Talking ok?

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Your POV
Everyone went to their rooms and I sat against the wall near my room outside, kind of keeping watch. I heard a door open and saw it was Allen. He smiled.
"Hey (y/n)," he said as he sat besides me.
"Hey big bro," I said smiling back.
"What are you doing out here," he asked.
"Oh nothing, kind of keeping watch is all," I said.
"Keeping watch? (Y/n), were on a train," he said.
"That doesn't mean something bad won't happen," I said.
He put his hand on my head, ruffling my hair.
"Hey, you've never talked about anything that happened. You can't keep it pent up forever (y/n), come on, talk to me," he said comfortingly.
I shook as I remembered all the deaths, all the fights, the blood, how I could've saved them but I couldn't... I promised to never let anyone get hurt again. And that I'd keep to myself so that no one had a burden to carry.
"I...I can't," I said shakily.
"Hey shhhh it's ok," Allen said as he hugged me.
I pushed him away lightly.
"I promised... No one would get hurt on my watch, no one would carry the burden. I don't want to break that promise," I said pulling my legs to my chest.
"(Y/n), it's ok. I promise, no one is going anywhere," he said soothingly.
"How can you be so sure," I asked quietly.
"Because, believe it or not we have some pretty powerful friends," he said laughing.
"Come on (y/n), everyone here are people you can trust. They won't let anything happen to you or them," he said.
"Just this once," I said as I clung to him," I-I think it's ok to cry."
I began crying and Allen hugged me like when we were little. Back then I'd cry a lot, I'd cry because I'd had nightmares or mean people picked on Allen and I. Allen being my brother stood up for me and never left my side, it was me who left his side.
"I-I'm sorry... I'm so so sorry Allen," I said crying.
"For what," he asked.
"For leaving. I should've stayed with you, Leena, and Kanda. Now I've missed out on a lot of things," I said shakily.
"It's alright (y/n), you did what you felt was right," he said kissing my forehead.
I held on to him tighter and cried more, I cried for my friends who were no longer with me, for the times of missed with Allen and Leena and Kanda, for being alone carrying a burden that cracked slowly, and for not coming home sooner.
"I won't tell you anything about what I've seen just yet big bro. I'll wait till I'm ok to tell," I said quietly.
"Alright, just make sure you don't keep me waiting too long," he said smiling.
"I won't. But for now, fill me in on what's been going on since I've been gone," I said, finally calming down.
"Alright then," he said.
He told me about how he, Leena, and Lavi found Krory who actually thought he was a vampire but turned out his teeth were made of innocence and he was able to suck their blood but only Akuma blood. Then of the time when they found Miranda and her clock and ran into the Noah, specifically Road. Then he brought up that Suman had become a fallen one and even when he tried, he couldn't save him, Tyki's butterflies were inside Suman who was already brain dead. Tyki had also crushed his innocence.
"Wait if he crushed it, then how is it still right here," I asked poking his arm.
"Well let me finish the story," he said smiling.
Turns out that Allen was supposed to die cause the butterflies ate at his heart, but his innocence saved him. Afterwards, he was found by the Asian branch and Bak, Fo, and 3 science division members helped him restore it better than before. All he had to do was draw the line between humanity and Akuma and have a strong sense of self.
"That's how you got clown crown," I asked.
"Yep. I fully synchronized with my innocence," he said.
"Oh wow," I said in awe.
He told me about the level 4 who came to life and may I say, creepy. That bastard is the reason we moved to a new headquarters. We had the Akuma egg in our possession though, along with the Ark. Turns out Mana was the 14ths younger brother and when the original 14th died, mana became the next 14th, then when mana died, he planted the memories in Allen.
"Wait, Master told you this," I asked angrily.
"Yeah," he said.
"Why the hell would Mana do that," I yelled.
"(Y/n), calm down or you'll wake everyone up," he said.
"How can I be calm?! I could lose my only brother," I said.
"I won't turn into the 14th, I'm still Allen Walker," he said determined.
I looked him dead in the eye and all of a sudden a door slammed open.
"Walker what is the meaning of the yelling and how do I know you have something to do with it," a man with blonde hair in a ponytail with 2 dots on his forehead said as he walked over to us.
"S-Sorry Link. Just filling in (y/n) here with everything and she's pisses about our master and mana thing," he said scratching his neck.
" 'our'? You have the same master," "link" asked.
"Yeah, I'm Allen's fraternal twin, younger by a few minutes. You are," I said.
"Twin?! Oh great this will be loads of reporting," link said sighing.
I looked at Allen confused.
"Y-You see, this is Link Howard, he's an inspector and he's supposed to follow me around and report anything unusual to chief lverier (sorry)," he said.
"Hello Link Howard, I'm (y/n) Walker," I said waving.
"Yes, hello," he said as he went back to his room.
Allen and I laughed. He continued telling me and I laughed when he forgot to mention Road kissed him.
"HAHAHHA Allen that's priceless," I said laughing.
"Oi, not funny (y/n)," he said slightly angry.
"Maybe not to you," i said stopping my laughter.
"Anyways, I just talked to master before coming on this mission. When we get back I think he'd be glad to see you," he said.
"I'm pretty sure neither of us believed what you just said," I said.
"True," he said.
"Alright now head to bed, you do need your rest," he said.
"What about Leena and Kanda," I asked.
"You wanna hear about them too," he asked.
I nodded rapidly. He smiled and began saying how Kanda was Kanda, grouchy and still picking on Allen.
"I doubt you're so innocent either," I scolded.
"He totally starts it all the time," Allen said defensively.
"Sureeee I'll believe it when I see it," I said rolling my eyes.
Allen sighed exasperatedly and continued his story. He told about how he killed the Noah known as Skinn Bolic, the wrath of the Noah's. He ended up breaking Mugen and i couldn't have been more shocked. He then told about Leena. She lost her hair while overdoing it with her innocence to beat a level 3 and save people. Her innocence synchronization was actually very low afterwards and Hevalska took it to hold onto it until she was ready. I felt bad for Leena, she had to have that kind of innocence... During the level 4 fight, she swallowed her innocence and it used her blood and became a crystal type of innocence.
"Oh wow," I said surprised.
"Yep, me and Leenalee might be the "Heart"," he said.
"Wow! That's still pretty cool," I said in awe.
Allen smiled.
"What about Lavi," I asked.
"What about him," he asked.
"What's with him," I asked.
"Rude. Didn't peg you as the type to hate me at first sight (y/n), you're so cold," Lavi said fake crying.
"Huh? No Allen's been telling me about everyone, but hadn't brought you up," I said.
"Allennnnn I thought we were cool," Lavi said sitting next you Allen.
"We are but truth be told I met you in a hospital room," Allen said thoughtfully.
"Good point," Lavi said.
"Well Lavi, what's your story," I asked.
He told me that him and Bookman came to the order to have a closer look at the battle that was going on. His innocence was equipment type, a hammer. Red hair, green eyes, one eye covered with an eye patch, he wore a black headband to keep the hair out of his face. He was good looking.
"He's the one who pisses kanda off the most," Allen said trying not to laugh.
"Yuu loves me, we just have a complicated relationship," Lavi complained.
"He loves you by trying to kill you," I asked.
"I ask the same thing," Allen muttered.
"Yep," Lavi said smiling.
"....ok," I said shrugging.
Can't beat 'em, join them.
"What about you (y/n)? Tell us about you," Lavi said.
"Nah, that's a story for another time. For now, let's head to bed," I said as I yawned.
"But-," Allen cut Lavi off by shushing him.
"Alright then goodnight (y/n)," Allen said as he stood up and helped me up.
"Night Allen, night Lavi," I said as I went to my room.

"What was that about," Lavi asked Allen.
"(Y/n) is hard to convince to sleep, if we hadn't stepped out and talked to her, she would've stayed making sure no one attacked us," Allen said sighing.
"Ohhhhh wait keep watch? Wow, must be pretty bad what she's gone through," Lavi said.
"Yeah and she still won't talk about it. She did cry though, that's a step," Allen said.
"Yeah, it is," Lavi said glancing at her door.
"Alright, night Lavi," Allen said.
"Night Allen," Lavi said as they went into their rooms

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