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Troyes pov:
Monday morning arrives after I spent most of Sunday sleeping. Not thinking my day could get any worst I roll over to see what time it is and it is 8:45am. 'Shit!' I quickly jump out of bed and race around to get my stuff ready for school. I jump in the shower to quickly wash myself then run back to my room. I start to put my jeans on when my mum yells "we're leaving now!"
"Shit," I say under my breathe. I frantically put on my shirt and shove some books into my bag as I'm running out of my bedroom. I race down the stairs and out the front door to the car. I sighed in relief as I sat down in the car. 'This was going to be a long day' I thought as mum started up the car.

I walk into class at 9:30am. My hair still wet from my shower and half my stuff missing. I walk over to our art teacher, Mr Nicholls, and I hand him my late note.
"Hey man, why are you late?" Connor asks as I sat down next to him and Jim.
"I slept in," I whisper. "So what's happening?" I ask.
"Well sir is talking about an excursion to see some live lion king performance," he says.
"That sounds pretty good" I say.
"Yeah, I was thinking of asking squad to go," he says smiling.
"That sounds great," I say excitedly before starting to write down what was in the board.

When class ended we walk out.
"Hey mate I'll be in the cafeteria soon just have to go do something," Connor says.
"Ok talk to you later," I say before we walk in the opposite directions. I walk to the cafeteria with Jim and sit down with everyone. I sat down in between Zoe and Tanya. We talk about shows we were watching and how the we need the next season now.

"Troye!" I heard someone yell from behind me. I turned around to see who said my name and noticed Caspar running over to me.
"What's up Caspar?" I say as he stops in front of me.
"Do you know where Connor is?" He says frantically.
"No I don't sorry," I say. He sighed with frustration. "Is there anything I can do?" I ask.
"No, I mean maybe, I don't know," he says.
"Uh ok," I say. He was about to reply when his phone vibrated. He pulls out his phone and reads what it was.
"Don't worry I'll just talk to Connor. Thank you though," he says before walking off past me and the group towards the field. 'I wonder what's so important that he can only tell Connor about?' I thought. My eyes shifted to the table that was behind me. Joe watched as Caspar left the cafeteria, his eyes not leaving him until he was out of sight. 'Why was he was sitting there by himself, not saying anything to anyone, just playing with his food?' I thought.
"Hey guys I'll be back," I say before getting up and walking towards Joe. "Hey Joe," I say as I sat down next to him.
"Oh hey Troye," he says not as happy as he usually sounds.
"What's up?" I say trying to get him to speak up.
"Nothing," he says unenthusiastically.
"You're sitting here by yourself not talking to anyone, I think there's something wrong," I say. He looked at me for a moment before looking at his food again.
"You wouldn't understand," he mumbles moving his fork around his plate.
"Try me," I say. He looks at me and frowns. "You might think that I wouldn't understand what you're going through but i can prove you wrong. I've been through a lot. So try me," I say smirking. Joe looks away from me.
"Not here," he mumbles.
"Ok then where?" I say hoping he would tell me.
"I don't know," he mumbles.
"Fine bathrooms it is, lets go," I say as I get up from the set. Holding Joes arm so he couldn't say no we headed towards the cafeteria doors.

We walk out of the cafeteria and into the boys bathroom. We walk in and I check that no one else is in the bathroom with us. I turn around to look at Joe who was awkwardly standing near the door.
"So what's up?" I ask but he doesn't reply. "Joe mate you have to tell me what's wrong. You can't keep secrets that are going to hurt you," I say.
He sighs "So you know when you like like someone but you don't know if they like you back," he starts.
"So every other teenagers problem yes I know, continue," I say.
"Well I like like this person but I'm scared to ask them out," he says.
"Whys that?" I ask.
"Uh," he says starting to look really nervous.
"Look Joe I can't help you if you don't tell me," I say sounding
"Ok fine its a guy," he says looking like he was about to cry.
"Ok and?"
"And I'm not gay," he says.
"What's so bad about being gay?" I say sounding sassy.
"Then why are you so scared?" I say cutting him off.
"Because I've never known anyone who is gay to talk to them about this."
"Well you do now."
"Wait what?" He says frowning.
"I'm gay," I say realising that he's the second person in this town to know.
"Really?" He says surprisingly.
"Yeah," I paused "So why can't you ask him out on a date?" I ask.
"I don't want to ruin our friendship," he says looking at the ground sadly.
"Yeah that is a tough on
"You know I don't think you'll have a problem him not liking you back," I say.
"Why do you say that?"
"Because I can tell that Caspar likes you," I say
"Wait I never told you it was Caspar," he says sounding defensive.
"Well I mean who else would it be?" I say shrugging.
"Yeah true," he says backing off.
"So what are you going to do?" I ask.
"I don't know you're the first person I've talked to about this," he say rubbing his neck.
"Ok fair enough. I won't pressure into anything you don't want to do. Just know that I'm always here whenever you need to talk," I say smiling.
"Thank you Troye," Joe says returning the smile. I start walking towards the bathroom door.
"Troye," Joe says grabbing my arm to stop me. I look at him. Looking like he was about to cry he says "promise me you won't tell anyone."
"I promise," I say giving him a hug. "And promise me you won't tell anyone I'm gay yet ok?" I say pulling away so I could look at him.
"Ok I promise," he says.
"Thanks, now we better get back before someone wonders where we are," I say before walking out of the bathroom with Joe.

We walk back into the cafeteria. We look up and notice Caspar and Connor walking in at the same time. My eyes darted between Joe and Caspar before I look at Connor. Neither Joe or Caspar were fazed but Connor and I look confused. 'Did we both just have the same kind of conversation?' I thought as I walk back over to the group. I was about to sit down next to Zoe when the bell rang for class. I sigh, pick up my bag and head off to history with Dan and Tyler.

Sorry for the late update guys. It's getting harder and harder for me to update but I'm honestly trying. Pls let me know if you want anything in this story. xx

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