Chapter 19

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    When we got on the plane I looked through all the files again, that took half an hour, Garcia called shortly after."Hello my beautifuls! Let me remind you if you ever die I will make sure you go in my catacomb! But it seems highly unlikely."
"Sorry, that was the darkest thing I've said in a long time!"
"I can help with getting out of your head-I got puppies!"I said
"Awww, we will talk later I can feel and see everyone looking at me to stop rambling!"
"Ya, I think so!"
"Ok, I looked at the M.E. report from the latest victim Philip Chagny. He had drown in filtered water, lose of blood from a gigantic gash on his arm, and was hung while being tied to something."
"Do we know what?"
"It could be a gate."
"That sounds right!"
"Oh ya, I remember now! That guy Raoul was tied to the Phantoms gate to his dungeon, and the Phantom tied a rope around his neck while he was still on the thing!"
"Correct-wait how long was he in the water?"
"By the medical report, Mr. Chagny was in there for a few hours, but died in ten minutes."
"Hotch can I go to the crime scene?" He looked like for a moment he completely zoned out."Hotch!" I said slightly raising my voice.
"I asked you a question."
"I'm so sorry, what was it?"
"Can I go to the crime scene?"
"Yes, you may."
"You ok?"
"Oh me, ya I'm fine."
"Ok...." I didn't know what to say, but I looked to my right and saw my lovely, dearest husband with four different books that were eventually made into musicals, one including the Phantom of the Opera in front of him. I wasn't the only one realizing this, JJ, Tara, and I all saw this."Hey Spence what's that?" JJ said pointing at the pile of books.
"Oh, I'm studying!"
"I'll ask again, what's that?"
"Phantom of the Opera, and a couple others, they're.....different for me!"
"I would think so, those seem pretty simple for you!"
"They are!"
"What are you 'studying'?"
"What people see in them, and why people think they can replicate it for murder."
"Well, Mackenzi you're the one married to him!" I sighed and patted his shoulder as he read them.
We finally landed and went our different ways. Spencer and I went together to the crime scene(If you're wondering why I always have Spencer go to the crime scene is because it seems like he always go there in the show!)Tara and JJ went to the most recent victims house, and my dad and Hotch went to the station.
We got there and noticed that the walls and the ground was painted recently."Spence do we know where the victim died?"
"I don't think so."
"Hey Spence, how long do you think the paint was there?"
"By the looks maybe a month and 17 days. Look 10.57 yards in front of us, the stone is 6.50 inches long, but the rest are 12.51 inches!"
"Can we put something over it to see what happens?" I said pointing at the spot. CSI brought a weight on a rope over, and the stone fell down into a pool of water."Could that be the pool of water the victim drowned in?"
"The pool is filtered water, this is the drowning sight!"
"Ok, we should go deeper in order to find the Beauty from Underneath!"
"No, but let me remind you that Love Never Dies!"
"What does that mean-wait we can't live forever!"
"I know but-never mind we should get back to murder." He looked at me and we continued down once more even though it's the first time down. As we were walking down it started looking like a house."When we came here did you see a house?"
"No, I saw a door on the side of the man made hill!"
"This is for sure the strangest house I've ever seen!"
"In this job you see the strangest things, but this is a completely different type of weird!"
"Typically its that it is bizarre, but this time it's almost supernatural." He said as I was looking through the bookshelf.
"Yup-hey look at this!"I said pointing to the dust in the shelf.
"Ya, what about it?"
"Everything it covered in dust but this one book isn't!"
"You're right-look what's it's called!" I looked snd looked right back at him.
"Phantom of the Opera, same version you had."
"Right, from what I read we're almost to the end."
"What if they go on to the next one?"
"The unsub could but they don't seem like they know what it is."
"You're right, let's look around a bit more than head back."
"Ok, Mackenzi?"
"Are you ok?"
"Um, well I don't feel that great, but I'll be fine by the end of the day."
"Ok, if you need a break just let me know!"
"Thank you, love you!"
"Love you too!" He said with a wink, and I smiled. We looked around for awhile and nothing to important seemed to stick out so we left a bit early.
When we got back to the station everyone else was there. Everything was set up and seemed as if they were already discussing theory's. We told them everything we found and my dad smiled. I started having that feeling like if I don't eat soon, there will be some rang coming!"You ok?" Tara said leaning back in her chair.
"Um, I'm just really, really hungry!"
"It's almost 1:30, we should go get something to eat!"
"Agreed!" They all nodded and with that Hotch and Tara left to go get the food from Jimmy Johns. When they left I got up to go get some water, and a snack. I hit to the vending machine and saw Hot Chip Strips, I got a couple bags of those, and of course my water.
      I got back to everyone and they looked at me weird."I didn't know you liked hot things!" My dad said grabbing one of the bags.
"I normally don't but this sounded really good right now!"
"Well I guess someone in this family will like it!"
"I guess." I ate them till the food came and we looked more into what evidence we have right now."Well I'm stuck, anyone else?" My dad said leaning back.
"I second that!" Tara said.
"Hotch I hate to bring this up, let alone suggest it, what if we call Emily in?" Hotch looked at my dad and at everyone else. I didn't know what to think, I never saw this one coming.
"I was going to do that anyways. She's already on her way. I talked to her before the case, she knows everything going on in the case, and everything outside of work!"
"After the case we'll discuss. No ones going to like it-I don't even like it!"
"I don't like where this is going!"
"Me nether!" We had a short silent moment than we called it a day.

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