chapter 21

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The guys still aren't back and the bonfire is in an hour, I guess they are doing some business or something. Instead of waiting for an eternity for them to get back ill go and check out the hotel were staying at.

About 10 minutes of walking I got there, I told the lady at the desk who I was and she showed me mine Alans and Austins room. It was beautiful. The soft cream carpet was reflecting the warming sun which was setting, sending Orange waves of heat around the room. There stood two queen sized beds facing a balcony showing a breath taking view. Walking out I admired the cool breeze and the stunning city. I must have been looking past the horizon for a while as it was now dark, I checked the time 9p.m. how have I been out here for almost 40 minutes.Lucky the site isn't too far.

I left the hotel and got to the party in no time. There were people everywhere, some already drunk and some almost there. I scanned around the people looking for the familiar ginger  I missed too much, finding  him I walked over and I didn't expect to see he was with an old friend of mine.


Me and Hannah had Been friends since primary school, we were always there for each other. Always. Until I had to leave, I had to leave because my dad got fired and we couldn't afford our house. After I left me and Hannah stayed in contact for a while until we slowly drifted apart.

I looked at those big brown eyes of hers as she looked back at me.

"Blaze, oh my God. "


"you've changed so much"

"so have you"

"come with me, we need a huge catch up"

before I went away I told Alan and gave him a kiss goodbye.

A few hours later me and Hannah were like best friends again, it was like I never left. We were both pretty drunk and the party had died down a bit, there were still alot of people just less. Oli came over and I hugged him,

"you never told me you were with Hannah, Oliverrr" I slurred

"I'm sorry I didn't realise you knew each other, but I need to take my precious girlfriend away now"

and with that she jumped on his back and he took her away.

Feeling incredibly lonely I went on search for Alan. After ten minutes of looking I only found Tino

"where is alannn"

"he went Back to the hotel"


Walking back to the hotel I sobered up a little.I got to the door and I slowly opened the door hoping to be as quiet as possible Incase he was asleep.

I looked around the room expecting to see him snuggled in bed but instead I saw him cheating on me...

With Austin...

*completed*Those in glass houses{Alan Ashby}Where stories live. Discover now