Chapter 22.

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"So basically to sum that all up, if you aren't THE Derek Morgan, or you don't something to fit her expectations then you're just a walking box of hate!" I said getting out of the car.
"I'm guessing that I'm never going to get her to like me?"
"Um, maybe if you become friends with everyone else SOON than you might have a small chance!"
"Why do I even care?" I looked at him.
"You can't be serious? You do know Garcia can find whatever she wants on you then use that against you?!?"
"Are we good? I'm not sure if she'll find anything but let's be sure that doesn't happen!"
"We're cool! I might sound like I'm being hard on you but-"
"You're not, I just want them to like me."
"Really? You do know you're going to spend more time with us than you do with yourself?"
"Who's the easiest?"
"Normally Garcia but she's not for you. Second up is my dad!"
"Who is that? Is he even on this team?"
"He is, David Rossi! I never knew who my dad was before I got this job-is that the victims mom over there?" I saw her on the ground with a puddle of blood around her. I called Hotch and he said that they'll be right over.
I got some of the cops in front and they didn't care all that much. The team got there and I had to go inside."Mackenzie, what's wrong?" I heard Spencer say behind me.
"I don't know? I guess it's just that I don't feel too well."
"You look fine, what's really wrong?"
"My back." He grabbed me a chair and pulled one up for himself as well."Are you ok to stay?"
"Spence I'm fine unless it gets to that point."
"I don't want you to push yourself!"
"Who are you? You don't sound like the Spencer I know!"
"I am! I think you're the only one here with my last name!"
"Well ya, but we should get back out there!"
"Nope, I will you stay here!"
"I'm not getting benched!"
"You're not, I'll never let that happen."
"Ya, my dad wouldn't let that happen to me."
"I'll help him!"
"Sure you will." I said sarcastically. He walked away and I sat there till they came back. I was about to fall asleep in my chair till I started getting sharp pains in my stomach. I gasped in pain and found something at the same time so that covered that up."Are you ok?" My dad said getting up.
"Oh-um-I found something."
"You sure, you seem like you're in pain."
"I'm fine, but all of the victims had backstage passes to the show-ok maybe I'm not fine."
"What's wrong?"
"Let's take a trip!" I got up and my dad and Spencer started following. I heard some 'good lucks' as we walked further away from them.
*12 hours later*
I was in my hospital bed with my son."He looks like his momma!" My dad said at the edge of my bed.
"Heh, when does Krista come?"
"Tomorrow morning with Will and the kids."
"Morgan daycare?"
"He can't make it, Hank's sick and Savannah is working."
"Ok, that's fine. I still wish mom wasn't dead, she'd be so happy to have grandchildren!"
"I bit. By the way, Joy will be here in a few days."
"Yes, we haven't talked in awhile so that would be nice."
"Me too. We need to fix that!"
"Always." The nurse came in and said visiting hours are almost over, and that's when the WHOLE team came in."Excuse me visiting hours are almost over."
"I would never do this but, FBI she's on the team." Emily said.
"Ok, well don't spend too much time here, mama needs to sleep soon!"
"I don't think we'll be too long, thank you!"
"Call me when you're done."
"Alright thank you." He walked out and they all stared at me and the baby."What's his name?" JJ asked walking over to us.
"Lucas Matthew Reid." Spencer responded before I could even begin to breath.
"Can I hold him?"
"You know how this goes, you need wash your hands over and over!"
"Ahh yes, you're the overprotective father type!"
"Sorry, sorry, I'll be over here." She said then walking to the bathroom behind Spencer. Emily pulled a chair up and was just smiling."Emily you're scaring me." I said.
"I'm sorry, it's just that I have to tell you-all of you something."
"Hotch am I ok!" He nodded and she took a deep breath."I'm taking Hotch's place."
"Emily, is that why the other day you said 'former'?"
"Yes, I didn't think anyone noticed."
"Emily, I paid attention to your words."
"Why thank you. But, Hotch is stepping down, and I've been up for taking his place."
"I would've been Morgan if he was here right?"
"As much as I don't want Hotch leaving, I think he needs the break! I bet Jack would love to spend more time with him. Enough with that, I don't want to talk about work right now."
"I can agree and I was thinking the same thing-but first we found the unsub."
"Sandy Grassmen, she was getting ready for her show. We found wet clothes in her dressing room, but they weren't hers."
"The victims?"
"Yup, her coworkers."
"Well that was fun."
"Ya, that's the word. So when's Krista coming?" In the middle of my sentence JJ came back and stud there waiting for us to finish talking.
"The morning, I'm so excited to see that girl, she cracks me up!"
"What happened this time?"
"So Henry's been rubbing off on her. She told me that I need to hand her the web shooter that Henry gave her. She wanted to teach Spencer a lesson, I laughed and handed her it, she started using big words on him and he gave them to her. I mean they both knew what they were saying and I didn't!"
"Wow, I guess you're the one that needs a lesson!"
"Yup." JJ walked over and I handed her Lucas. Everyone started gathering around JJ and it was so cute!
The next morning JJ and my dad came in together, and they brought some chocolate."You guys rock!"
"Well I try!" My dad said setting them down on the table. After an hour of us talking and Passing Lucas around he finally feel asleep in my arms. I heard down the hall a light skipping sound and a running sound as well...Will and the kids. They came in and I saw Krista."Mama, daddy, I missed you!" She said hugging Spence.
"I missed you to Sweety!" I said brushing the hair out of her face.
"Who's that?"
"Your brother, Lucas."
"Am I still the favorite?"
"Krista, you'll always be my favorite daughter."
"Ok good, because uncle Will got me some more webs for my web shooter."
"You will not shoot it at your mother!"
"I was talking to daddy!"
"Nope, nether. You can shoot uncle Morgan, uncle Will, aunt Penelope, aunt Emily, or even Jack!"
"So anyone other than you and daddy?"
"Alright. Can I hold Lucas?"
"Of course Sweetheart, come sit up here with me." She climbed up and sat down on my lap, Henry and Michael came as well. I couldn't be more blessed!
If you haven't noticed the past few chapters have been hinting that she was pregnant. I purposefully made it hard to notice that she was. You had to really pay attention in order to realize.

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