chapter 4

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Blaze's POV

I agreed coming to Alans house, i was so scared, what if he was some crazy pedo, what if he was a mass muderer.Stop it Blaze he's a just a nice guy. Urgg i dont see why i agreed i could have stayed in a motel. I guess im just scared because whenever i let someone in they always crush me, brake me, hurt me.

We had arrived at alans house, it looked so beautiful, compared to my house well my old house this was a palace.I guess he noticed my amazement as he took us inside.

"SOCKS! I MISSED YOU SO MUCH" Alan shouted in the highest voice ever. I looked over to him to see him cuddling a ginger cat with all white paws, he looked up at me blushing realising what he had just done "Sorry, this is socks my cat and this is marble my other kittie" he said it with a little grin on his face.Damn did that look cute.Blaze you just met him. I walked over to the kitties sitting on the sofa and picked up the the one called marble and started stroking its soft black and orange fur. I felt eyes burning into my skull and turned around to see Alan watching me play with his little cat. "Would you like anything to eat? im making bacon"

"ohhhhh yes that sounds so good right know" i said in a joyful tone.

Alan walked over with two plates full to the brim of bacon, my tummy rumbled just looking at it so i quickly dug in. I was finished in under ten mins and Alan was just staring at me wide mouthed,

"ive never seen someone eat so fast"

"Sorry its just been forever since ive had bacon"

"Its ok dont apologise, i think its cute young peasant"

"Hey who are you calling a peasant you ginger princess"

"you my little kitten" he said proudly.

I took his half eaten plate of bacon and ate it running away after."Hey come back here i wanted that bacon!"

"NEVERRRRR!" i argued back dragging the R. I hid in a room down the hall, i saw something shine in the corner so i went to check it out. Oh my gosh it was a music award, i never knew he was in a band he seems so normal, wait guys in bands can be normal. I guess i thought most guys in bands slept around and were rude. Alan seemed different.

All of a sudden Alan came it "You stole my bacon!"

"I never knew you were in a band Alan"

"i guess theres a lot you dont know about me"

"maybe i should find out"

He took me to the living room and sat down with me, he told me how he was in love with this actor called zooey and how hes obssesed with cats, stuff about his family and that his favorite film is 500 days of summer. With that we watched the film, after a while i began to fall asleep and before i knew it i was out. I awoke to a flying feeling through my body then i realised Alan was carrying me to bed. He really didnt have to do all this for me.

*completed*Those in glass houses{Alan Ashby}Where stories live. Discover now