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You don't have to read this chapter if it's too much. It won't ruin the story line for you.

Connors pov:
I pull my key out and unlock the front door. There's silence. I open the door, still silence. Why is it so quiet I ask myself as I walk through the door and look around. It's Thursday night and James is nowhere to be found.
"James?" I say but no reply. I guess he went over time at work. I decide to go and sit in the living room to watch tv. I hardly ever watch tv as I'm always in my room because James doesn't let me watch it.

1 hour passes and James stumbles through the front door with a bottle in his hand, drunk out of his mind. I jump off the couch and look at him. He stairs at me angrily.
"You pathetic, worthless faggot!" He yells pointing his finger at me, slurring all his words. "Why couldn't you be like the other kids? Sporty, popular, girls hanging off you. But no I had to get you, a worthless faggot!"
He angrily throws his bottle on the ground making it smash into pieces. "Clean this shit up!" He yells pointing at the broken bottle on the ground.
"No," I say quietly looking at the ground.
"What did you just say to me?" He slurs.
"I said no," I say almost yelling this time, looking him in the eye.
"Don't talk to me like that!" He yells.
"Why not I'm sick of you treating me like shit!" I yell.
He walks angrily towards me but I stay where I am. He grabs me by the collar of my shirt and pulls me close to his face, smelling the awful smell of alcohol on his breathe. "Clean it up," he says through gritted teeth.
"Or what? What are you going to do that you haven't already done to me?" I say angrily. I feel strong. He looks at me with fire in his eyes. He lets go of my collar slowly and stares at me for a moment. Anger crosses his face again and he punches me in the stomach making me bend forward in pain. I look up at him with anger and pain. "You're going to have to do better than that," I say angrily through gritted teeth. He lifts up his arm and punches me in the face knocking me to the ground.
He bends down next to me and grabs my collar so he can bring me to his face.
"The next time you talk back to me like that," he pauses and pulls my face closer so Im only centemetres from his face "I'll kill you." He says through gritted teeth before violently letting go of my collar and walking away leaving me on the ground. I watch as he storms out the back door and slams it behind him. I slowly push myself to stand up. When I finally stand up I limp to my bedroom, holing my stomach, and slam the door. Locking it before leaning against it.

Dark as midnight, past my bedtime when you stumble through the door. You don't look the same. You yell and scream and threaten me with your words. Hate to see you like a monster so I run and hide in my room. Hate to ask but what's it like to
What happen to back seat laughing and running through fields playing games? Its my 11th birthday today and you were nowhere to be found. When you finally come home you're drunk and I hide in my room. You say to me don't act like a child but what if it's a father I need? It's like you don't know what you've gotten yourself into anymore. "It's going to be ok," I whisper to myself "promise from this day forward that I won't be like you, I will never be like you. You're not in my DNA. No one will look at me the way I look at you.
*end flashback*

I'm sitting on the floor in my room with my back against the door, crying. I put my head in my hands. Most of the week you come home drunk, nice to see you too. I hate to ask the question, 'why did you ever adopt me?' but I think about it often. Laughing and having fun together ended way too soon. What's happened to you? You've destroyed your life and mine. You don't know how hard I've tried to become what you want me to be and yet I'm still not good enough for you. Why can't you take me, this is who I am. I rub my eyes and feel a sharp pain in my left eye. I get up off the ground and go to the bathroom. I look in the mirror and I can tell my eye is going to be black tomorrow. Shit. What do I do? There's scars and bruises in the places only I can see but this one is going to be on my face where everyone can see. I lift up my shirt and look at the scars on my stomach that he's made. I walk to my bed and flop onto it. Something's different tonight, I don't feel how I usually do. I usually feel lost and like I can't go on anymore. A small smile crosses my face when he entires my mind. Troye. It's become a nightly ruitien of lying on my bed and thinking about him. He makes makes so happy that boy. I can't even point out one thing about him that makes me happy. I lay there staring at the ceiling. Ever since he first came to school I've felt something and every night since he's been on my mind. Even when I'm having a ruff night he's there. I pick up my phone and look at a photo of us together. I've never felt the way I do with him and I never want that to go away. I smile and drift off to sleep hoping tomorrow will be better day.

I'm sorry it's been so long im still trying and I'll have more chapters up soon xx

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