!"
"Great you're one of those people!"
"One of those people who you killed?"
"No of course not, they were to dumb to deal with!" I motioned to someone to come take him, finally my dad came in and took him. And it was time to go back home, our honeymoon is in three days Yass!!!

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