A Future Worth Waiting For

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(Hi everyone! This was my favorite chapter to write in this story. I hope you like it and remember to vote and comment.) Disneylove8🦄😎

Conner instantly woke up and quickly sat up.  He was lying on bright green grass, and surrounding him were big houses in a row and a castle in the distance, that kind of looked like the Charming Kingdom Castle.

"Ok, I'm either dead, or I'm in the Fairytale world."  Conner said and stood up.  "But I was just in the Fairytale world.  It didn't look like this.  I must be dreaming."

"Hello."  A voice said behind him.  Conner jumped and turned around.  He saw a little girl that didn't look much older than 8 sitting on the steps of her huge blue house. She had blue eyes, and brown hair, and wore a silver and purple dress.

"Um, hi." Conner said and slowly walked towards her. "Do you know where I am? Is this heaven?"

The little girl laughed and stood up. "No, this the Fairytale World."

"But I was just here, and it didn't look like this. The houses were burnt down, windows shattered, and the sky, it was grey! It wasn't this nice blue! I must be dreaming then."

"Your not dreaming, and your most certainly not dead." The little girl said.

"Then where am I!" Conner said and stood in front of the girl now very confused.

"How about you come in my house. I think everything will be explained inside." The little girl said and opened the door to her house. Conner sighed, he was so desperate to find out where he was, he walked in. The little girl walked in behind him and closed the door. Conner walked around and looked at all the pictures. They were pictures of a guy that kind of looked like himself, with the little girl, and a blond women. He didn't get a good look at all of them, until his eyes fell on a huge family portrait of all of them.

"That kind of looks like me." Conner said. He bent down and looked at the golden name plate at the bottom it read...The Bailey Family. Conner, Bree, and Sophie. "No way. That's me, that's Bree, and..." Conner looked at the little girl and started to tear up. He now knew exactly where you are.

"Hi, I'm Sophie." She said and smiled.

"I'm, I'm in the future." Conner said. "And your my."

"I'm your daughter." She said. "It's nice meeting you."

"I can't believe this. I didn't know the Staff of Magic could do that."

"I don't know much about the Staff of Magic, but I think the library might."

"We have a library." Conner said.

Sophie nodded and led him to the library. She opened the doors to the library and Conner gasped. His life was going to be awesome.

"I don't read a lot of books, but this is awesome!" Conner said.

"You don't read very much in the future either." Sophie said grabbing a book from the shelf. "I read about the Staff of Magic a few hours ago. It says here that you have to all 5 stones in order for the staff to work."

"We only had 4.  How did it send us here?"

"The staff is powered by the persons magic and what he or she is thinking."

"Alex and I were holding it at the same time, and I was thinking about...the future, and how she would be back to her normal self."  Conner said.  "I sent us here. Alex's magic must have powered the Staff and what I was thinking sent us here.  Wait if I'm here, where's Alex?"

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