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Your POV
Leo led me to aisles where stuff I requested was and Allen finally came back. For music notes, there were stickers for the walls, music note 3D to hand on the wall, and some instrument decor.
"How about getting a violin decor along with stickers for your room door," Allen suggested.
"Yeah, and the music note decor to hang on your wall," Lavi suggested.
I nodded and Allen put that in the bag. We then went to the (f/a) sections and I saw throw pillows decorated with them and fell in love with them.
"Those those those! Can we get them! Pleaseeee," she asked cutely.
"Anything you want (y/n)," Allen said as we both smiled.
She threw in 4 throw pillows and we went to the art section.
"Wow, this is an eye catcher," Lavi said.
"Then get one silly," I said.
"Uhhhh not sure on which one," Lavi said.
"Then I'll help," I said looking at Lavi then at the pictures.
I saw one that had an urban feel to it and showed it to Lavi.
"See, this one has a fancy park bench surrounded my flowers and trees, kind of like a secret hide out," I said.
"If you recommend it, then I'll take it," Lavi said.
"What about you Bro," I asked Allen.
"Nah, I rather have your drawings on my wall," Allen said.
I smiled and picked out one that had a tower with water and a city and light orbs on it.
"That one is called Starry Night by Da Vinci," Leo said.
"It's beautiful," I said in awe.
I carefully passed it to Allen and he carefully held it. Now to the photo frames. I got 10 different ones, 3 that could hold 15 pictures and one said family,the other said love, and the other one said friends. The other frames were for her drawings or pictures i wanted to have on hand with me. For mirrors I got an oval shaped one to put... Well I was going to move stuff around so I wasn't sure where itd go just yet.
"That it," Lavi asked.
"Yep," I said.
"What about this table (y/n)? Your other one is wearing down," Allen said pointing to a table that had a marble top and (f/c) legs.
"Hmmmm what do you think," I asked both of them.
"I think it suits the room vibe," Lavi said.
"I think it'd go nicely," Allen said.
I nodded at Leo and got a box that held its parts along with a few chairs in another box. Allen and Lavi got the boxes and I held the bags now. I payed with the help of Lavi and Allen because they insisted even though I said no.
"Alright, now we're going home," Allen said.
"Agree, we can come again tomorrow and look around more. For now I've got a room to redesign," I said.
Allen opened a gate to the order and we landed in HQ entrance, inside of course.
"Need help there guys," Johnny and Reever asked.
"Yes please," we said.
A few science division members helped take the stuff to where my room was. When we got there I opened the door and thanked them.
"Anytime (y/n)! Now have fun redecorating," Johnny said as they left.
I felt a weight being lifted from my arm and saw Lavi getting the bags.
"Lavi I've got it," I said.
"Nope, now let me help," he said stubbornly.
I gave up knowing he'd win the fight and gave him the bags. He put them next to the boxes and we went inside. I gasped when I looked inside. My room was now painted (f/c) instead of the dull gray it had once been.
"When did this-," I was cut off when I turned around.
"Let this be our welcome home gift," Komui said smiling and gesturing to the science department.
"Thank you guys so so much," I said smiling and a few tears left my eyes.
"Allen told us what your favorite color was and we took it from there. But in all honesty it was the departments decision, we're glad to have you back," Komui said and everyone smiled too.
"One more time everyone!" Johnny yelled.
"Welcome home (y/n)," the science department yelled.
The tears fell freely.
"Good to be home," I said happily.
"Well let you get to your decorating then, have fun," Komui said as he and the others left.
We went into my room and took out the couch, old table, old flowers, and plain white curtains. We shoved it all into a pile outside my room and I looked around. The room was kind of a square but a big square. The door was more on the right side of the entering wall, so I put my bed, with the help of Allen and Lavi, perpendicular to the left corner of them room. My closet was on the left side of the room so I put the oval mirror hanging next the the door but not too close to where if I slammed open my closet door it'd smash. I looked around an decided to make my bed parallel to the wall and moved it again. Allen and Lavi set up the table for the center of the room along with its chairs but I decided to move to more to the right center of the room so they moved it. One of my windows was a bay window so I put the extra throw pillows there. I put up my friends, love, and family photo frames they were all on the back wall, the pattern was frame, window, frame, Window, frame.
"All I need is a new couch and that's it for furniture I think," I said thinking.
"Maybe a Vanity dresser would do it. Girls use them for make up and putting their stuff on," Link said as he stood outside the door.
"Oh! One of those too. Thanks link," I said.
"Don't forget about your door (y/n)," Lavi said pointing to where they left the stuff.
"Right," I said as I got the violin decor and put it on the center of the door and put the music note stickers all over the door as well.
"Looks nice," Link commented.
"Thanks," I said smiling.
"Want me to put Leenalees vase somewhere specific (y/n)," Allen asked.
"Hmmmm center of the table," I said.
He put the empty case in center of the table and stepped back along with Lavi to look at the room.
"So maybe since there's 2 windows, I can put the vanity in the center of the two and two moderate sized couches on the other side of the windows," I said picturing it.
"Yeah but if you expect a conversation I recommend putting the couches on the right side of the room facing the left wall with a coffee table and two chairs facing that couch," Lavi said.
"Good point," I said.
"The vanity would be good between the windows though," Allen said.
"Yep," I said.
"And you could get some (2/f/c) curtains for the Windows," Allen said.
"Definitely," I said happily.
"You'll keep the chest at the foot of your bed," Lavi asked.
"Yeah," I said.
"Ok then, I think all that's missing is to hang up the music note decor and painting," Lavi said.
"Oh yeah! I almost forgot about that too," I said getting some nails to hand up the decor.
"I'll go get some more nails and another hammer, be right back," Allen said.
I climbed the mini ladder and hammered the nails to the walls. Lavi would pass me nails and music notes as I moved around to distribute them evenly. Though while hammering one I accidentally slipped and Lavi caught me.
"Woah, ok, let's slow down before you break something," he said.
We both paused and time stopped for that brief moment. It was just me and him and my heart hammered in my chest. It was like in the books I'd read where the girl and boy admit each other's feelings but Lavi and I had only known each other for 2 or 3 days... And yet... I trust him as much as I trust Allen, maybe even more. What if I... Like him? He won't leave he promised but... I shook the thoughts out of my head.
"Thanks lavi," I said snapping out of it.
"Huh? Uh yeah sure," he said putting me down.
I went back to hammering and pondered over the idea. I like a boy I just met. Well he has been really nice, he's cute, funny, and smart. What's not to like? Maybe if we hang out more I'll know for sure. This could just be a reaction for all I know.  Allen came back and passed more nails and a different hammer.
"Where should I put the painting," I asked.
"How about on top of where the couch would be," Allen said.
I nodded and nailed it up to about the center of the right wall.
"Done," I said.
"It looks so you (y/n)," Allen said smiling.
"Yeah, I like it. Thanks for helping out you two, I really appreciate it," I said.
"Anytime," they said.
"That reminds me, here," Allen said as he passed me a wrapped up gift.
"What's this for," I asked.
"Just a little welcome home gift," Allen said smiling.
I carefully opened the gift and squealed in excitement. Allen had gotten me the Harry Potter book I wanted!! I went over and hugged him thanking him endlessly. He laughed and hugged back.
"Glad you like it," Allen said smiling.
"No fair Allen, you killed my gift," Lavi said sighing.
"Your gift," I asked confused.
Lavi passed me a rectangular wrapped box and I carefully opened it too. I opened the box and inside were acrylic and oil paint. I gasped happily and hugged Lave excitedly, thanking him endlessly as well.
"When did you get them," I asked.
"I may have lied and got the last they had in stock," he said.
I hugged him again and he hugged back. He's so warm... Ok snap out of it. I let go of him and put both gifts on my nightstand for the time being.
"Alright, I think we should go now, it's 1am," Allen told Lavi.
"Alright, night (y/n)," Lavi said as he left.
"Night Lavi," I said.
"Night (y/n)," Allen said smiling.
"Night bro, and thanks for everything today," I said as I put the blankets over me.
"Anything for my little sister," he said.
Timcanpy flew over to me and I kissed his head.
"Night Tim," I said as I hugged him.
He flew back with Allen and he closed the door. I laid down happily thinking about the eventful day.

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