chapter 2

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I stand there looking at my house, i know how im going to get in without being seen; climb the tree into my window. All the lights are off so my dads either sleeping or has gone to the pub to drink away what he just done.Its most likely the second option any how.

I look up examining the tree, how on earth was i going to get up there. I put my tiny hands onto the bark and pulled myself up, i climbed onto the branch and kept going from there. Finally i reached my window, thankfully i left it open. I clambered in to my dark room being as quiet as i could, turning my bedside lamp on so i could see where i was going. I grabed my bag and put a few items of clothing inside it then reached under my bed for my savings. After placing them in my bag i walk over to my window taking one last look at my room and left.

By the time i had walked to the airport it was getting light, this all has happened so suddenly. I asked the lady in the airport if i could have a cheep ticket to any place in america and she happily accepted, i was handed a ticket heading for orange county; i guess this will be my new home.

The plane ride wasnt for another 3hours so i lay down on the airport chairs and put my earphones in and listened to pierce the veil hold on till may, my eyelids felt heavy so i let sleep consume me.

I awoke about 2 hours later and started to get ready for this long journy. Before i knew it it was time to board the plane. I walked down to my seat and next to me was a fairly young ginger guy, i sat down feeling real nervous as i hate flying.I think the ginger guy next to me sensed it as he looked up at me, he looked me in the eyes and smiled. His eyes were the most beautiful shade of brown and his smile was the type that made your knees weak. He coughed and i focused back to what he was doing, he had his hand out and said in a strong american accent "Hey i'm Alan."

"Blaze" i replied shaking his hand.

The plane journey was mostly silence as i was thinking about what had happened the day before. My mum was gone, i will never be able to tell about my day, never enjoy her home cooked meals or her comforting hugs never get to just watch her potter around the house doing things, they were all gone never to be experienced again now they were just loving memories. I felt a tear roll down my cheek, i quickly wiped it away hoping no one saw it but of course someone had to. Alan. He looked at me and asked me whats wrong i looked him in the eye and for some reason told him everything, everything about how my dad used to abuse me and my mum about how i got bullied at school about my self harm i don't know why but i told him, i was never going to see him again so why would it matter.

*completed*Those in glass houses{Alan Ashby}Where stories live. Discover now