Party | part 2

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Connors pov:
When I turned around to Troye was nowhere to be seen. Oh my god did I just leave him at the front door? I'm such a horrible person. I ran back to the front door to find Troye about to walk out. I grabbed his hand and dragged him through the kitchen and into the lounge room before he pulled his hand away. I turned around and he seemed to smile in relief.
"I'm so sorry Troye I thought you were behind me," I explained frantically. He giggled.
"Connor it's ok," He paused "but don't do it again ok?" He said smirking.
"Ok," I say rolling his eyes then laughing.
"Promise?" He says.
"Promise," I say. 
"Troye! Connor! So glad you could make it," yelled Alfie coming over to us.
"Hey Alfie," I said giving him a hug.
"Hey mate," I heard Troye says giving Alfie a hug.
"So what do you think?" Alfie says guesturing to the party.
"It's amazing," Troye says.
"Yeah it really is," I say.
"I'm glad you like it," Zoe says walking over to us.
"Hey Zoe," Troye and I say simultaneously.
"Hey guys," she says giving us a hug. Zoe was wearing a cute floral jumpsuit that looked amazing on her and her hair was curled like usual.
"You look amazing as usual," I say to Zoe.
"Thank you Connor, you don't look too bad yourself," she giggled.
"Thank you," I say.
"Troye!" I heard someone yell from behind us over the music. It was Caspar and he was running over to us from the kitchen.
"Hey Casp!" Yelled Troye.
"Come play dare pong!" He yelled excitedly.
"What's that?" Troye says looking worried.
"It's like beer pong but instead of beer it's dares," Caspar explained.
"Ah ok well then sure why not," Troye says before running to the kitchen with Caspar. I turned around and started to walk out to the back yard to see who else was here. I felt someone grab my arm and I turned around to see Troye. "Are you coming?" He says. I smiled, nodded and we ran to the kitchen.

Troyes pov:
Connor, Caspar and I ran to the kitchen where there was a table with cups at one end and Joe was standing at the opposite end.
"Hey everyone I'm back and I brought people to play," Caspar yelled gesturing to me and Connor. I smiled and went to stand next to Joe.
"Hey Troye nice to see you," says Joe smiling.
"Nice to see you too Joe," I say returning the smile. He went back to looking at Caspar while he explained the rules. I looked around to see where Connor had disappeared to again as he wasn't standing next to me anymore. I think Joe noticed as he whispered in my ear.
"Are you looking for Connor?" He asked.
"Uh yeah," I replied.
"I think I saw him get pulled towards the lounge room by Bethany," he said gestating to the lounge room. "Go find him we'll wait till you get back," he say softly and sweetly.
"Thank you. I'll be back in a minute," I say before rushing back to the lounge room to find Connor.
When I got to the lounge room I saw a pleased Bethany sitting on a not so pleased Connors lap. He looked up and saw me. His face pleaded for me to help him so I walked over to them. Bethany looked up and glared at me.
"Hey Connor I thought you were coming to play-" I start but Bethany cuts me off.
"What do you think you're doing?" She snapped.
"I wasn't talking to you but anyway. I was seeing if Connor wanted to play the game that he was originally going to play before you showed up," I said with a serious tone.
"Well he's with me now," she says looking happy with herself.
"Firstly, he's here with you against his will. Secondly, he's not yours," I say sounding a bit more angry than it was suppose to be but I don't really care at the moment. She looked at me angrily but didn't say anything. "So Connor about that game?" I added looking directly at Connor. He was about to answer when Bethany butted in again.
"I already said he was with m-"
"And I already told you that wasn't talking to you so shut up and let Connor answer," I say cutting her off, getting frustrated by her voice.
"Uh Bethany," Connor says starting to push Bethany off his lap so he could stand up. "I'm actually going to go play dare pong with Troye." He finishes walking over to me. I tried my hardest not to burst out laughing at the disgust printed on her face. We walked back to the kitchen to start the game finally.

"So who's starting?" Joe says.
"Well I think Troye should go first as he's new," says Caspar looking at me.
"Uh ok sure," I say picking up a ball. I threw the ball at the cups but I missed. Caspar was next to throw but he missed as well. Next was Connor then Joe and they missed also. After a few rounds of no one getting a ball in Joe finally gets a ball in. That's where the game got interesting.
We finished 2 games and it was now late in the night. We did a lot of stupid dares like lick the thing closest to you and stuff like that. I looked over at Connor.
"Connor do you want to go dance outside?" I say.
"Sure," he replied. We walk out the back and start dancing with a lot of people. My mind was lost until I realised I was dancing with some guy I had no idea who he was. I thought about telling someone about me being gay but when is the right time? I stepped back and ran into someone. I turned around to find Zoe probably a good person to tell about myself.
"Oh hi Troye," she yelled over the music.
"Hi Zoe, listen do you think I could talk to you for a moment... In private?" I said into her ear so she could heard me over the music.
"Yeah of course," she replied before grabbing my arm and pushing her way through the crowd of people. We went through the lounge room, down a hall way and into a room where there was a few people having there own private conversations. We walked in and sat down on a comfy brown lounge in the corner of the room. Zoe turned to me and smiled sweetly. "So what is it you wanted to talk to me about?"
"Well," my heart intently started beating fast and I felt like I was going to break down. I just needed to do it, just tell her and then tell more people like you did in Perth. "Zoe I feel as though you would be good at keeping a secret, would you be good at keeping one for a person you hardly know?" I asked worryingly.
She looked concerned "Of course Troye you can trust me, I won't tell a soul. So what's wrong?"
I took a deep breathe. This is it the first person I tell in this new town. "Zoe I'm..." I was rudely interrupted.
"Zoe! I've been looking for you everywhere," said Joe bursting into the room. I started shaking. What was I doing here I shouldn't be doing this yet.
"Can this wait Joe?" Zoe said frowning.
"I can't do this I'm sorry Zoe," I say quickly getting up and walking past Joe.
"Troye!" I heard Zoe say but I kept walking. I pushed my way through the crowds trying to get to the back yard. I just needed to think and get some fresh air. I couldn't hear anything, not the crowd of people nor the blasting music, nothing. I stumbled into the lounge room and out into the back yard. I looked up a small hill and found a very nice seat surrounded by pretty yellow flowers with petals scattered around it. I sat down on the seat and put my head in my hands. I slowed my breathing down so it was back to normal and I stopped shaking to a point. I could hear some one coming up to the seat but I didn't look up. They sat down next to me and put their hand in my back.
"Are you ok?" I heard a sweet formula voice say. I nodded but didn't look up. "Do you want me to take you home?" He says. I look up and Connor was looking at me with concern. I smiled.
"Please," I say quietly.
"Ok let's go," he says getting up. I get up and walk back to the party with him. We walked through the house and found Zoe. "Hey Zo we're going to go home now so we'll see you on Monday," Connor says smiling.
"Ok as long as you're ok Troye," she says looking at me concerningly.
"I'm fine," I say smiling.
"Ok well thank you for coming," she says happily which made me smile.
"Thank you for inviting me it was an amazing party," I say.
"Anytime Troye. See ya guys I'll see you Monday," she says giving us a hug.
"Ok bye Zoe," Connor says as we got to the front door.
"Bye," I say before shutting the door.

We walked down to the car and hopped in. Connor looked at me "are you sure you're ok?" He asked.
"I'm fine," I say. Connor smiled softly before starting the car and driving me home. When we got my house, he stopped the car and I looked at him. "Thank you for driving to and from the party."
"No problem anytime," he says smiling.
"I had fun tonight," I say.
"So did I," he says. We sat there for a moment in silence before he spoke up again. "You know Troye," he started, I looked at him "I know we have just met but if there's anything you need to tell anyone or you need a shoulder to cry on I'm always here."
"Thank you Connor and same to you," I say smiling. "I should go inside now I'll text you later," I say before getting out of the car.
"Ok bye Troye boy," he says smiling. I smiled, I like that nick name.
"Bye Con Con," I say shutting the door of the car. I walked to my front door and turned back to wave. He waved back before driving away. I walked inside and went straight up to my room and fell asleep.

Hey guys hoping you're still liking this book and if there's anything specific you want to happen let me know and I can try to add it in somewhere xx

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