Chapter 9

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       We finished packing and ordered a pizza for dinner."When is our flight tomorrow morning?"
"Your not going to like this."
"Please don't let it be before 7!"
"Gosh darn it! We are getting coffee!"
"I was thinking the same thing."
"I'll make pour over coffee, I learned it awhile ago!"
"You did, that's a good way to make coffee!"
"That's why I learned it." After awhile we stopped talking about coffee, and it was about 7 so we finished packing. I had to give Spencer the check list and he should go through it."Do you have everything?"
"Yes-wait I should get some more books!"
"Ok, well how many times have you checked through your suitcase?"
"Three times, have you checked through yours?"
"Six, what kind of question is that?"
"The one you asked me!"
"Well that's true but-forget it!"
"Ok, we should get to bed before we miss our plane."
"We sleep, than flight in morning if we don't sleep now I'll never get up."
"You get up in the morning for work."
"That's different!"
"I see what you're saying actually, this is 2:00 and we normally get up at 6:30, it's 4 1/2 hour difference!"
"Why are you so good at math?"
"I have an eidetic memory, I can memorize everything."
"You've mentioned, just a few times."
"I know, let bring everything to the living room than go to bed."
"You took the words right out of my mouth!"
"I know, you don't like that fraise!"
"Ya." We brought everything to the living room than went to bed. 2:00 I can make it, I'm not going to be a grump, coffee may help it may. KEEP CALM!
       I had to wake up a bit earlier to make the coffee but I was fine for the most part.....I think. By the time I finished making coffee Spencer seemed like he was up for awhile and was ready to go, and there I was trying to stay awake standing up and I was up longer than him."Oh is that mine?"
"Nope all mine!"
"Ok it is, you should go get ready."
"Meh, I might go like this and change when we land."
"You look good in anything!"
"Heh I wish!"
"You do! You really pull off the coffee stain on your shirt there." He pointed to a coffee stain on my shirt and I went to change. I couldn't go out in public with a coffee stain on my shirt. I changed and got my coffee, suitcase, and my Spencer. We left and I almost fell down the stairs, my hair flew in my face and I decided to put it up."Mackenzie your a mess!"
"I think I started falling asleep or something so I started falling!"
"You were standing up."
"Ya I know, that makes it stranger!" We didn't want to take the car since I didn't trust the airport parking, and my dad offered to take us to the airport. Things are going to get weird! He got there and I was trying not to yawn."I'm here to pick up two tired people!"
"Yup, that would be us!"
"Heh I would've guessed! I remember all of my honeymoons. Those were fun!"
"What we're all adults here, plus that's where you're going!"
"Yup, but-never mind I'm to tired for this. I would take a nap but I'll be out cold!"
"Normally I would tell both of you decaf but you need to caffeine"
"You want to hear something strange?"
"Stranger than you and Spencer getting married?"
"Ha I guess. Coffee doesn't really affect me, it's more for the taste."
"Really, I wish it was the case for your Einstein over here!"
"I know, that might be why I've been giving him decaf!"
"Nice!" I was sitting in the back and Spencer was in the front. He turned around and looked at me, I stuck my tongue out and yawned."Why is this flight so early?"
"It was the only available flight for today."
"Agh, this is-agh!"
"I'm sorry."
"Hmh." When we got to the airport my dad gave me a hug and said goodbye to the both of us and drove off. We went through security and everything. There was a hold up when we were going through, and so Spencer went to find out. I watched him show the officer that he was FBI, and ask what's going on. When he came back I just looked at him.....he never noticed!"What's going on?"
"Someone had a knife in their pocket and before we got here the metal detector went off, they're patting him down now."
"Oh gosh, and you would think people would check their pockets before they go to the airport!"
"I know. Oh that reminds me, we need to put our stuff in our carry-on's!"
"Stuff for the job?"
"Ya,(I would say it but the people around us will freak out!)"
"I know, but I get what you're saying!"
"Good!"*This is going to sound so dramatic, but I am so-ya* Suddenly the line started moving. When we got through the officers wanted to chat."So what are you in the police field?"
"My wife and I are in the BAU!"
"Ah both of you?"
"Yes, we both are also profilers."
"Profilers eh?"
"Yes ma'am! Her dad also works with us. I've actually known him longer than my wife!"
"So she joined your team later on?" I started to feel left out and I realized she never asked about him so I was going to give her answers of why he sounds like a professor."My husband Spencer here is the brains of the team, three PHD's, an IQ of 187, and an eidetic memory!"
"Well he's smart!"
"Ok we got to go now, we still have a plane to get on."
"Oh ya, sorry to stop you!"
"It's fine, thank you for your work!"
"No problem, I wish it could be more interesting tho. Maybe like yours!"
"Maybe!" We speed walked over to our gate number. We were all set to get on, but we had 5 minutes till we get on the plane. I wanted to know where we were sitting but Spencer wouldn't let me see, I started getting a bit frustrated."You what I noticed?"
"Since we were married, our relationship hasn't had a major difference. Clearly a few things changed but not like it completely changed."
"I know, I like it like that!"
"Me too!" The speaker came on and said that our plane was ready to board and we started making our way over. I noticed that there weren't a lot of people boarding and that was weird.
      When we got on the plane, I looked around and it was huge! There were screens on the back of every seat, and in the back I saw a sign formally written 'Spencer & Mackenzie Reid's seats!' And there were two seats underneath the sign. I went in the back and sat down, and I saw a blanket with a sticky note on it that said 'I hope you like this, and I know how much you like blankets!' I grabbed the blanket and took my shoes off, and we didn't even take off yet!

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