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Troyes pov:
I wake up at 6:30am and quickly jump out of bed to wake up dad. He said he would drop me off at school for the excursion. After I wake dad up I run back to my room and start packing all the little things I need that I didn't pack last night.

Connors pov:
I stare at myself in the mirror. I take a deep breathe. "I'm gay," I say. It's not the first time I've said it to myself. The first time was a few months back and I felt so many emotions flood over me. I was relieved that I had finally said it but I was also so terrified that I had finally admitted that to myself. I haven't told anyone about me but I'm ready to tell someone now.
"Connor I'm leaving now so hurry up!" Yells James from downstairs.
"Coming now!" I yell back. I take one more look in the mirror then quickly grab my suitcase and run downstairs. 

"Hey con you excited?" Asks Troye as soon as I arrive.
"Yeah mate," I say in my best Aussie accent.
"How about you don't try that again," laughs Troye.
"Yeah that's probably a good idea," I laugh.
"Oi you two," someone yells. Troye and I turn around to see Dan and Phil walking towards us "what are you laughing at?" Says Dan.
"Oh just Connor doing a terrible Australian accent," laughs Troye.
"Shut up it wasn't that bad," I say getting defensive.
"Honey it wasn't good either," Troye says sweetly.
"True," I laugh. It wasn't long before the rest of the squad shows up. We all climb on the bus and sit in pairs. Obviously Zalfie, janya, narcus, and jaspar all sat next to each other, Troye and I sit together and Tyler sit in a double seat by himself as he wants to sleep.
"I'll sit with Tyler on the way back home tomorrow as I haven't talked to him much lately," I say to Troye as we sit in the seats near the back.
"That's fine, Zoe said she wanted to talk to me anyway so I can sit with her on the way home," Troye explains.
"Sounds good," I say. The bus starts.

The bus trip over we didn't do much other than singing along to music, which was fun.

After the show ended we walk straight to the bus and head back to the motel.
"Now go straight to your rooms and stay there for the night ok," says Ms Peters as we walk into the motel.
"Ok," I heard people mumble and groan but I knew everyone would go into each others rooms anyway. The teachers rooms are on the third floor and our squad is on the fourth floor so we could get away with it. We decide to go to the girls room as they had a bigger room because there was three of them in that room. When we got there we all got out the food that we had brought and spread it across on of the beds. Alfie goes and lies next to but also behind Zoe. Marcus and Naomi sit on the bed next to Zoe and Alfie. Joe, Caspar, Jim and Tanya sit on the bed across from them. Tyler sits in a chair near the beds. I sit next to Troye on the floor at the ends of the beds and Dan and Phil sit next to us.
"Omg let's play truth or dare!" Yells Zoe.
"That's so cliche," groans Joe rolling his eyes.
"Well do you have a better idea Joeseff?" Zoe says sarcastically.
"Uh-" Joe says trying to think of something we could do.
"That's what I thought!" Zoe says with a cocky look on face. "So who's going to start?" She says excitedly. Everyone looks around at each other. She smiles "Ok I'll go first. Jim, truth or dare?"
"Dare," says Jim
"Wow starting off with a dare," she says surprisingly. "I dare you to like Caspar foot," she says with a big smile on her face.
"Oh god, we're not starting off easy," says Jim.
"No," laughs Zoe as Caspar takes off his shoe and sock. He lifts his foot up ready. Jim slowly leans towards his foot and licks it. He screws his face up and runs to the bathroom to wash his mouth out while everyone laughs at him.
He walks back into the room a moment later "Caspar, truth or dare?" He says.
"Truth," says Caspar putting his shoe and sock back on.
"Who've you been talking to lately?" Jim asks with a smirk on his face, sitting back down next to Caspar.
Caspar frowns at Jim "What?"
"Come on Caspar, everyone's noticed you've been secretive and emotional lately and you only get like that when you're talking to someone. So who is she?" Explains Jim.
Caspar and Joes eyes meet "uh," he says not sure what to say. Joe looks scare and Caspar looks uncomfortable. I know they're not ready to tell people yet. "You know that girl, Mikaela," he lies looking away from Joe and at Jim. I know Mikaela, she's been a good friend of Caspars for a while but there's nothing going on between them. I'm actually trying to get her and Mikey together.
"Ohhh Caspar get in there," says Alfie.
"Shes so pretty," says Zoe.
"How's that going?" Asks Marcus.
"I mean we're quite close now and she's  so funny and pretty," says Caspar.
"Ohh Caspar going for a brunette, that's different," says Tanya.
"Aww I think you two would look so cute together," says Jim.
"Yeah," Caspar says quietly looking at Joe sweetly. They smile at each other.
"So Phil, truth or dare?" He says looking at Phil.
"Dare," Phil says strongly.
"Yell out the first word that comes to your mind right now," says Caspar.
"S-sh-sploosh," yells/stutters Phil.
"What the f-" laughs Dan.
"Can you put that into a sentence?" Caspar laughs.
"Uh... I'm gonna sploosh your mum," says Phil.
"I don't even want to know what that means let's move on," laughs Dan.
"Good idea," laughs Phil. "Ok Connor, truth or dare?"
"Truth," I say.
"What is your guilty pleasure?"
"Oh I would have to say watching a cheesy romantic movie," I say.
"Same," yells Troye and Zoe at the same time. We laugh.
"We should watch a movie all together some time," says Zoe excitedly.
"That would be great," I say and Troye smiles and nods.
"Ok Joe, truth or dare?" I say to Joe.
"Dare," Joe says smiling.
"I dare you to drink toilet water," I say laughing. The smile on Joes face drops.
"Wait can't you get some kind of decease from that?" Says joe sounding concerned.
"I don't think you can," I say.
"But what if I do?" He says.
"It's fine, my sister did it and she's fine," I say.
"Just do it Joe," says Caspar pushing Joe so he would get up.
"Come on Joe," says Zoe. He gets up in defeat, grabs a cup and walks to the bathroom. Everyone stands at the door watching him. He puts the cup in the toilet and flushes it. Water fills up the cup. He lifts it up to his face and looks at it.
"There's floaty things in it," he says.
"Quickly do it," yells Marcus. Joe braces himself before he drinks some of the toilet water.
"Oh my god," says Tanya. He races to the sink and spits the water out.
"That's so rank nope," he says. He fills up his mouth with water from the tap.
"Come on Joe it couldn't have been that bad," says Alfie.
"Oh do you want to try it?" Says Joe acting serious which makes everyone laugh.
"Nah I'm right," says Alfie.
"Yeah that's what I though," says Joe still acting serious. Everyone walks back to the room and sits down where they were before. "Ok let's go. Dan, truth or dare?" Says Joe walking back into the room.
"After that I'm going to play it safe and say truth," says Dan.
"Aww come on Dan," says Joe.
"Id rather not die," says Dan.
"Fair enough," Joe pauses to think of a question. "Do you have any hidden talents?" Asks Joe.
"Yes I do actually, Phil can you help me," says Dan sitting up on his knees. I placed his hands on the ground in front of him. He starts twisting one of his hands around 360 degrees then Phil twists does the same with his other hand.
"Oh my god," I hear people say before Dan flips his hands back to normal.
"Wow I wasn't expecting that," says Joe.
"Ok Tyler, truth or dare?" Says Dan.
"Truth," says Tyler.
"Uh... do you have a crush on anyone in this room?" Tyler's face goes red and his eyes flick to look at Troye.
"Yeah," he says slowly smiling not taking his eyes off Troye.
"Aww," says Zoe. I look at Troye then back at Tyler feeling like I want to slap that stupid smile off his face. Am I jealous? Well yeah I guess I am. Ever since he came to school as a new student, we've had something, a connection. I look back at Troye who is smiling slightly but is avoiding eye contact with Tyler.
"Marcus, truth or dare?" Says Tyler looking away from Troye and at Marcus.
"Dare," says Marcus.
"I dare you to wear Naomi's clothes for the rest of the game," Tyler says smiling. Marcus and Naomi get up and grab some of her clothes. Troye leans towards me "well I'm glad that's over," he whispers.
"What?" I whisper.
"You know Tyler staring at me," he whispers.
"You don't like him?" I whisper.
"Well yeah I like him but not in that way," he whispers.
"Oh ok sorry I was just wondering," I whisper.
"No there's someone else," he whispers before Marcus walks out of the bathroom in Naomi's clothes. Everyone cheers and Joe wolf whistles. What does he mean 'someone else'? Who?
"Ok ok let's get this over and done with. Alfie, truth or dare?" Says Marcus.
"Dare," says Alfie.
"I dare you to eat one of Joes socks," says Marcus smiling evilly.
"God no," says Alfie smiling and covering his face with his hands. Joe quickly takes his shoe off. He takes his sock off and hands it to Alfie.
"Here you go," says Joe.
"Thanks," Alfie says unamused. He stares at the sock for a moment before he shoves it in his mouth. He gags and pulls the sock back out.
"How was that Alfie?" Says Caspar.
"Shut up Caspar," says Alfie running to get a drink of water.
"Naomi," Alfie says walking back into the room "truth or dare?"
"Truth," says Naomi.
"If you weren't dating Marcus who would you date in this room?" Says Alfie.
She looks around the room "Probably Joe," she says. Joe smiles.
"So Tanya, truth or dare?" Says Naomi.
"Text someone while blindfolded," says Tanya.
"Good god," says Tanya. "Ok where's something that can cover my eyes."
"I have a bandanna, hang on," says Zoe jumping up and running to her bag. She pulls out a bandanna and hands it to Jim. Jim ties it over Tanya's eyes and hands her the phone. She starts typing and we wait.
"Done," she says.
"Did you want me to send it?" Says Jim.
"Yes please," she says handing him the phone. He presses send and she takes of the bandanna. She reads the message and bursts out laughing.
"What does it say?" Asks Naomi.
"It literally doesn't say anything, it's just a bunch of jumbled words. 'Tge vir junosocwt yhr niin'," says Tanya.
"What was it meant to say?" Asks Tyler.
"The cow jumps over the moon," laughs Tanya. Everyone laughs.
"Troye, truth or dare," says Tanya
He smirks "dare," he says.
"I dare you," she smirks "to kiss the best looking guy in this room," she says. Everyone stares at Troye.
"Ok," he says unfazed. He leans closer to me and kisses me on the cheek. I could feel my cheeks go red and I could feel tingles where he kissed me.
"Zoe, truth or dare?" Says Troye pulling me back to reality.
"Dare," says Zoe sweetly.
"I dare you to call up the front desk and flirt with the person who answers," says Troye smiling.
"Omg ok where's the phone," she says smiling uncontrollably. We look around the room for the phone.
"Found it," says Phil lifting up a phone from the table behind him and handing it to Zoe.
"Ok," she says lifting up the phone to her ear.
"Hello is this the front desk?" Asks Zoe sweetly. We couldn't hear what is going on we could only hear what Zoe was saying.
"Hi so what's your name?" She asks. "Dusty, cute name. How old are you dusty? 21. So I was wondering if you're doing anything like tomorrow night?" She waits for an answer. "Would you like to do something with me? Aww ok I understand, bye Dusty," she says before hanging up. "He said no," she laughs.

"It's getting late we should go," says Dan.
"Yeah we should too," says Joe.
"I think we're going to go too," I say getting up off the ground. Everyone walks to the door.
"Oh and everyone before you leave," says Zoe, we all stop and look at her "we should go to the carnival this Saturday," she says happily.
"Yeah," everyone agrees before we go to our rooms.

"Let's do-" I start but is cut off.
"Connor I'm really tired and it's," he pauses to look at his phone "5am. We should probably go to sleep," he adds before getting off his bed about to get under the sheets. 
I sigh "Listen troye," I say trying to calm myself down. He looked at me, his beautiful blue eyes staring into mine. "I've been trying to tell you something all night I just haven't been able to."
"What's up?" He says looking concerned. "Is everything ok?"
I took a deep breathe. "Yeah everything's fine I just have to tell you something," I say with a shaky voice. "Ok con con take your time," he says sitting back on his bed still looking at me. Just do it you'll be fine. "I'm gay," I say instantly feeling like I want to cry.
"I'm so proud of you," he says. He clumsily climbs off his bed and crashes me with a hug.
"Thank you," I say with a little laugh. We lie there in a hug for a little while before Troye quickly sits up on his side.
"Wait so am I the first person you've told?" He asks.
"Uh yeah," I say smiling.
"Aww con con," he says before hugging me again.

I'm so sorry I suck at updating. I'm trying, honestly I am. School started back two weeks ago that's why this is so late. Btw thank you all so much for 4K xx

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