chapter 6

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Alan's POV

There it was that warmth, what was it? I edged closer to it, mmmm it's so warm, I pulled it closer to me hugging it for dear life. When I realised it was a girl. I opened one eye to see who it was. Blaze. Oh shit what happened, I looked under the covers to see her in a my top and me in my underwear. I tried to remember last night, humm oh yeah we went to Jaimes house and we all got pretty drunk and me and Blaze kissed. I know I was drunk but I swear I felt sparks,Alan stop being stupid you just met her a few days ago.

Climbing out of bed I fell onto the floor with a crash, I lent up to see if Blaze was awake, she wasn't luckily, I went into the bathroom to take a shower. About an hour later I got out and walked into my room, Blaze was awake and sitting on the bed staring at me...

Blaze's POV

Alan walked into the room in just a towel, wow, i couldn't look away, droplets of water were dripping down his torso gliding over his tattoos, he looked so hot ."I-I erm have to erm shower b-bye" i said blushing, well done Blaze stutter any more you would sound like a scratched record.

Alan's POV

Blaze was sitting there still  staring at me, it was making me feel a little uncomfortable to be honest.She broke this awkward silence telling me she was going to shower,  damn did she stutter during that sentence; I swear i saw her blush a little aswell. Why would she be blushing by be, it can't be from last night could it, no Alan did you see how drunk and high she was.

I got dressed and sat in my room for a little, should i talk to Blaze about last night. I walked downstairs, we needed to talk about this. There she was sitting on the sofa flicking through the channels deciding on what to watch.

"Ermm Blaze about last night-" she interrupted before I could finish,

"Yeah, I know Alan it was a mistake we were both drunk "


I couldn't think of anything to say before she stormed out of the room,why was she being like this. I didn't think it was a mistake, it actually meant something to me, i guess she didn't feel the spark like i did.

*completed*Those in glass houses{Alan Ashby}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora