chapter 3

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Alans POV

I walked around the airport, i saw a girl sleeping on the chairs, she looked so peaceful.I slowly walked away taking in the sleeping girls beauty.

I realized i had to get to the plane before it was to late.Standing there waiting to get on was hurting my legs, finally they let us on.I walked over to my seat and waited to see who i was sitting next to.I looked past the chair and noticed the sleeping girl walking to the seat next to me, she stopped and stared at me for a few seconds;she looked nervous. Putting my hand out to her i said "Hi im Alan" she looked at me and shook my hand "Blaze" she replied.Blaze. Such a beautiful name.

This plane journey was boring and silent i fidgeted in my chair when i noticed Blaze wipe a tear away. I looked at her and asked her what was wrong. I know it wasn't any of my business but i couldn't just let her cry. I didnt expect her to answer me but she did she told me everything that was wrong, i looked at her, tears in my eyes, how could one person go through so much in a small amount of time. I didn't know what to do so i just pulled her into a hug while she sobbed into my shoulder.

"Sorry for telling you that, i know you didn't want to hear it"

i glanced at her lost for words, she was really broken and for some reason i wanted to be the one to fix her."Of course i wanted to hear it, i cant just watch a pretty face cry can i?"She looked away from me blushing.Was she seriously blashing, oh shut up alan you just met the girl.

We had landed finally, i couldnt wait to get home and see my kitties, i hope austin fed them properly.

"Hey alan, do you know where the closest motel is?" Blaze asked.

"Do you not have a place to stay?"

"Nope, im gonna find a place tommorow."

"I know we just met but why dont you stay at my place tonight, i have a spare bedroom?" I know that was a strange question to ask someone you just met but i feel so connected to her, plus i think she needs someone there for her, we could possibly become great friends.

"Hummm, ok why not you already know my life story."

I got us a taki and gave him my adress. Blaze looked so shocked at my place, her house must have been a wreck as my house is not that impressive considering i'm in a well known band.

*completed*Those in glass houses{Alan Ashby}Where stories live. Discover now