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Troyes pov:
"Why do we have to move?" I moaned walking into the kitchen to where my mum is cooking dinner.
Hi I'm Troye. I'm a 16 year old boy who has come out as gay to my family and close friends this year. At the moment I live in Perth, Australia but I'm now being forced by my parents to move to La Crescent, Minnesota.
"We've been over this thousands of times Troye, your dad got a great new job and we have to move," she said with annoyance in her voice. She was so sick of me asking this question.
"But why do I have to move?"
"Because we are family and families stick together."
"But what about my life here? What about my friends?"
"You'll make new ones."
"Not like the ones I have now. They understand and accept me"
"You'll keep in touch with them with that phone of yours that you never put down."
"It's not the same as seeing them every day. And for the record, I'm not on my phone all the time." She looks at me as to say that she doesn't agree with me. "I'm not but whatever." I say rolling my eyes and throwing my arms up in the air in defence. She rolls her eyes and goes back to cooking. I stood there for a moment racking my brain for excuses as to why I couldn't go. "What about school? What if I don't like it? What if I get bullied again? What if..."
"You'll be fine, your new school seems nice and everyones lovely." She said sweetly.
"Mum, you literally think everyone is nice even when they aren't."
"Well most people are nice."
"But some people aren't and those people always somehow find me." I say getting frustrated.
"Troye calm down you're over reacting you'll be fine." Mum said calmly.
"No I'm not over reacting, I don't want to move." I said angrily sounding like a toddler throwing a tantrum. "I want to stay here-"
"Troye!" Mum snapped looking up from cooking and glaring at me, "we are moving and that's the end of it. I don't want to hear anymore excuses. Now go to your room and pack your bags." She said angrily, pointing at the stairs. I stood there staring at her. I thought that this moment couldn't get more annoying but i was wrong.
"Ooooooh did someone get in trouble," My younger sister sang walking up behind me.
"Shut up Sage." I snapped.
"Someone's a bit feisty today." She said mockingly then laughed.
I groaned and rolled my eyes then turned around and walked up the stairs to my room. I got to my room, slammed the door and flopped onto my bed. I lied there just thinking about my new school, new place, new people, new life.

What did you think of my first chapter? I know it's not that long but there will be some longer ones soon.
Btw most of these chapters will be in Troyes pov but I will change it up occasionally.

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