chapter 5

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Blaze's POV

I woke up to the smell of pancakes sneaking into my room. I got up and walked to the kitchen to find Alan. I looked in the kitchen only to see a tall tattooed man cooking instead of Alan. The tall tattooed man turned around then giggled "You must be Blaze, I'm Austin"

"Yeah, urm hi"

Alan walked into the kitchen to take his pancakes. "I see you have met Austin. " I nodded in agreement.  Alan looked down at what I was wearing and said "I couldn't find Your bag so I just put you in my clothes, I promise I didn't look."

"You couldn't find my bag?"


"oh shit"

I ran upstairs and started searching around the room I stayed in. It wasn't there. I raced downstairs and looked everywhere.I left it on the plane.Fuck.My breathing became very heavy and I started crying, I started panicking I couldn't breath. I was having an anxiety attack. Alan stormed into the room and helped me calm down.

"What's wrong Blaze?"

"I lost it, I lost my bag"

"Don't worry i'll buy you some new clothes"

"No Alan that's not t he problem, my bag had $2000 in it, now i can't buy an appartment or clothes or anything and i don't have a job"

By this time Austin was in the room to. He suddenly spoke "Alan don't we need a new merch girl for warp tour?, hey Blaze would you like to be our new merch girl"

"are you for real, i'd love to"

Alan started talking "you can stay with me until you have enough money to buy yourself a home. "

So now i was staying in a rockstars house and i had a job, everything in america was good already.

"Hey blaze would you like to come to a party tonight? " Austin asked.

"I have nothing to wear though"

Alan butted in screeching, "SHOPPING TIME!"

Alan had taken me shopping and i had gotten loads of new stuff. Tonight for the party i was wearing a black pierce the veil tee with black ripped skinnys and all black converse.Austin and Alan looked at me then each other and giggled, why are they laughing at me.

We had all gotten into Austins car and he drove us to this beautiful house.Thudding music got louder and louder as we stepped towards the door.Alan pounded on the door with a little tune, a good looking guy opened the door and shouted "MY LITTLE GINGER!" I recognised that voice then i realised who it was it was jaime from pierce the veil, why did i wear this god damn shirt.

Jaime saw me "And who is this stunning young lady" he said taking my hand. "Blaze" i answered. Jaime took me into the house forgetting about Alan and Austin. He got us shots and i downed it quickly,  the dark liquid stung the back of my throat, but i didn't care tonight i was gonna get drunk and forget about my fucked up life.

As the night went on i got more and more drunk and now i was smoking a joint with Mike and Alan. Jaime came over again and took me away,

"Later boys" i slurred, they just laughed at how drunk and high i was. Jaime sat me down on the stairs and leant in without thinking i pushed my self on to him kissing him, we were kissing for a few moments until he pulled away and asked me "How old are you?"

"18 today babyyyy" i replied very drunkenly.

"Its your birthday!" Jaime then pulled me towards a table and turned the music off, everyone looked at him and moaned, he climbed onto the table and pulled me up, what was he doing?.


i looked at him shocked i wasnt expecting that.Alan walked over to me and said "Heyyy how come you didnt tell me you were 18 today?"

"I didn't want you to fuss ginger kitten"

"oh so now that your 18 i can do this?"

"do wh-" before i had even finished my sentance Alans lips were locked on to mine kissing me, i kissed him back our lips moving perfectly in sync, he licked my bottom lip begging for entrance i denied it teasing him.Suddenly he bit my lip making me moan, slyly he snuck his tongue in my mouth, our tongues were hiting each other playfully. We both pulled away for air.That kiss with Alan was different from the kiss with Jaime, with Alan i felt fireworks, i just hope he did to...

*completed*Those in glass houses{Alan Ashby}Where stories live. Discover now