chapter 14

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Blaze's POV

Alan has left to go and get some drinks. I hope he comes back soon. As I wait here I see him talking to oli oh how I miss him. Alans completely forgotten I'm here he's in deep conversation with Oli.

Detracted from my thoughts I'm interrupted but Matt nicholls. shit.

why him, why did he have to find me.

"Blaze I cabt believe your here I haven't seen you since that day"

"go away Matt"

"look Blaze im sorry about what happened, it was a mistake ive regreted it since"

"i dont care"

my eyes were starting to water from all the memories flooding back in.


I was walking home from school when i saw Matts house, he wasnt in today, i wonder whats wrong. i decided to see if he was ok.

i took out the spare key he gave me and unlocked the door, walkibg in to the living room i wish i hadnt. There he was on top of some naked blonde slut. so this is why he wasnt in he had been fucking some slag.

A tear rolled down my cheek at this memory.

'im sorry' is the last thing matt said before i ran back to the bus.

Its been about an hour since i left the party. Ive been sitting in the back lounge listening to music.

I heard the door open, I guessed it was one of the guys coming in. I heard a loud bang so I went to check out what it was. Walking out the door I straight away saw Alan's firey ginger hair on the floor but what was ontop of him was a fake blonde slut. She looked up at me, it was the same girl from the time with matt.

i ran out the door not knowing where i was going until i found myself outside bring me the horizons bus...


hey sorry for the slow update but ive been a little busy. hope your days are going well and please vote/comment/share


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