Relax ok?

905 29 2

Your POV
I heard knocking on my door and got up. The knocking continued.
"Going," I said.
I put my slippers on and opened the door.
"Morning (y/n)," Allen said.
"Morning Allen," I said yawning and letting him in.
"Slept well," he asked.
"Yeah, comfy bed," I said laying back down.
He laughed.
"What did you do yesterday that you're not up yet," he asked sitting on my bed.
"Hm? Oh yesterday they took me to see Master and then Lavi and I hung out," I said.
"You got to see master? What'd he say," he asked.
"Turns out I'm half Noah," I said grouchily.
"What?! what do you mean," he asked shocked.
"Well it could just be in my DNA or I'm implanted with memories too. Maybe a 15th Noah," I mumbled.
Allen sighed and laid down.
"Master knows about what I've been doing. Going solo because my groups never worked out," I said quietly.
"What? How does he know," he asked.
"He does keep tabs on us. He wants me to get over it and use it to make me stronger so their deaths won't be in vain," I said.
"Well I guess that's one thing he's right about," he mumbled.
I laughed slightly.
"He also said that more people will be after me and that he knows me and you will become great exorcists and people," I said tears slipping from my eyes.
Allen laid down next to me and hugged me comfortingly.
"He cares huh," Allen asked.
"Yeah. He knows we cared about him too, even if we didn't show it," I said as I cried more.
"Shhhh, it's ok," he said as he hugged me tightly.
"I-I feel like that's the last time we'll see h-him because of all this," I managed to say.
"No, I'm sure we'll see him again," he said reassuringly.
Allen hugged me until I calmed down. We heard a knock at the door and Allen got up. Allen opened the door and I heard Lavi.
"Hey (y/n), it's Lavi. Can he come in," Allen asked.
"Yeah," I said wiping my face.
Lavi came in and Allen closed the door.
Lavi saw me and furrowed his brows.
"What happened," Lavi asked.
"Just telling Allen about what Master said," I said.
"Oh," Lavi said.
"Wait where's Timcanpy," Allen asked.
"Maybe he's back at your room," I said.
"Alright I'll be right back," Allen said as he left.
"Soooooo what do you want to do today," Lavi asked.
"Hmmmm how about a mission," I said.
"Nope, you're resting," he said.
"No buts, until further notice you're on vacation," he said.
".....why," I asked.
"Because you need to rest," he said.
I sighed.
"Fine, I'll rest," I said.
"Good, now how about we take you to the city and shop or buy decorations," he suggested.
"Hmmm I don't know Lavi," I said hesitant.
"Come on, we'll take Leenalee, Allen, Miranda, Yuu, and Krory," he said.
"*sighs* I guess. Let me change and I'll be right out," I said picking out an outfit.
"Ok," Lavi said as he plopped into the couch.
"What are you doing," I asked.
"Waiting," he said.
"Out," I said as I kicked him out. Literally.
I put on my (f/o) along with my (f/c) hoodie. I got outside and saw Allen chasing Tim. I laughed and Tim landed on my head.
"Hey Timcanpy," I said hugging the golem.
"Tim you're not very funny," Allen said.
Tim smiled and I laughed.
"Me and Lavi are going into town, wanna come," I asked.
"Sure," he said smiling.
"Alright let's ask Leena, Miranda,Krory, and Yuu," I said.
"Actually they just got sent on an errand to visit the other branches," Allen said.
"Ok, then just me, you, and Lavi," I said.
Tim growled.
"And Tim," we said laughing.
Lavi walked up to us and whined.
"How come Timcanpy gets more love then meeeeee," Lavi complained while faking being hurt.
"Cause Tims not a perv," I said.
"Wait, what," Allen asked.
"Lavi was going to stay in my room while I changed," I said stepping aside immediately.
"Lavi, don't try anything with my sister. I will hurt you," Allen threatened while glaring at Lavi.
"Alright, alright my bad," Lavi said.
I laughed and we told Komui where we'd be going.
"Oh? I'm surprised you'd agree to this (y/n)," Komui said.
"Yeah well I don't have much of a choice," I said.
"*smiles* go out and rest, go be your age ok," Komui said.
"I'll try," I said with a sigh.
We left and went around town.
"Well how about instruments (y/n)?? You still play violin," Allen asked.
"Hehe.. Funny story. My violin kinda broke on one of my missions," I said.
"Then how about we go check them out," Lavi suggested.
I nodded and we walked through lots of instrument shops, none of the violins really caught my attention. In one of the shops, Timcanpy pulled at my ear by biting it and led me to the beautifulest violin I'd ever seen. It's traditional colored, made of beautiful wood, and had a loud sound of you plucked at the strings.
"Hello, how may I help you today," a girl asked us.
"Of were just looking, my sister here plays violin but hers broke," Allen said.
"Is this the one you like," the girl who's name tag read 'Lizbeth' asked.
"Yeah, would it be ok if I took it out on a test run," I asked.
Lizbeth smiled and nodded," I'm surprised you'd like this particular style though, it's not a popular one. Never sold because people thought it wasn't good enough in style."
"Well I think it's beautiful, now to try out its sound," I said as I got the violin and a bow.

Lavi's POV
(Y/n) is something. I swear a moment of hatred crossed her eyes when the clerk told her about it not being popular based on looks. I guess she might love this violin too much. She took a deep breath and played. Allen smiled and whispered," you've gotta watch this."
We stepped back to give her space and she played a beautiful song, her fingers danced across the board and the bow was graceful. I stood there amazed as the song began to get fast to where I couldn't keep up and just listened. The clerk smiled and applauded. (Y/n) started getting a crowd in and everyone whispered about how great (y/n) was doing. The song slowed again and she played one last note before the bow came to a stop. It was quiet for a while before claps and praising were shouted. (Y/n) smiled and a small pink blush tinted her cheeks as she bowed.
"That violin has never sounded that good! I'm amazed," the clerk said shocked.
"Sometimes you just have to give things a chance before letting them go completely," (y/n) said.
The manager came in and shook (y/n)s hand.
"That was wonderful playing young lady, never heard anything like it," the manager said.
"Thank you," (y/n) said putting up the violin.
"What do you think you're doing," he asked.
"Putting the violin in its place sir," she said.
"Oh no you're not," he said.
I looked at Allen confused and he just shrugged. The crowd dispersed and it was quiet again.
"Excuse me," she asked confused.
"Lizbeth, give our young musician here a case, rosin, and a bow of her choice. Along with a cleaning kit. On the house," the manager said smiling.
(Y/n) gasped and shook her head.
"Sir that's too generous, I can't accept," she said.
"Please accept, that violin has never sounded better and you see it's beauty. You're an amazing violinist, I'd like to see more of that talent," he said and lizbeth smiled.
"But sir there must be something I could do to even it out," she said.
"Keep playing, that's all we ask. Now go on, pick what you need," he said gesturing to the violin stuff.
(Y/n) smiled and thanked the manager. Lizbeth followed and told (y/n) about all the stuff they had.
"So your her brother," the manager asked Allen.
"Yes sir," he said shaking his hand.
"Your sister is very talented, where did she learn to play," he asked.
"Taught herself sir," Allen said.
"Wow, that's amazing. You don't see that anymore," he said.
"And you're," the manager asked me.
"A friend of theirs," I said shaking his hand.
"Ohhh, well you two being her back anytime. We'd be happy to have her play here," he said.
"Of course sir, thank you for offering her that," Allen said.
"No problem, now I must be taking my leave. Goodbye," the manager said as he left.
"She got a store to give her stuff free because of talent, I'm so proud," Allen said crying.
"Yeah that was really really amazing," I said.
"Thank you Mr.Kade and Mrs.Lizbeth! I really do appreciate this," (y/n) said.
"Of course Mrs.(y/n)," lizbeth said as the manager smiled.
"Bye, take care! We'll be back soon," (y/n) said.
"We look forward to it," they said as they waved.
We left the store and (y/n) put the violin like a backpack.
"I'm so proud of you," Allen said as he hugged (y/n).
(Y/n) smiled and Allen met her go.
"That was amazing back there! What else are you hiding," I asked jokingly, not really expecting an answer, but of course it is (y/n).
"Well... Drawing, ballroom dancing, regular dancing, and on occasion singing," she said scratching her cheek embarrassed.
My jaw dropped and Allen stood there proud, you could even see the sparkles coming off him. (Y/n) laughed and we continued shopping.
"Speaking of drawing, show me the ones you've done when we get back," Allen said.
"Heyyyy I wanna see them too," I said.
"*smiles* I'll show both of you," she said as she stood in between me and Allen, linking her arms with ours.

Lavi being forgotten lol sorryyyyy but don't worry 0u0 so many plans.... ~Ayaka

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