Chapter 12

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*Mackenzie's POV*
      Since Spencer and I are always on call, and Krista always goes to Morgan's. Morgan told me that Savannah was designing a room for her, I felt bad, a vacation was needed now!"Spencer can you come here please?"
"Yes!" He looked at me and sat down next to me.
"Savannah's designing a room for Krista."
"In their house?"
"She does spend the night there a lot!"
"Ya but I think we need to spend more time with her, like a family vacation!"
"Oh, that's possible!"
"But we should also get Joy and her family as well!"
"What about Rossi?"
"Well both of us are going to be gone again, if we take three people there will be-"
"Five people!"
"Two new agents!"
"Who are they?"
"Tara Lewis, and we don't know the others name yet!"
"Oh, so I guess we can take my dad away!"
"Ya, we should see if the Morgan's can come too!"
"Sure. FAMILY BONDING TIME!" I lied down on the couch and Spencer was sitting down by my head. I heard little giggles and next thing I knew I had a knee going right into my stomach, there was Krista lying but down on my stomach giving me a kiss."Mommy, do you can daddy kiss?" I looked at Spencer and he started speaking,"Well Krista that's-"
"T-that's the kitchen timer for the brownies!"
"I don't hear it!"He said as he was getting tackled by a five year old.
"You're deaf!"
"No I'm not I have perfect hearing!"
"I'll keep that in mind for when your manly selective hearing comes into play!"
"I don't have selective hearing!"
"Believe what you want!"The brownie excuse was really believable, soon after it actually was going off.
   That night we got a call for a case, I had to wake Krista up, so Spencer left before me. I had to drop her off at Morgan's, and I was running around getting everything ready for her than the power goes out. I grab my phone, bags, charger,  kid, and bolt out the door into my car. I locked all the doors and looked at my battery....5% great! I tried calling Spencer but it died right when I tapped his name."Crap!"
"What does that word mean?"
"Umm, ask your father-wait don't ask!"
"It's for your own safety! Uncle Morgan can't even handle those!"
"Woah daddy's strong!"
"He's a hero, that's what my mom told me when I was little!"
"So, grandpa is really old?"
"Heh, I guess you could say that!"
"Mommy, why does uncle Morgan stay home, instead of being a FBI agent?"
"He put family first! Family always comes first!"
"Don't I come first?"
"Of course!"
"Then why don't you stay home with me?"
"Well we need the money, and who else will get the bad guys?"
"You're right, uncle Morgan is a do-do face, mommy and daddy are the ones who keep me safe!"
"Hehe, that's right! You ready to see your aunts, uncle, and grandpa?"
"Good, they'll be excited to see you!"Soon after our little conversation we got to the BAU and she was asleep when I went to get her out. I woke her up and picked the half awake child up. I ran in and hurried up to the bullpen.
     I got up there and Hotch walked up to me."Hotch I'm sorry I had to bring her! I was getting everything ready to go, than the power went out and I got Krista and ran out the door! My phone was dead and I couldn't call so I came straight here."
"Ok that's fine. You might want to talk to Reid. He was freaking out, he was worried!"
"I bet, with this job you never know what's going to be in your dark house."
"That's right!"
"I better go talk to him-wait what about Krista?"
"Well we were told we had to stay in the station, no field work. It would be safe enough for her to come. I wouldn't normally allow it but these things happen."
"Right, thank you!"
"We can ask if Henry can come, just so Krista is the only kid?"
"That can work! Again thank you!"
"No problem!" He gave me a smile and I put Krista back on her feet and we walked over to Spencer."Hey, why is Krista here?"She walked up rubbed her eyes and he picked her up hugging her.
"I was in a panic, the power went out and my phone died!"
"At least you're here!"
"Is she going to Morgan's or is he picking her up?"
"Hotch said she can come with us on the case."
"Oh ya we aren't doing any field work!"
"Ya, not a big fan of that but hey it's work!"
"Right. Krista do you want to read a book?" She nodded and they went over to his desk and they sat down and he pulled a book out of his desk. JJ and my dad came over to me, we just watched the both of them. I was happy, I felt like I really meant something to someone, and I loved them."It's still hard to believe Spence as a dad!"JJ said putting her hand on my shoulder.
"I know! It's just like yesterday he was talking about how he always wanted kids, now he does!"My dad said.
"I knew he would be a good dad."
"Ya, he does so well with the boys!"
"Oh ya, they love him. I knew it was a good decision having him the godfather!"
"Man don't I get the good looking grandchildren!"
"She's adorable!"
"Shes like a rose. Beautiful, unique, and fragile."
"Who knew Krista Rose Reid would be so much like her mother?"
"I know!" I remained silent the whole time, but I did nod a few times, I had a tear roll down my cheek, I was so proud of her. They finished and it was time to go catch our flight, Krista was was completely awake when we got on the plane, her and Henry played for a bit till they fell asleep on each other. JJ and I took pictures and got back to the case. We landed and went straight to the station.
The police officers were looking at us weirdly, and than looking at the kids stranger."Any of you seen a kid before?" My dad said throwing his hands in the air. They looked away, than one of them came up to us."I guess you're hear for the 'Slash' case?"He said annoyingly
"Yes!"Hotch said.
"Why are the kids here?"
"Long story."
"Well no time."
"Ok, where can we set up?"
"Down the hall in the second room towards the break room."
"Great, thank you!"
"Hmmhm." We went towards the room and everything was in a pile on the table and the board was sitting outside the room."Well that one sure loved his job!"JJ said looking around.
"Oh ya, and I guess things are a lot different here!" I said pulling a chair out. Krista ran up to me and sat on my lap. Henry came up as well, I put the both of them on my lap and they were so cute. JJ came up behind me and said, "I ship them! I was thinking maybe Krisry!"
"Yup totally!"
"I'm so happy you had a girl!"
"Me too! JJ is it bad I'm excited for teenagers?"
"Are you kidding?"
"I'm horrified!"
"My mom loved my teenage years, she said that it was better than my childhood!"
"Mine was the opposite!"
"Aww was my JJ a troublemaker?"
"No, just moody!" She smiled than went to help Spencer pull the board in the room. Soon after they started putting stuff on it and I saw something weird. I got up and looked at one of the pictures."Mackenzie, you see something?"My dad said.
"There are cuts on her head. I think the unsub was combing the victims hair with a knife!"
"Let's say the father would get angry, he ties him up and combs his hair with a knife?"
"That doesn't make sense."
"Ya-do you think the power went out on purpose?"
"Are you asking me?"
"Well, find out!"
"Oh ya, I forgot Garcia could do that!"
"Go ahead, call her!"
"Ok, you make it sound like I haven't talked to her in a long time!"
"She keeps saying that you guys haven't talked in a long time!"
"We talked yesterday!"
"Well talk to her not me."
"Fine!" I went out the room and did what I needed to do."Isn't it a bit early for a call?"
"No, it's not about the case!"
"Yes!" I told her what happened and I suddenly started feeling concerned about that, I mean I could be completely over reacting but I NEED to be sure."Oh oh oh! This isn't good!"
"What? Did someone shut our power off?"
"No, work stuff! There was another body found in a library around the corner of you guys."
"Do you have answer of why my power went out?"
"Snappy! Yes I do, it looks like it was turned off by an unidentified source."
"Great! Sorry for snapping. Garcia it would be great if you can send officers over to the house, and please dig deeper!"
"No problemo! Spread the word about the library murder!"
"Will do, thank you Garcia!" I hung up and face palm! I sighed and walked back in the room."Everything alright?"An unfamiliar voice said.
"Um not really-but don't mind me asking, who are you?"
"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm special agent Tara Lewis!"
"So sorry, I'm agent Mackenzie Reid!"
"Ah, the other half?"
"Heh ya, and that little girl is ours."
"Aww how cute, what's her name?"
"Krista Rose!"
"How cute!"
"Thanks-anyways Garcia told me there was another body." They all looked at me and I explained what we were talking about and what's happening. Spencer asked if we can go get coffee and that meant in code 'let's talk'."At least we have Krista with us, we know she's safe!"Spencer said.
"I know, I think this case might have been the thing that saved our lives!"I said looking for the break room.
"To be honest, that phone call scared the life out of me!"
"Understandable, Mackenzie we should go on that vacation soon, just so we can completely forget about that!"
"Ok, I'll talk to my dad and call Joy tonight."
"Ok, I love you."
"Love you too." We hugged and he kissed the top of my head, we separated and we kissed. We walked to the coffee machine and as I poured it, the coffee spilled all over my shoes. I took them off and got my coffee and we went back to everyone else.

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