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Troyes pov:
Tonight's the night, the concert. Its my turn next to sing and Im so nervous. My whole family is here, which i find so nice of them to find the time to come watch me. Connor promised he would come but he isn't here yet. He's probably just running a bit late. I take my phone out of my pocket to message him and remind him.

Troye boy ~ Hey con con. I hope you're on your way because i'm next. Hope to see you soon xx

I send the message and I put my phone back in my pocket quickly when I see my mum running towards me.

Laurels pov:
"Troye, honey I'm so sorry," I say puffing and panting, "I have to go. There's some kind of emergency and they've called me in. I wish I could stay and watch y-"
"Mum," Troye interrupts me grabbing my shoulders to calm me down. "It's ok, I understand. I'll be fine there is always another time just go." He says with a reassuring smile.
I smile back and brought him in for a hug "you are more then I could ever ask for. I love you." I say. I start running toward the car "knock them dead!" I yell before I got into my police car. I quickly turn the sirens on and take off.

I meet the other officers when I get to the house.
"So what's happen?" I ask as I walk over to my partner, Alex. There was a team of officers standing on the lorn of this house.
"The neighbours called about a disturbance," Alex says.
"Who's in the house?" I ask.
"We're assume a partner or a child but hasn't been confirmed," she says.
"Ok well if he has hold of a weapon it's best to go through the back door," I say looking over towards the house.
"Ok, offices Jack and David," says Alex. Jack and David turn around and come over to us.
"Adam," I say to one of the officer. He turns to look at me. I point at the house and mouth 'back door'.
He thumbed me up for me to go as he went to get his radio.
"Follow me," I say to alex, Jack and David as I start to walk around to the side of the house. The rest of the team waits out the front incase anything happens.
When we get around the back of the house I peer in slowly through the window and see him pacing and holding a gun. I put my back against the house and took a deep breath.
"Eyes on suspect. No sign of anyone else in the house," I whisper into my radio. 
"I have just been informed by one of the neighbours that they haven't seen anyone go into that house tonight," he says.
I pause "Well then who's inside?"
"Can you find out?" He says.
"Ok," I say.

Shauns pov:
I watch as Laurel runs off towards the car. I do worry about her every time she goes to work, especially when she gets a call like this. I'm scared she's not going to come home one day and I'm going to get a call saying she's in hospital or something.
Troye finished his song and runs over to us with a massive smile on his face. We all gave him a big hug.
"Well done mate," I say as he pulls away.
"Yeah that was amazing," Sage says excitedly.
"Good job," says Steel.
Tyde just gives him another hug. He looks up to him.
"Thank you so much guys," he says the smile still not leaving his face.
"Wish your mother was here to have seen it," I say.
"Yeah but it's ok there's always next time," he says happily. "Besides I still had you guys here," he adds. He gives us all another hug.
"Ok lets go home," I say smiling. I'm so proud of him.

Laurels pov:
I take a deep breathe and burst through the door "drop your weapon!" I yell walking towards the man, pointing my gun. He turns around and fires his gun at me. It misses and I shoot him in the shoulder making him drop the gun and fall to the floor.
"Hold your fire, hold your fire. Suspect is down, requiring medical assistance stat," I say into my radio as I walk over to him still pointing the gun at him. I stand over him just staring.
"There's a body in the kitchen," Alex yells.
"What did you do," I say through gritted teeth. The paramedics and officers run over and start to get him sorted to take him to the hospital. I lower my gun.
"Alex go with him," I say. She nods and goes with him. After they leave I make my way over to the kitchen. I look in and notice a body in the middle of the kitchen floor.
"Victim has been found," I say into my radio. The paramedics run in and past me. I move out of the way so they could get into the body.
"There's still a pulse," I hear one say.
"Quickly put him on the bed and get him to the hospital," I hear another say. I get out of their way so that they could take him safely to the ambulance. I walk outside and walk over to the ambulance where the man I shot is sitting. The officers were talking to him while he was getting fixed up.
"James Arthur you are under arrest," I hear Adam say. James Arthur? I know that name, how do I know that name? It suddenly hit me. I look over towards the bed that the paramedics were about to put into the ambulance. "Wait!" I yell running towards them. They stop and sit the bed down on its wheels. Everyone is now looking at me. When I get to the bed I look at the body and notice who it was. I put my hand over my mouth as I felt tears forming in my eyes. "No this can't be happening," I whisper to myself.
"Mam we have to take him to the hospital now," says one of the paramedics. I let go of the bed and collapse on the ground. Now tears streaming down my face. The red and blue lights turning into a blur. The sirens fading out.

It was Connor.

I'm so sorry xx

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