Chapter 10

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   When we landed, we went straight to the house. It was a 9.41-hour flight, plus a time difference of 6 hours....I didn't feel too good, so sleep was WAY overdone! It was 3:50am in their time and we finally got to the house. We went in and I didn't really pay much attention to what the room looked like, I just found my way to the bedroom where there was a bed! So I could sleep! I changed and went straight to bed, no thought needed. A few minutes I felt the bed shift and the whole blanket flew off of me."S-Spencer, where is the blanket?"
"I thought you were asleep."
"I was till there was no blanket!"
"Sorry, it's cold in here."
"Do not touch anything!"
"I know, you like it cold in the house so you like it cold."
"Yup, come on I'm really tired right now!"
"That's ok with me!"He gave me the blanket and I went back to bed. I was surprised the bed was actually very comfortable, so that made me fall asleep easier-yay!
When I woke up it was about 11:20.  I was completely confused where I was."Spencer where are we?"
"The house we rented in Rome?"
"Oh, I didn't pay much attention to where I was last night."
"I know, you were cranky!"
"Well, would you like to go out on the balcony? I was out there this morning drinking my coffee!"
"Where did you get coffee?"
"The coffee shop down the street!"
"Oh, ok then. I want some."
"Let's just go look out there!"
"Ok ok, in going to change first!"
"Ok, nothing to fancy!"
"I'm not a fancy type of person!"
"Correct!" I changed and went out to the balcony where Spencer was, the view was absolutely beautiful! We stood there for a bit then went to go get ready to go somewhere. Yet again he wouldn't tell me where we're going, not very excited again.
When we left the house, stopped at that coffee shop, and went to the Galleria Borghese. Spencer was very excited since it was Renaissance art masterpieces, he explained everything to me when I just asked what it's  called. When we were there I noticed someone looking at me the whole time. We were outside and he was there too, Spencer walked to a bench, I was going to till he came closer and I went up to him."Excuse me, why are you following me around this place?"
"I wanted to see if I could figure you out."
"Oh, I thought you would be speaking Italian-wait why do you need to figure me out, I don't even know you!"
"Well let me rephrase, you looked familiar. I didn't know till now!"
"I'm Lily's kid!"
"Why are you here?"
"I've been living here for a year tomorrow! I actually moved here to be on a permanent mission!"
"Why are YOU here?"
"You're married? Where is he?"
"SPENCER!" He started walking over and had a smile on his face, and looked at Drew, that smile was gone."Hi, I'm Mackenzie's cousin! You must be the unfortunate husband!"
"I am." The smile reappeared again, and he put his arm around me touching my shoulder."So you guys should come over to my house tonight and we can catch up and meet my family!"
"What? Did I just hear the Drew that said he was never going to get married and have children say he has a wife and children?"
"Yes, I know shocker!"
"It sure is! That reminds me of Morgan a lot well he never said he would never get married but he did want kids!"
"Who's Morgan?"
"Oh, we worked with him. That Derek Morgan is something!"We explained everything then we left, he asked me why I never mentioned why I didn't tell him about my cousin."Well my aunt and I never knew where exactly he was, we knew that he would leave like this, we just didn't know where!"
"Did you guys get along as kids?"
"Of course, we saw each other all the time."
"So you were close to your aunt and cousin?"
"Yup, I never talk about them often is because-well it brings way to much of the past up in the present."
"So there is more that I don't know?"
"You know everything!"
"Not really, there are a lot of undiscovered facts that no-one has found so far."
"Ok, well we can talk more about it tonight with Drew and his family!"
"Can we trust him?"
"Of course, Drew has been a Christian since we were teens. Senior year he said that 'the Lord is calling me to be a missionary'. He went to a Christian college to learn more about what missionaries do."
"Wow, that says something!"
"Yup, do you think we should go back, change and head over to his house?"
"Sure, but let me say I that galleria was incredible!"
"Ya, who knew that they can be that violent! Those paintings can go in a prison cell and even scare the prisoners!"
"Nevermind, forget it. I guess it only made sense in my head!"
"I understand what you're saying but I don't see the logic."
"Ok, I didn't think too much on it so the logical level was horrible!"
"What's a 'logical level'?"
"I don't even know!"
"Well, we should change!"
"Ya, this is getting weird again!"
"But you're too cute to be weird!"
"Heh, I would love to believe that!"
"It's true!"
"Thank you, I love youu!"
"You too!" We got ready, I had my navy polka-dot knee-length dress, a coral belt, black pumps, and had my hair naturally wavy. When I walked out, with Spencer sitting on the couch he looked up from his book and smiled at me."I guess I look ok?"
"What does that mean?"
" A way to describe how beautiful you look!"I blushed and smiled. Soon after we left to go over to my cousin's house. When I meant his family-AH THEY'RE SO CUTE! His wife Lindsy, and 4-year-old son Matt set up for dinner. We were all talking about when Drew and I were kids, I started crying, a lot of the things Drew was talking about was my mom. "Mackenzie, are you ok?"
"Well mom faked her death, I was a wreck but Spencer and my dad were there for me the whole time. But she came back and was a part of a kidnapping, stalking, and murder. Her partner killed her in jail, that partner and I never got along!"
" I have a few questions! First, what do you mean by 'dad'? Second, what was the partner's name?"I told him the story of how I meant my dad and Spencer."Well, she worked with us for a bit but then one of the victim's parents recognized her. Everything went downhill from there."
"Wow,the job sounds interesting!"
"Always is-oh hey we were supposed to call my dad a few hours ago, bu now he might be on a plane here!"
"You should call, I don't think we have room for another!"
"Ya, you don't, he's a handful!"
"What do you mean?"
"It's like he was an adult stuck in an elderly body!"
"Oh gosh, he is a handful!"
"I know, I guess it's time to call, I mean maybe I shouldn't he might be on a case, naw I'm fine!"
"Mackenzie you need to!"
"Ok..."I pulled my laptop out and turned on Skype, I called my dad and when he answered, sure enough, he was on the plane."Hey, you were supposed to call me a few hours ago my dear!"
"I know, I ran into someone!"
"No, my cousin Drew!"
"Oh ya, Lily's kid! How's he doin'?" Drew then popped his head in front of the camera and waved."Who is that?!?"
"Oh, ok. You got me slightly scared there, I thought-"
"Nope, Spencer is right here and Drew's wife, we are all good!"
"Ok, listen everyone is now bugging me for me to let them talk to you two real quick."
"Alright, I'll call back in a minute, bye dad!"
"Bye Sweetheart!"I hung up and we said our goodbyes, and went back to the house. We got back and Spencer was clearly thinking about something."Spencer, you're thinking!"
"I know.
"What are you thinking?"
"Well it's nothing really, but why would they want to talk?"
"I don't know, but lets just see what they want."I dialed JJ's number this time and when she picked up it looked liked they were still on the plane."Where are you going? It's been awhile since we left and you're still on the plane."
"California! But we need your impute!"
"What for?"
"Well Jack and his team are currently in Itily! We're taking the murders in the States."
"What? They're in the U.S. and Itily?"
"Yes, they're enough apart so that this unsub is flying from here to Itily. No to be rude or anything, but why do you need our impute?"
"Your brains play off of each others and you can figure this part out quicker."
"Oh ok." Spencer came over and I put my laptop on the table so they can see the both of us. She told us that they duck type their faces, and shave their heads. Murder weapon left at the crime scene each time the same thing an old rusted hand saw."Covering the face could mean that they find whatever they did to be a shame to them or their families, and the weapon left at each of them could also mean they feel remorse for killing them." Spencer said looking at one of the crime scene pictures.
"The shaving of the head could be that they were hiding themselves from someone or something. They could have been living two diffrent lives, which would make sense with the wrapping the face to hide their shame."I said thinking real hard on this. JJ looked at us and was wide eyed. Everyone else heard us and I was a bit confused, Spencer was trying not to smile but I saw it here and there."L-like I said you play off of each other! But WOW, you baiscly gave us most of the profile!"
"I mean you could have gotten it, but I guess we just told you which way to look."I said feeling releved. We talked for a bit longer than their plane was about to land and we were going to go to bed.
      The rest of th honeymoon was fun, Spence had things planned left and right, we were always busy which was nice, I never liked it just sitting there trying to figure out where to go next. It was the day we headed back and I was excited for a specal reason. I've had Garcia watching a retired K-9 Unit, he was for homicide(searching for dead bodies). I saw him once in the feild and I told Spencer I thought he was adorable. His name was Gray, and he's even gray! 

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