chapter 7

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Blaze's POV

I knew it was to good to be true, I have to understand that there is never a fairy tail ending. I stormed out of the room before Alan could say anything, I didn't want to here it;I don't want his pity. I went to my bedroom and just sat in the corner I didn't feel like facing anyone for the rest of the day. I'll have to face Alan soon though, warped is next week. That's a thought, I'm meant to be sharing a bunk with Alan, maybe things will work out soon. I really like him.

I've been in this room all day, blasting my music through my earphones, caraphernila was play now what if i cant forget you i 'll burn your name into my throat ill be the fire that'll catch you, I was to busy singing to even notice someone was at the door. It was Austin, when did he get here?

"I didn't know you could scream,  why aren't you in a band"

"I don't really erm get on with people i guess, you and Alan are the only friends i've ever had"

He gave me a cheeky grin then put me on his shoulder , he ran round in circles making me dizzy. Finally he put me down

"Yay friendship!" he said in the most excited voice ever, "now come with me you and Alan Need to talk"

Before i could even argue back he pulled me over his shoulder again and took me down stairs. There he was sitting on the sofa playing fifa,  he looked so happy, i didnt want to ruin anything.

*completed*Those in glass houses{Alan Ashby}Where stories live. Discover now