Bus trip

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Troyes pov:
After we go shopping and look around the city we start heading home. When we get on the bus, Zoe sits with me, Connor sits with Tyler and Alfie sits by himself and sleeps.
"So Troye," Zoe says after the bus starts. I look at her.
"What's going on between you and Tyler?" She asks with a smirk.
"Nothing," I say frowning at her "why?"
"Just the way he looks at you, just thought there might be something going on between you two," she explains.
"No there's nothing going on between us," I say.
"What about Connor?" She asks suspiciously. I freeze, butterflies come alive in my stomach and my cheeks flush bright pink. I look over at Connor and back at Zoe.
"What?" I say frowning.
"Is there anything going on between you two?" She asks. I pause.
"No," I say bluntly.
"Are you sure?" She says smiling becoming more suspicious.
"Nothing's going on between us," I say quickly, a bit louder than I'd hope. I notice Connor and Tyler look at me.
"Ok troye," she says giving in. She pulls out her phone. "Do you want to listen to music?" She asks.
"What do you think," I say with a smile on my face.
"I take that as a yes," she says with a little giggle. She gives me one of her earphones. We sing along to songs by LANY, the 1975, Lady Gaga and Tove Lo.

Caspars pov:
"Hey Caspar!" I hear someone yell. I look around to see who it was. I look at Alfie who is already looking at me. He flicks his eyes gesturing me to look at someone. I look to where he's gesturing. Its Mikaela. Shit I didn't realise she came on this trip.
"Talk to her," mouths Alfie. I shake my head. He gestures his head again for me to go to her but I just shake my head again. He rolls his eyes and leans over to her. He's saying something to her but I can't hear what he's saying. She turns around and sees me. She gets up from her seat and starts walking over to me. I'm not too worried, she knows that I've liked Joe for so long and she knows that there's something going on between us. Besides Joe and I have been helping her talk to Mikey.
"Hi Caspar," she says standing next to me.
"Hey Mikaela," I say looking up at her.
"Alfie said that you wanted to talk to me about something, is everything ok?" She asks looking concerned.
"Yeah Alfie is just being a dick," I say.
"Why? What did he do?" She says.
"I did a stupid thing and said I had a crush on you. Now Alfie wants me to ask you out," I say.
"Well we know that's not going to happen," she says smiling before looking at Joe. I look at Joe who is blushing with a smirk on his face. He looks so cute.
"Hi Mikaela," he says in a calming voice looking up at her.
"Hi Joe," she says still with the smile on her face.
"How's it going with Mikey?" He asks.
"I don't know we seem to be getting closer but he's a little shy around me," she explains.
"Hopefully he asks you out soon," Joe says winking.
"Hopefully," she giggles. "I should get back to my seat before a teacher yells at me. I'll talk to you guys later, bye," she says before she starts to walk back to her seat.
"Bye," Joe and I say at the same time as she sits down next to Mikey.

Troyes pov:
It's so boring in this bus. I'm sitting here on my phone by myself because Zoe left me to sit next to Alfie. We were all sitting the same as we were on the way to the show except Connor is sitting with Tyler now. I see Zoe lean forward and start talking to Connor and Tyler who are sitting in front of her. They all look over at me still whispering to one another. I frown, what are they doing? I finally hear Zoe and Tyler telling Connor to go. What is happening? He looks over at me and gets up out of his seat. Standing next to me he says "Do you mind if I come back and sit here?"
"No it's not fine," I say sarcastically. "Jk of course it is, sit down," I say smiling.
He laughs sweetly and sits in the seat pulling out his phone. I look over at Zoe who is sitting there taking photos of us. I stuck my finger up at her but she just laughs.
We sit there for a few moments until he spoke up "I'm so tired," he says.
"Same," I say "maybe if we didn't stay awake till 5am this morning we might not be as tired," I say.
"Shut up," he says smiling. I look over at him. He tries to get comfortable in his chair, by the looks of things he isn't succeeding. I place my hand on his arm and he looks up at me half dazed.
"You can rest your head on me if you want?" I say looking into his eyes.
"You sure?" He asks
"Of course I wouldn't have asked if I wasn't sure," I say smiling.
He smiles and lays his head on my shoulder. I decide to go on my phone for bit longer and text Georgia because I haven't talked to her in a while.
"Who's that?" Connor asks pointing at my phone
"My best friend from Perth," I answer.
"And that?" He say pointing to someone else in my phone.
"My other friend, Raven."
"And th-" I cut him off.
"I thought you said you were tired and you'd go to sleep?" I say with a little giggle.
"Yeah well your phone is more interesting." He says with a giggle.
"Whatever," I say rolling my eyes.

After about 10 minutes, Connor quickly sits up and looks at me. "You're shivering" He says before feeling my arm "You're so cold." I didn't even realise I was shaking.
I pull my arm away "I'm fine it's ok."
"No it's not ok." He says before leaning over to Tyler.
"Honestly I'm fine." I say trying not to make a big deal out of it.
"Tyler can you hand me my jumper please?" He asks Tyler ignoring me completely. Tyler hands him his jumper and he turns to me. He put the jumper over my legs and tucks it in at the sides.
"Thanks." I say with a smile.
"That's ok, I don't want you to be cold." He says before placing his head back on my shoulder. I stop shivering for a while but its so cold under the air conditioner that I start shivering again.
"You're still cold?" He says lifting his head and looking concerned.
"No well yes, sorry it's the stupid air conditioner above me it's blowing out cold air." I say.
"No it's fine I just don't want you to be cold." He said.
"I'm fine I should stop shaking soon," I pause, my back is killing me. I move myself into a more comfortable position "Hang on," I say wincing slightly when I move.
Still looking at me concerningly, he asks "are you ok?"
"Yeah sorry my back was starting to ache how I was sitting." I say. I move myself so half my back is on the seat and half is on the side of the bus. It's surprisingly comfortable. Connor looks at the way I'm sitting and turns around so he could lie down on me. His head resting on my chest, his hair just touching my chin and his back against my stomach, his breathing calming me.
"Is this ok?" He asks settling down the way he is.
"Yeah this is good." I say smiling. I lie my left hand by his side and my right hand is playing with his hair. We lie there for a moment, while I concentrate on trying to keep my heart from jumping out of my chest.
"You know you're actually pretty comfortable," he says suddenly.
I laugh "really I didn't think I would be."
"No you are," he says. I feel his left hand slide into mine then he lifts his right hand up to grab my other hand that is still playing with his hair. "I could stay here forever." He adds rapping my arms around him and interlocking his fingers with mine. My heart is jumping out of my chest, which he could probably feel, but I don't care. And my stomach is going crazy with butterfly's. Every time I start to shiver again he squeezes my hands tighter and tries to push his body closer to mine. Our breathing now in sync and the purr of his heart floods my body, I never want this moment to end. Just as I'm about to fall asleep I kiss the top of his head hoping he didn't notice.

Ok so this chapter is kind of an explanation of an experience I've had between me and my close friend. I hope you're still liking this xx

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