chapter 10

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Blaze's POV

I can't believe its warped tommrow, I will be finally working. I hope I can watch Alan sometimes though, I don't want to miss him rocking out on stage.

I don't know what me and Alan are, we share a bed and we act like a couple and stuff but we haven't made anything official or spoke about what's going on. I hope he makes it official, I'm really falling for him.

I'm putting my last tank top I'm my bag when a feel a pair of arms snaking round my waist. I turn around expecting to see Alan but instead my eyes meet Austin's.

"Yourr to good for Alann, you know thatt" he said slurring some words, he was clearly drunk.

"come on Austin your pretty drunk"

I took him to the spare room and layed him down on the bed. I was about to walk out the door when Austin called me back in.

"Blaze can you stay with me, I don't wanna be alone" for some reason he looked like he was about to burst into tears.

"what's wrong Austin?" I asked while laying onto the bed,

"I just really miss my mum, I keep thinking if I've made her pounds or not" it was clear he started crying, I could see his shoulders shaking.

I walked round to the other side of the bed and got in, now I was facing Austin. I snuggled in to his chest and cuddled him until sleep consumed us.

I walked over to the rotting door, hearing thuds I open it with a loud screech, although the sound could have woken a baby my parents didn't notice I was here. My dad was kicking  my mum in the stomach she was screaming in pain begging for him to stop. I screamed out for him to stop but nobody seemed to notice my existence, kicking the door shut I ran over to this horrible man and punched him in the face only to realise my hand went straight through his face. what's going on. suddenly my mum got up and slapped the evil man in the face without warning he picked up the vase and smashed it over her head. glass shatted around my mums body as the door opened, I looked up only to see myself.

I awoke covered in sweat, I looked over to Austin still sound asleep. running out of the room I felt the familiar feeling sliver through my body.

I did nothing to help her I just ran away like I usually do, I deserved to be punished. I deserved to die not her,  he could still be out there and its my fault he could be hurting other women and I could have stopped him but I just ran.

walking into the bathroom I took a razor head. Tearing it apart I was left with the 3 blades, sliding the metal across my skin I watched the blood pour from the deep cuts.

*completed*Those in glass houses{Alan Ashby}Where stories live. Discover now