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Troyes pov:
A boy kneels down and starts picking up books and sheets. His brown quiff like hairstyle, flat and wavy, flops into his face. Speckled hazel eyes sparkle in the light as he looks at me and small soft pink lips that never seem to change from a smile.
"Don't let them get to you, they're jerks anyway." He says as he stands back up handing me the stuff he had picked up. He ran his hand through his hair to get it off his face.
"Thank you." I said quietly.
"Hi I'm Connor." He said with a sweat smile and soft eyes. I shook myself out of the dreamy state I was in.
"Hi I'm-I'm Troye." I stuttered returning the smile. I hate it when I stutter, it only happens when I'm nervous. Wait was this boy making me nervous?
"I haven't seen you around here before, are you new?" He asked tilting his head slightly to the side.
"Yeah it's my first day today."
"Oh really where did you come from?" He paused "If you don't mind me asking"
"No it's fine. I moved from a school in Perth, Australia."
"Wow that's a long way away."
"Yeah." I say looking down at the floor.
"Well I welcome you to La high school. I know it's not the best but I mean it's alright I guess." He said with a little shrug. I smiled. This guy was actually super nice.
"Connor are you coming!" I heard someone yell from behind me. I turned around to find the guy that called me a faggot just before leaning against the lockers down the hall. He was tall ish and quite muscular. He had a brown quiff and green eyes.
"Yeah hang on Marcus!" Connor yelled back. I turned back to him felling myself tense up. Was this boy was like them? Why was he talking to me? "Oh don't worry I'm not like them, I would never hurt you." He blurted out quickly. I relaxed.
"Well I kind of assumed you weren't like them." I say with a smirk. He frowns.
"Why?" He asks.
"Because you're being nice to me right now." I say laughing and so did he. His laugh was amazing.
"Fair enough. So what class do you have first?" He asked.
"English with mrs Mullens."
"Same. By the way she's a shitty teacher."
"Oh really?" I say frowning.
"Yeah, I wish I was joking but I'm not." He said. I looked down at the floor and sighed.
"I know we just met but could I ask you a favour?"
"Um sure what kind of favour?" He frowned.
"Can I walk with you to class because I don't know my way around school yet?"
"Oh yeah that's fine. I'll just message Caspar and tell him that I'll talk to him at lunch." He said smiling and pulling out his phone.
"I don't want to be a hassle."
"No it's fine I want to help." He said sending his message and putting his phone away. "Ok let's go. We have to go to my locker first cause I need to get my English book out."
"That's fine thank you so much." I say smiling.
"Don't mention it." He says smiling before he takes off down the hall.

As we were walking to Connors locker I was in deep thought. What were the odds of me meeting someone like Connor on the first day of a new school? I was so happy that he helped me.
I was in such deep thoughts that I didn't realise Connor had stopped in front of me and I ran straight into his shoulder.
"I'm so sorry." I say putting my hand on my forehead.
"No it's fine. Are you ok?" He asked slightly worried but sounded like he was about to laugh.
"Yeah I'm fine just getting a bit of a headache from your rock hard shoulder." I laughed rubbing my forehead.
"Yeah I would stay out of the way of my shoulders they have a habit of giving people a headache." He laughing. Just like all good moments ours ending but not pleasantly.
"Hey Connor what do you think you're doing." Said a guy standing next to me. He was very tall and muscular. He had blonde hair styled in a quiff which made him look like a pineapple.
"I'm helping someone out," Connor said gesturing to me.
"What you're helping out this fagot?" He said. I put my head down.
"Yes I'm helping him out and don't call him that."
"What? Faggot?" He laughed.
"Yes, now stop calling him that."
"Why not he looks like one." He said laughing and nudging me. I didn't move a muscle.
"Well I could say the same about you." Connor said. I smiled a bit.
"What? But I'm not gay!"
"Don't play dumb with me Caspar I've seen you getting close to Joe lately. So don't call someone else gay just because you want to hide the fact that you are."
"Whatever Connor I better see you at lunch." the guy huffed before walking off down the hall.
"Whatever." Connor said rolling his eyes and shutting his locker door. He turned to look at me, "I'm so sorry about them. Your first day isn't going so great is it?"
"Well I mean it hasn't been all bad."
"How?" He said frowning.
"I met you." I said just before the bell rang. Connor looked at me then quickly up the hall.
"We should get to class. Let's go," he says smiling at me. He started walking down the hall and I quickly followed.

Hoping you guys are liking this xx

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