Carnival | part 2

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Tyler's pov:
I decide to go to the carnival with Hannah and Ingrid. While walking around, Hannah and Ingrid were holding hands and kissing, all the things couples do, and I'm third wheeling. I walk around with them for a while but that got boring and awkward.
"Hey, I'm going to grab something to eat," I say to them.
They turn their heads and look at me "ok, did you want us to go with you?" Asks Ingrid.
"No it's fine, you two can go on ahead," I say with a smile. They smile back before I turn around to go find something to eat. I couldn't find anything I want to eat so I walk up to a random stall and see fairy floss "hi can I get some fairy floss please," I say to the girl in the stall.
"Sure hang on," she says turning around to get some from behind her. "That'll be £5 please," she says smiling. I give her the money and she hands me the fairy floss.
"Thank you," I say to her. I turn around to walk away when I run into someone with a cup of fries spilling it all over them and the ground. "I'm so sorry," I say looking at their shirt which now has gravy stains on it.
"It's fine, don't worry," I heard them say. I look up to see a very handsome guy looking back at me. We smile and stare at each other for a moment. "Hi," he says softly.
"Hi," I reply.
"Korey," he says holding out his hand.
"Tyler," I say shaking his hand.
"Would you like to go for a walk?" He says sweetly.
"Sure," I say and we start walking.
"Why are you walking around here by yourself?" He asks.
"I was third wheeling with the friends I came here with, what about you?" I ask.
"Yeah same all my friends are in relationships and I'm the only one who isn't as my boyfriend broke up with me a few weeks ago," he explains.
"Oh I'm sorry to hear that," I say
"No it's fine he was an asshole anyway," he smiles.
"Oh ok," I fill my mouth with fairy floss "would you like some fairy floss," I say holding it out in front of him.
"Thanks," he says taking some.
"Again sorry about your shirt," I say.
"It's fine my ex gave it to me so I don't care if it has stains on it or not," he says with a little laugh.
"You really don't like him do you?" I laugh. He laughs with me and we keep waking.

Connors pov:
I look over at the mountains and notice that the sun is starting to set. A big smile crosses my face as i have a good idea. I jump up from the ground and grab Troyes hand.
"We'll be back soon," I say to the group before starting to run.
"Woah Connor where are we going?" Troye yells over the crowd and loud music as I force him to run with me.
"You'll see," I yell in response. We run through huge crowds of people and stalls until I finally get to where I want to be. The ferris wheel. Troye stops next to me and looks up.
"Connor no," he say sternly backing away slowly. He's about to run but Im still holding his hand.
"What's wrong?" I say concerningly.
"I'm scared of heights, remember?" He says looking like he's about to cry.
"Troye, it's ok. I'll hold you and won't let anything happen to you," I say looking into his eyes. He smiles and nods before we run over and jump in line. Less than a minute passes and we get into one of the massive carriages. Theres a seat in the middle and glass around the outside, you could fit more people in one carriage than just us but there wasn't many people in the line. The guy shuts the door and immediately Troye tightens his grip. The ferris wheel starts and I was so excited to get to the top to see the sunset. Troye on the other hand wasn't.
"Connor I want to get off," Troye says his voice shaky.
"We can't get off now," I say feeling a bad for making him come on this.
"But Con Con I'm scared," he says looking up at me his eyes sparkling in the sunlight. His breathing irregular. I let go of his hand and wrap my arms around his shoulders pulling him closer to me. He wraps his arms around my waist and shut his eyes.
"I'm sorry it'll be ok, I'll protect you," I say softly. He nuzzles his head into the crook of my neck, his breathing calming down.
"Promise?" He mumbles.
"Promise." I say smiling. We stay like that until we reach the top of the Ferris wheel.
"Troye look," I whisper looking out at the amazing sunset. He opens his eyes slowly, the sun lighting up his beautiful blue eyes. His face more beautiful then ever making me fall for him even more. He slowly lets go of me and moves closer to the edge of the carriage.
"You know," he pauses "Ive always wished I could get proposed to on a ferris wheel," he says not taking his eyes off the sunset. I smile.
"But aren't you scared of heights?" I say frowning.
"Yeah that's the bit I don't understand," he says with a laugh. 
"And it's also so cliche," I giggle moving closer to him.
"Oi stuff off," he says getting defencive.
"No it's cute," I say wrapping my arms around his waist and resting me head on his shoulder. Theres a moment of silence where we can almost hear each others heartbeats.
"It's so pretty," he says smiling.
"Thank you," I say jokingly.
"Not you the sunset," he says.
"Oh," I say acting sad.
He looks at me "You're hot," he says smiling. I smile as I hug him tighter, never wanting to let him go.

Mikaelas pov:
I'm walking around by myself not sure what to do. Everyone else went on rides and Im the only one who doesn't want to go on rides yet. Mikey said he would try to get here after he finishes work but he couldn't promise that he would. I'm not even sure when he finishes work. I walk through the crowd and past the Ferris wheel where Troye and Connor were getting off. Maybe I can stay with them for a while. They look over and notice me by myself.
"Hey Mikaela!" Yells Connor.
"Hey guys," I say walking over them.
"Why are you by yourself?" Asks Troye giving me a hug.
"Everyone else is on a ride and I didn't feel like going on rides yet," I explain as Connor gives me a hug.
"Well why don't you walk around with us for a while so you're not by yourself," says Connor happily.
"That would be great thanks," I say as we start to walk away from the Ferris wheel. We meet up with the rest of the group. Joe and Caspar turn around.
"Mikaela!" They say at the same time walking over to me, giving me a hug.
"Hey guys," I say giving them a hug. "Hey Mikaela," I hear from everyone else. I smile at everyone. We head off walking around the carnival waiting until the fireworks start. I looks at all the couples around me and they all look so happy. I decide to walk out in front of all the couples by myself so I didn't have to see the couples. Don't get me wrong I'm happy for them, I just wish I wasn't alone. I walk past some stalls, around a corner and I look up and I smile. My heart starts to race and I feel so happy. I see Mikey walking towards me. I run up and give him a hug. He hugs me back tightly.
"I'm so happy to see you," he says quietly.
"So am I," I say back quietly. We let go slowly and look at each other "I didn't think you'd be able to get out of work," I say.
"My boss said that I could leave early," he says smiling.
"Really? That's so good," I say happily.
"Yeah it is," he says.
"Mikey!" Yells the group behind me. They run over to say hi to him. We stay with everyone for a moment before Mikey leans towards me.
"Did you want to go on a ride?" He says quietly.
"Of course," I reply quietly with a smile.
I tap Connor on the shoulder and turns his head to look at us "We're going on some rides," I say.
He smiles "ok have fun," he says with a wink. I smile and playfully nudge him before Mikey and I walk towards the rides.

Troyes pov:
Everyone sits down on the grass waiting for the fireworks. I see all the couples sitting in each other's arms, even Mikey and Mikaela are holding hands which I find adorable. I look over to see Tyler with a guy who seems quite nice. Connor and I sit next to each other, not sure what to do. I want to lay down with him forever just looking at the stars but I don't know if he wants to do that. I see, out the corner of my eye, Connor stretch his legs out in front of him. I look over at him. I turn my body slightly so I could lie my head on his legs. He looks down at me and he smiles.
"Is this ok?" I ask.
"It's good," he says softly. While we wait a little longer for the fireworks I feel Connors hand playing with the curls in my hair. It sends tingles right through my body. I close my eyes and I feel like I'm in heaven. I wish this night would never end. I open my eyes when I hear a loud bang of the fireworks going off. Everyone looks up at the sky watching the fireworks but I feel Connors hand still playing with my hair. I look up at him. Seeing the star lit sky shining beyond his sweet face as I stare up at the guy I've been falling for since I met him and I ask myself can we stay like this forever?

Sorry I haven't been feeling well lately xx

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