chapter 27

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blinded by the bright light I just awoke to, I sealed my eyes back shut not feeling ready to open them again.

"Blaze" I heard a familiar voice call "are you awake"

I opened one eye than the other blinking a few times to, adjust to the lighting. where the Fuck am I.

"where am I" I asked the person next to me.

"oh your in a safe place"

I looked over at the person and realisation hit me.

my father was seated next to me a sinister grin on his face.

Looking at the environment around me I noticed we were in an abandoned dentists. well considering the fact I was tied in a dentists chair with the bright lights shining on me.

I looked down at my body noticing blood dripping from a large cut in my stomach.

I was about to shout for help when

I saw Alexia enter dragging a body along the ground. As she tied it to a chair in front of me I noticed it was Alan.

"Alan" I whispered

"Alan" I said alot louder as I saw him stir. He awoke and smiled at me

"it will be okay Blaze, I love you more than anything never forget that" he said a tear rolling down his cheek.

"i love you too alan"

before i could say anything else i felt a sharp pain in my neck and everything went black...

*completed*Those in glass houses{Alan Ashby}Where stories live. Discover now