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I was back home, Anne was at her job interview, so I was left alone to make dinner.

My phone rang and I didn't pick it up for another few rings after reading the caller ID in shock, "Mom?"

She sighed into the phone, "Yes, it's me. I didn't want to interrupt whatever life you're living now-" I bit my cheek, letting the sting simmer down. "But your dad is sick. Really sick." That was my mom, curt and straight to the point.

"What's wrong with dad?" Maybe they weren't my favourite people in the world because of the previous events, but my parents were still my parents and I wouldn't want them to be going through anything unfortunate.

I mean, I haven't heard from them in almost two years, the last being a final call, warning me about my decision to move out.

"He had a heart attack," she began. The words hit me hard and I tried not to let the funny itch in my nose and the stinging in my eyes, become something else. "We don't know if anything else is to occur, or how bad it's going to affect him in the future yet- the doctors haven't gotten back to us... but I thought you should know."

"When did this happen?" I had walked out from the kitchen and slowly sunk into the couch.

"Just yesterday," she replied. "You should come see him," her words were hesitant. "But don't say anything that might upset him, Selene. You know," she continued. "Maybe staying with us for a few days can put him at ease."

I mentally scoffed, "You're the ones that kicked me out remember? So I don't know how coming back is going to ease him up."

A sharp exhale came from her before saying, "How typically selfish of you. Always bringing the conversation back to you, so that you come across as some victim. Can you, just this once, put your own needs aside and just tell your dad what he wants to hear?"

My eyes rolled at her words, "And what is it that he wants to hear?"

"That you're going to apply to a good college and become a person of great use- it's all he ever wanted, Selene."

"You want me to lie to him?"

It was her turn to scoff, except she did so out loud, "You know what? Forget I said anything."

The phone clicked and I groaned in frustration. As much as I hated the idea of going back, I knew that I had to see my dad. I would hate myself even more if something else happened and I didn't go because I simply didn't feel like going.

Work wouldn't be a problem, I hardly used my vacation days, and the owner was a man of reason and understanding- not to mention his wife, who was also his co-worker, that shared the same characteristics.

I got up from the couch and went over to the laptop sitting on the desk at the corner, reluctantly ready to search and book the first flight back 'home.'

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