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Troyes pov:
"Hey mate," Connor says as I get into the car.
"Hey con," I say putting my seatbelt on.
"How are you?" He asks.
"Yeah as good as someone could be going to school," I laugh.
"Yeah that's true," he laughs before we start driving. "By the way, five of my other mates are coming back from holidays soon and I would like you to meet them," he adds smiling.
"Ok," I say making it sound like a question.
"Don't worry they're great," he says his hand moving from the steering wheel and patting my leg. I felt a tingling but satisfying sensation rush through my body. It was the best feeling ever. He took his hand away and I felt like grabbing his hand to place it back on my leg but I decided that would be weird so I didn't. We sat in a comfortable silence for the rest of the trip to school.

We get to school and we walk to we're we sit. The squad was already there so we just walk over and start talking to everyone. I notice that Caspar wouldn't leaving Joes side everywhere he went which made me smile. I scan across the group of us and notice all the couples/couples to be in our group and my eyes stop on two girls sitting close together at the table talking to Tyler. I've never seen them before. I decide to walk over and see who they were.
"- so that's why we came back early," one of them finish saying as a stand next to them.
"Hi," I say softly.
"Hey," one of the girls say happily looking up at me. She has light blonde pixie haircut and wearing a snapback. The other girl has long brown curly hair and her makeup done well.
"Oh you guys haven't met Troye yet," Tyler says getting up from his seat and standing next to me. "So guys this is Troye," he say gesturing to me. I smile. "Troye this is Hannah and Ingrid," he says pointing to both of them.
"Hi," says Ingrid.
"Hi," I say.
"So Troye is new. Well not new anymore as he's been here for a while but he fitted right into our group," Tyler says smiling and hugging me.
"Oh nice. Where did you live before you came here?" Asks Ingrid.
"Perth Australia," I say. Hannah's eyes widen.
"That's quite a long way away," Hannah says.
"Yeah," I say looking down.
"I've always wanted to go there. Is it a good place to travel to?" She asks. I looking up and smile.
"It's amazing," I say. Hannah smiles.
"That's great. I can't wait to go," she says her smile growing bigger. The bell rang for class and everyone gets up to walk to their classes.

Science was a blur. We were talking about chemistry or something I don't even know. All I could think about was songs and lyrics. I walk out of class and bump into someone. We drop our books on the ground.
"I'm so sorry," I say bending down at the same time as them.
"No it's fine," they say as we both look at each other. It was one of the girls I met this morning, hannah. "Troye right?" She says smiling.
"Yeah. Hannah?" I say making sure I got her name right.
"Yeah," she says before we turn and start walking towards the cafeteria. "So why'd you come out here Troye?" She asks.
"Well my dad got a job out here and my whole family had to move," I say not sounding to happy.
"So you had no choice," she says frowning.
"Not really," I say looking down.
"I know the feeling," she says making me look at her and frown.
"What do you mean?" I ask.
"Well a few years ago my parents moved me out here. I left all my friends, family, girlfriend, home, everything because my parents needed a change. So we came out here," she pauses as we walk through the cafeteria doors. She looks up and stares. "You know, if you find that one person who makes you feel at home even when you're on the other side of the earth," she says her eyes full of love. "Never let that person go," she says before looking at me and smiling. I smile back not sure what to say. She pats my arm before walking over to the group and sitting now to Ingrid. I smile and shift my eyes to look at Connor. He was the one person who made me feel at home right from the start. Thinking about that made my smile grow. With a big smile on my face I walk over to the group and stand next to Connor.
"Hey," I whisper.
"Hey, he whispers back smiling.
"Yo guys!" Yells Marcus. Everyone turns around and looks at him. "We should all sit outside for lunch," he says happily.
"Sure why not," says Jim.
"Ok," Joe says more as a question.
"Any reason why?" Asks Zoe frowning.
"Just thought it'd be different," he says.
"Ok then," says Alfie. "Where do you want to meet then?"
"Under the two oak trees near the field," Marcus says.
"Ok," says Joe sounding more confident. Everyone else smiles and nods in agreement. We sat there for a little while longer before the bell rang and we had to go to class.

Connors pov:
We walk outside and head towards the trees where Marcus said. Zoe, Alfie,
Marcus and Naomi were already there sitting on the grass under the tree.
"Hey guys," we say together as we sit down next to them.
"Hey," says Zoe and Naomi smiling. Alfie and Marcus look at us and smile. We sat there for a while and waited as everyone comes in and sits down in a circle. We all grab out our food and start eating. I didn't pack any food this morning so I sat there and watched everyone eat. Troye kindly offered me some pasta and I had a few bites but I didn't want to have to much.
"Oh no," Troye says.
"What's up?" I say as I turn my head to look at him. He's looking down at his legs holding his container in the air.
"I spilt pasta on my leg," he says sadly.
"Oh no that's not good," I say. As he stands up he tilts the pasta container that's in his hand down and some of the sauce spills out onto my leg. "Shit," I say jumping up off the ground.
"Oh my god I'm so sorry," he says.
"Nah it's fine. It's just a little drop on my knee," I say looking at my knee.
"You sure it's fine?" He asks sounding concerned.
"Yes its fine they're just jeans don't worry," I say smiling.
"Ok," he says calming down.

After rubbing some of the sauce off my knee I went to sit down when Troye yells "Bee!" dragging out the 'e'. He jumps towards me, almost in my arms, and covers his head with his arms. Zoe, Naomi, Tanya and Ingrid scream and cover their heads with their arms while Tyler was already almost inside after throwing his lunch everywhere. Everyone starts laughing. Troye leans his head up against my chest which sends a tingling sensation through my chest. The feeling was like a firework that went off in my heart, very slowly spreading through my whole chest. As I was thinking about that feeling I start to loose my balance and start falling backwards. I reach out and clutch Troyes arm like a stairway railing forgetting he's smaller than me. I pull him down with me accidentally and he lands on top of me. I look at him and he looks at me as realisation crosses our faces knowing what's just happened. But after a moment we couldn't help bursting into laughter. We hear everyone else laughing at what just happened as well. He rolls off my chest and lays next to me still with little giggles coming from him. As we calm down I turn my head to look at him and he does the same. We look at each other for a moment, forgetting where we were. I sigh. Why do I feel so happy when you're around? I thought as I stare into his beautiful eyes.
"Hey you two love birds, do you want to join us in the real world again or are you just going to lay there?" I hear Dan say pulling me out of my thoughts.
Troye and I laugh. "You know I may just lay here forever," Troyes says.
"Sit up! We're bitching about people and would like you two to contribute," says Hannah. I sit up quickly and help Troye up. We sat there for a little while listening to everyone's conversations and expressing our opinions when the bell rang.
"What do you have?" I ask Troye.
"We have English," he says smiling sweetly and tilting his head.
I laugh "oh ok let's go," I say standing up and grabbing my stuff.
"Bitch help me up pls," I hear Troye say after I stand up.
"No get yourself up," I say jokingly.
"You're the reason I'm on the ground in the first place," he says trying to be serious.
"True," I say holding my hand out for him to take. He grabs my hand and I pull him up.
"Thanks," he says happily after I help him up.
"No problem," I say as we start to walk to science.

Sorry this is a shitty chapter hopefully the next one will be better. xx

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