Car Chase

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Bree, Connor, Emmerich, and Bo Peep walked out of the story and all of the children and doctors who haven't seen Bo Peep in that zombie like form screamed and shielded their eyes.

"Whoa!  What happened?"  Jack asked.

"Bo?!"  Red said in shock.  "WHAT IS SHE DOING BACK?!!  SHE'S DEAD!"

"I put her in my story, and her staff will be the staff we need for the staff of magic." Bree said.

"That was your story! Do you have nightmares every night? Because your story was a nightmare!" Red yelled.

"Well thank you for that awesome feedback Red." Bree said sarcastically.

Suddenly, a bright light surrounded Bo Peep and she was restored to her old normal self. She was now wearing regular clothes. A bright yellow blouse, with a pair of blue jeans, blue flats and her hair was down and curled.

"What happened?" Bo Peep said smiling and admiring her new look.

"Ok lets admit, you looked terrible. So I used my magic to make you look like your normal self." Mother Goose said.

"Thank you!" Bo Peep said and hugged Emmerich tightly.  Emmerich smiled and hugged her back.

"Well, if we're going to build this staff, we're going to have to leave now."  Connor said. 

"Yeah, it'll be a long drive to get to Connecticut."  Bree said.

"So who's in?"  Connor asked.  Red, Jack, Mother Goose, Bree, Emmerich, and Bo Peep raised their hands.

"I'll go too."  Edward said.  "Just to keep an eye on my daughter."

"I'll stay with your army and help."  Arthur said.

"Ok then, let's go!"  Connor said.  Charlotte and Bob hugged Connor and wished him luck.  Jack handed Hero back to Goldilocks and kissed them both.

"I'll be back."  Jack said.

"Be careful."  Goldilocks said with tears forming in her eyes. 

Everyone got back on to the ship and landed it back into the pond.  Arthur got off and walked over to the army to give them the news.

"I'll drive all of you in my car."  Edwards said and led them to a CIA black SUV.  Everyone got in and there was just enough room for all of them in the three rowed car.  Once everyone got in they drove off.
In the castle, The Queen of Hearts saw them drive off in the car.  She grumbled and stomped her foot. 

"What's wrong Queen?"  The Wicked Witch asked.

"I just saw The Masked Mans annoying nephew get into a moving machine of some kind with all his annoying friends and leave."  The Queen Of Hearts explained and put her hands on her hips.

"We can't let them get away.  They must have a plan to defeat us."  Captain Hook said.  "We have to stop them."

"I'll send my monkeys after them."  The Wicked Witch said.  Her golden hat flowed and a bunch of flying monkeys flew through the windows.  "Go follow the moving machine and kill everyone in there."

The flying monkeys screeched and flew out the window, and started to chase the car.
Back in the car, everyone was quiet as a mouse.  Red, Bo Peep, and Jack inspected the car having never seen on in their life. Mother Goose just sat there looking out the window.

"This magic carriage is nice."  Red finally said breaking the silence.

"Thanks, but this is actually a car."  Edward said.  "So I haven't gotten all of your names yet."

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